Safe Entry
In matters of safety, making sure the most accessible and visible areas of a school are protected is key. To that end, the Canyons Board of Education fast-tracked the timeline to install vestibules in all elementary and middle schools to provide additional security at the schools’ front entrances. The vestibules include an additional set of security doors at front entrances, which funnel visitors to the main office before they can access the rest of the school, and provide a layer of security and opportunity to welcome, orient and provide good customer service to our patrons. Every adult in a school building will have visible some form of identification. Employees must wear their employee ID cards. Parents and guardians are required to show a picture ID to check students out of class. Visitors who come to the school to volunteer in class also need to show a picture ID and log in on the computer in the main office to receive a visitor badge.
Emergency Drills
Canyons District’s schools treat every emergency drill as a teachable moment and opportunity to commit response protocols to memory. Emergency drills establish greater predictability and help all stakeholders — students, emergency responders, teachers and parents — work together in lockstep, because they know what to expect and what’s expected of them. All Canyons District schools practice lockdown and shelter-in-place drills throughout the year, in addition to preparing for a host of other threats, from fires and earthquakes to hazardous materials. Elementary students participate in these exercises at least once a month. Secondary schools hold quarterly drills.
Elementary Schools
Drill Calendar
- August-September - Fire and Lockdown with "Run, Hide, Fight" video for employees
- October - Secure
- November - Bomb Threat
- December - Hold
- January - Fire
- February - Hazardous Materials
- March - Carbon Monoxide
- April - Earthquake
- May - Drill of your Choice
Middle and High Schools
Drill Calendar
- August-September - Fire and Lockdown with "Run, Hide, Fight" video for employees
- November - Secure
- January - Fire
- April - Earthquake

HOLD! In your room or area. Clear the halls.
- Clear the hallways and remain in room or area until the “All Clear” is announced
- Do business as usual
- Close and lock the door
- Account for students and adults
- Do business as usual

SECURE! Get inside. Lock outside doors.
- Return to inside of building
- Do business as usual
- Bring everyone indoors
- Lock outside doors
- Increase situational awareness
- Account for students and adults
- Do business as usual

LOCKDOWN! Locks, lights, out of sight.
- Move away from sight
- Maintain silence
- Do not open the door
- Recover students from hallway if possible
- Lock the classroom door
- Turn out the lights
- Move away from sight
- Maintain silence
- Do not open the door
- Prepare to evade or defend

EVACUATE! (A location may be specified)
- Leave stuff behind if required to
- If possible, bring your phone
- Follow instructions
- Lead students to Evacuation location
- Account for students and adults
- Notify if missing, extra or injured students
or adults

SHELTER! Hazard and safety strategy.
Use appropriate safety strategy for the hazard
- Lead safety strategy
- Account for students and adults
- Notify if missing, extra or injured students
or adults
Safety Strategy
Evacuate to shelter area
Seal the room
Drop, cover and hold
Get to high ground
Standard Response Protocol distributed by The “I Love U Guys” Foundation. Conifer, CO.