







400 - 人事政策


政策500.01 –非歧视政策




  1. POLICY STATEMENT OF NON-DISCRIMINATION                                                                                 Canyons School District prohibits discrimination and harassment on the basis of age, race, color, disability, gender, gender identity, national origin, pregnancy, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status. No District employee or student shall be subjected to discrimination in employment or any District program or activity on the basis of age, race, color, disability, gender, gender identity, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status. The District will promptly investigate all allegations of discrimination and harassment, according to the procedures outlined in this policy, and a substantiated charge will result in disciplinary action under student discipline and employee discipline policies (i.e., Policy—500.02-Student Conduct and Disciplinary Process and Termination of Employment Policies). Canyons School District is committed to providing equal access and a safe learning environment and equal opportunity in its programs, services and employment including its policies, complaint processes, program accessibility, District facility use, accommodations and other Equal Employment Opportunity matters. 
  2. 教育委员会致力于提供一个不受非法歧视,骚扰和/或报复的工作和教育环境。 
  3. The purpose of this policy is to promote a work and educational environment at the District that is free of unlawful discrimination, harassment, and/or retaliation, and to affirm the Board’s commitment to non-discrimination, equity in education, and equal opportunity for employment. The District shall not deny equal access or a fair opportunity to meet, or discriminate against, any youth group listed in Title 36 of the United States Code as a patriotic society that wishes to meet at the school.  
  4. 学区应以机会均等雇主的身份运作,并将为所有人提供并保障所有人不受歧视地在学区内寻找,获得,持有和发展工作的机会。董事会应:在平等的基础上考虑申请人;宣传学区提供平等机会就业的承诺;审查平等机会就业的状况,并确保所有人都有充分的机会并有机会竞争可用的就业机会。
  5. 董事会禁止对以下个人实施非法歧视、欺凌、骚扰和/或报复:1) 报告歧视指控,2) 提出正式投诉或报告非法活动或违反学区政策的行为(请参阅政策 410.11-关注点,投诉、申诉(已许可);Policy-420.08-关注、投诉、申诉),或 3) 参与调查过程。任何学区员工无视非法歧视、欺凌、骚扰或报复行为,均属违反本政策的行为。违反本政策可能会导致学生和学区员工受到纪律处分。
  6. Students or employees who believe that they have been subjected to unlawful discrimination, bullying, harassment, and/or retaliation shall report the incident immediately to the school principal, department supervisor, or designee, as outlined in the administrative regulations of this policy. Complaints will be investigated with fairness and reasonable speed.                                                  The following person has been designated to handle inquiries and complaints regarding unlawful discrimination, bullying, harassment, and retaliation:


    Assistant Legal Counsel – Compliance Officer                                                              Jeffrey Christensen

    桑迪(UT 84070)


  7. 教育委员会授权总监和地区行政管理部门制定与此政策一致的行政法规。



Definitions - 500.02-1

  1. 欺凌:  “欺凌”是指学校雇员或学生有意对学校雇员或学生采取书面,口头或身体行为,在这种情况下,合理的人应该知道或合理地预见其将具有以下效果:
    1. 对学校员工或学生造成人身或情感伤害; 
    2. 对学校员工或学生的财产造成损害; 
    3. 使学校雇员或学生合理地担心:
      1. 损害学校员工或学生的身心健康;或者
      2. 损害学校员工或学生的财产; 
    4. 由于以下原因造成敌对,威胁,侮辱或虐待的教育环境:
      1. 行为的普遍性,持久性或严重性;要么 
      2. 欺凌者与目标之间的力量差;要么 
    5. 实质上干扰具有安全的学校环境的学生,这对于促进学习成绩,机会或收益是必不可少的。
  2. 投诉人:投诉的个人或个人。
  3. 合规官:总监指定负责处理有关非法歧视、欺凌、骚扰和/或报复的询问和投诉的人员,目前是:

    桑迪(UT 84070)
    (801) 826-5061

  4. 投诉: 受屈方或证人提出的要求,即个人或机构进行了非法歧视,骚扰和/或报复。
  5. 失能:  严重限制一项或多项主要生活活动的个人身体或精神损伤、此类损伤的记录或被视为患有此类损伤。
  6. 歧视:基于年龄,肤色,残疾,性别,性别认同,国籍,怀孕,种族,宗教,性行为,会对员工或学生的环境产生不利影响或导致不同待遇或影响的行为,包括言语或手势等行为方向或退伍军人身份。
  7. 骚扰: Conduct, including words or gestures and other actions, repeatedly communicated to another individual, in an objectively demeaning or disparaging manner, that based on a totality of the circumstances contribute to a hostile, demeaning, or offensive work or school environment for the individual based upon age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status.
    1. The following list includes examples of harassment when based on a totality of the circumstances, and the conduct is based on a person or group’s actual or perceived membership in a Protected Class. This is not an exhaustive or comprehensive list and is not intended to cover all acts of harassment.
      1. Threatening, intimidating, or aggressive conduct directed at a student;
      2. Use of discriminatory language, epithets, slurs, negative stereotypes, name calling verbal abuse, derogatory comments, degrading descriptions, and hostile acts
      3. Verbal, written, or graphic material containing comments or stereotypes aimed at degrading students
      4. Graffiti containing derogatory language, symbols, or picture
      5. Offensive or degrading communications (whether written, verba. or sent by electronic or other means)
      6. Jokes, notes, stories, drawings or pictures, gestures, or the display or distribution of offensive or degrading material
      7. Displaying degrading words, pictures, or symbols on clothing
      8. Mocking someone’s speech, clothes, hairstyle, or customs 
  8. 受访者: 在投诉中指定为从事歧视性,骚扰性或报复性行为或不作为或对此负责的个人或组织。  
  9. 报复:任何形式的制裁或不利待遇,包括但不限于对任何个人的恐吓,报复或骚扰,因为他或她:(1)以正式或非正式的方式主张或协助另一个人主张申诉与学校或学区或任何州或联邦机构;或(2)以任何方式作证,协助或参与了与投诉有关的调查,诉讼或听证。
  10. 性骚扰: 请参阅 政策—400.021—性骚扰(第九条)
  11. Sexual battery: means the criminal conduct described in Utah Code Ann. §76-9-702.1 and includes intentionally touching, whether or not through clothing, the anus, buttocks, or any part of the genitals of a student, or the breast of a female student, and under circumstances a reasonable person knows or should know will likely cause affront or alarm to the student touched.
  12. Sexual misbehavior: Unwelcome sexual actions or conduct that is both nonphysical or physical, offensive to the sensibilities of any person, including sexual advances, lewd gestures, words or other communication of sexual nature that has the effect of threatening or intimidating the person against whom such conduct is directed, but does not meet the definition of sexual misconduct under Utah Code 53G-8-205 and 13 below.
  13. Sexual misconduct: means a sexual crime or any conduct described in:
    1. Title 76, Chapter 5, Part 4, Sexual offenses;
    2. Title 76, Chapter 5b, Sexual Exploitation Act;
    3. Section 76-9-102, incest; Section 76-9-702; lewdness; and 76-9-702.1, sexual battery
  14. Sex-based harassment (Title IX, August 1, 2024): a form of sex discrimination that includes sexual harassment and harassment based on sex stereotypes, sex characteristics, pregnancy or related conditions, sexual orientation, or gender identity, that is quid pro quo harassment, hostile environment harassment, or sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking.
    1. Quid pro quo harassment. A District employee, agent, or other person authorized by the District to provide an aid, benefit, or service under the District’s education program or activity explicitly or impliedly conditioning the provision of such an aid, benefit, or service on a person’s participation in welcome sexual conduct; or
    2. Hostile environment harassment: Unwelcome sex-based conduct that, based on the totality of circumstances, is subjectively and objectively offensive and is so severe or pervasive that it limits or denies a person ability to participate in or benefit from the District’s education program or activity (i.e., creates a hostile environment). Whether a hostile environment has been created is a fact-specific inquiry that includes consideration of the following:
      1. The degree to which the conduct affected the complainant’s ability to access the recipient’s education program or activity;
      2. The type, frequency, and duration of the conduct;
      3. The parties’ ages, roles within the District’s education program or activity, previous interactions, and other factors about each party that may be relevant to evaluating the effects of the conduct;
      4. The location of the conduct and the context in which the conduct occurred; and
      5. Other sex-based harassment in the recipient’s education program or activity.
    3. Sexual Assault:
      1. 强奸,强迫鸡奸或强迫抚摸;
      2. 乱伦和法定强奸;
      3. 出于性满足的目的,不受欢迎地触摸人的私人身体部位。在确定行为是否符合此定义时,管理者应考虑事件周围的所有情况,例如当事方的年龄和成熟度,事件的持续时间,行为的地点和秘密性质,当事方的意图以及对各方的影响。参见20 USC 1092(f)(6)(A)(v)。
    4. 与或曾经与申诉人建立浪漫或亲密关系的人所犯的暴力行为,例如性虐待或身体虐待,或威胁要进行此类虐待,这可能由以下因素决定:(1)这段恋情的持续时间;(2)关系的类型;(3)涉及关系的人之间的互动频率;
    5. Domestic Violence: committed by a current or former spouse or intimate partner of the complainant, by a person with whom the complainant shares a child in common, by a person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the complainant as a spouse or intimate partner, by a person similarly situated to a spouse of the complainant under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction receiving grant monies, or by any other person against an adult or youth complainant who is protected from that person’s acts under the domestic or family violence laws of Utah; or
    6. Stalking: Stalking as defined by the Title IX regulations (See, 34 U.S.C. 12291 (a)(30)): Engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for his or her safety or the safety of others, or suffer substantial emotional distress.



Duty to Report - 500.02-2

  1. 举报违反本行政法规或随附政策的行为是每个学生和每个员工的义务(政策 400.02——非歧视)。不这样做可能会导致纪律处分。




  1. 提交投诉:
    1. 在学校一级,校长是负责接收所有关于歧视,霸凌,骚扰和/或报复的投诉的个人。
      1. 任何涉及学生或学校员工的投诉必须立即转交给学校校长。
      2. If a complaint involves the principal or another school employee, the Complainant should contact the next level of leadership, e.g., a Director School Performance or Human Resources.
    2. 地区员工应向其直接主管报告涉及其他员工的违规行为。
      1. 如果投诉涉及直接主管,投诉人应联系上一级领导或联系人力资源部。 
      2. 如果直接主管或下一级领导在人力资源部门工作,投诉人应联系法律服务部。
    3. 如果投诉涉及学校的非雇员成年人(例如供应商、顾客、志愿者等),投诉人应联系校长。  
    4. 如果投诉涉及学区的非雇员成年人(例如供应商、赞助人、志愿者等),投诉人应联系法律服务部。



Discrimination, Bullying, Harassment, or Retaliation Complaint Procedures (Employee Victims) - 500.02-4

  1. 收到有关受害员工的歧视、欺凌、骚扰和/或报复投诉后,校长或主管应将完整的欺凌、歧视、骚扰和/或报复表转发给人力资源和法律服务总监。
    1. 如果涉及学生犯罪者,人力资源和法律服务部门将与校长合作,在适当的情况下通知执法部门。  
  2. The Director of Human Resources and Legal Services will review the complaint and determine whether to conduct a site-level (department or school) investigation or District-level investigation is appropriate.
  3. 调查是一个正式过程,包括访谈,受害者,证人的证人证词,证人以及其他具有相关信息的证人。
    1. 作为调查一部分的被采访者将被要求签署有关调查的保密声明。调查将以合理的保密方式进行。但是,证人和其他具有相关信息的人可能需要了解调查情况和足够的事实,才能得出其口头/书面陈述。  
  4. 调查人员将考虑所有证据,并将就是否违反任何地区政策发现事实和结论。
  5. 如果合适,可以对肇事者采取纪律处分,也可以采取其他行动来解决对受害者和学校/工作场所环境的影响。
  6. 在法律允许的范围内,将通知受害者和犯罪者这些决定。     



Discrimination, Bullying, Harassment, or Retaliation Complaint Procedures (Student Victims) - 500.02-5

  1. 收到有关学生受害者的歧视、欺凌、骚扰或报复投诉后,校长将向法律服务部门转发一份填妥的欺凌、歧视、骚扰和/或报复表副本。
    1. 法律服务部会将副本转发给:
      1. 人力资源总监(如果涉及员工);
      2. 504节协调员(如果涉及残疾);要么
      3. 如果法律要求,通知执法/儿童和家庭服务部门(DCFS)。
  2. 法律服务部门将审查投诉并确定学区或学校调查是否适当。
  3. 调查是一个正式过程,包括访谈,受害者,证人的证人证词,证人以及其他具有相关信息的证人。
    1. 可能会在调查中接受采访的成年人个人必须签署有关调查的保密声明。
    2. 调查将以合理的保密方式进行。但是,证人和其他具有相关信息的人可能需要了解调查情况和足够的事实,才能得出其口头/书面陈述。
  4. 调查人员将考虑所有证据,并将就是否违反任何地区政策发现事实和结论。
  5. 如果合适,可以对肇事者采取纪律处分,也可以采取其他行动来解决对受害者和学校/工作场所环境的影响。
  6. 在法律允许的范围内,将通知受害者和犯罪者这些决定。



Request for Review; Final Administrative Action - 500.02-6

  1. Complainants that are not satisfied with the outcome of an investigation may file a Request for Review.
  2. 必须在书面处理后的十(10)个工作日内将审查请求提交给法律服务。
  3. 审查请求应为书面形式,并应包含以下信息:
    1. 投诉人的姓名,家庭住址,电话号码以及学校或工作地点;
    2. 对所指控的歧视,骚扰或报复的简要说明,包括日期,地点和时间;
    3. 受访者姓名(如果知道);
    4. 对解决该问题已经采取的行动/努力的简要说明;和
    5. 审查请求的理由。
  4. Legal Services shall forward the Request for Review to a three-person review panel. The members of the review panel shall not have prior participation in the investigation of the matter being reviewed.  A review panel includes a Director-Level Employee, Legal Services, and the Assistant Superintendent. The review panel may take any of the following options after reviewing the request to review:
    1. uphold the determination of the investigation; 
    2. request additional information or further investigation; 
    3. reverse the determination of the investigation; or
    4. recommend sanctions or remedial measures.
      1. Student discipline issues will be referred to the District Case Management Team (DCMT) consistent with Policy-500.02-Student Conduct and Disciplinary Process.  
      2. Employee issues will be referred to the immediate supervisor and/or Human Resources to be addressed by other District policies.
  5. The review panel will issue its decision within five (5) school days of receiving the appeal.
  6. The decision of the review panel is the final administrative action in the matter.     



Records - 500.02-7

  1. 歧视,骚扰和/或报复投诉的记录应由法律服务部门或其指定人员保存。投诉记录应按照《政府记录和访问管理法》(GRAMA)的要求保存在单独的机密文件中。   
  2. 在调查中收集,开发和记录的信息将被视为受保护的记录。
  3. 如果投诉人是雇员,则投诉记录不得保留在投诉人的人事档案中。 



Dissemination of Policy and Training - 500.02-8

  1. 地区的年度政策(400.2)(无歧视)应包括在地区的年度员工培训中。培训应包括相关文件并要求员工签名。   
  2. 该政策还应在学校注册材料中提供给家长/监护人。
  3. 每所学校的校长都有责任向学生和培训人员介绍政策-400.2-非歧视以及随附的法规和程序。



Outside Reporting and Procedures - 500.02-9

  1. 本政策中的任何规定均不得禁止任何人向犹他州反歧视与劳工处(UALD)提出投诉,要求以UTS向东160南300号3楼,邮政信箱146600,盐湖城,UT 84114-6600。从指控的歧视或骚扰之日起,个人有180个日历日可向UALD提出申诉。  
  2. 如果不能在学校或地区一级解决问题,则歧视投诉可向民权办公室提出:教育部,第八区,联邦办公楼,1244 Speer Blvd.,Suite #310,Denver,CO 80204-3582。


已修改 – 7.9.2024.  Policy – 400.02 – Nondiscrimination was updated to re-organize the Board Policy Statement to emphasize the “Policy Statement of Nondiscrimination” as the first text in the policy document.  Other updates include:  
– A revision of the language regarding federal requirements for equal access for youth groups was edited. 
– An expansion of the definition of harassment to offer examples based on a totality of the circumstances for administrative guidance
– New definitions to align with Policy 500.02-Student Conduct and Disciplinary Process regarding sexual misbehavior, sexual misconduct, sexual battery.  
– New Definitions pursuant to Title IX regulations promulgated for sex-based harassment for implementation on August 1, 2024. 
– Implementation of a Review Panel for review of investigations conducted regarding discrimination and harassment for students and employees.
已修改 – 2023 年 12 月 12 日。政策 – 500.01 – 非歧视已更新,将欺凌行为添加到学区非歧视政策的定义和语言中。其他较小的修订包括:定义的字母顺序组织、向主管报告和联系额外领导层的清晰度、法律参考文献的审查和更新以及表格的访问。  
已修改 – 2016 年 15 月 11 日。政策 – 400.02 – 非歧视已更新为包括 针对歧视,欺凌,骚扰员工和学生受害者的投诉的调查程序。 
已通过 – 1.6.2015.

此在线演示文稿是Canyons学区当前采用的政策手册的电子表示形式。它不反映正在进行的更新活动。官方权威手册可在位于桑迪东300 600号桑迪(South East East)的9361 South 300的总监办公室中查阅。


Alta View基本

如果制作一部关于超级教师的电影,露西·张伯伦将是主角的主要候选人。对于她在 Alta View 小学的幼儿园学生来说幸运的是,她已经在为他们提供支持的角色中茁壮成长。父母感谢她是“超级老师”。她也被描述为“了不起的同事”。无论学生是在课堂上还是在生病时在家中需要帮助,露西都在帮助他们学习、克服恐惧、感到重要和被关心。据家长们说,露西是许多孩子从讨厌学校变成喜欢学校的原因。她散发出耐心、甜蜜、正能量和对有特殊需要的学生的爱的方式受到赞赏和钦佩。一位家长指出:“我的两个孩子都希望她能永远成为他们的老师。”另一位补充说:“她对待每个学生都像对待他们的学习一样,他们的感受是她的首要任务。”超级老师,真的!





美国残疾人法案 (ADA) 声明

Canyons 学区致力于使本网站符合 ADA。目前,我们认识到并非本网站的所有区域都符合 ADA 标准。我们目前正在重新设计和创建新的网站内容,以符合 W3C 二级指南。如果您在使用本网站时遇到问题,请在此处与我们联系 communications@canyonsdistrict.org