








400 - 人事政策


政策400.34 –临时身份管理人员




  1. The Board of Education recognizes the need to establish a policy for provisional administrative personnel. It is the policy of the Board that all administrators have three (3) years of provisional employment.  Provisional administrators may be given career status when the provisional status requirements outlined below are met.   
  2. The Board authorizes the Superintendent and District Administration to develop administrative regulations consistent with this policy



临时身份管理人员 - 400.34-1

  1. 临时状态
    1. Administrators newly hired or appointed shall be placed on first year provisional status for a provisional period of three (3) years.
      1. An administrator that has achieved career status in a position within the District that accepts another position that is substantially different from the position in which career status was achieved will begin a new provisional period (e.g., a licensed educator who accepts a position as a school-based administrator; a principal who accepts a position as a district-based administrator).
      2. Current Canyons School District Administrators, who have obtained career status in an administrative position, will be placed on provisional status for a period(s) of:
        1. Assistant Principal to Principal, two (2) years;
        2. Principal to District Administrator, one (1) year;
        3. Principal/District Administrator to Director, one (1) year; or
        4. Director to Assistant Superintendent, one (1) year.
      3. Provisional administrators may be advanced to career status after they have:
        1. 完成了所需的临时服务年,并且
        2. 成功满足了中列出的标准 政策—400.32—行政人员评估 对于每个临时状态的合同年度。
      4. Provisional Status Exception (School-Based Administrator)
        1. Provisional School-Based Administrators who have
          successfully performed as an administrator a minimum of three (3) consecutive years in an accredited school/district, in a like position, may be recommended for career status following:
          1. Completion of a minimum of one year (1) of provisional
          2. Successful fulfillment of the criteria outlined in Policy400.32 Evaluation of Administrative Personnel;
          3. Submission by the administrator’s supervisor/principal
            for provisional status exception;
          4. Review and recommendation by the Director of School Performance for provisional status exception; and
          5. Approval by the Director of Human Resources or
            designee, and the Assistant Superintendent, Business Administrator, or Superintendent.
      5. Provisional District-Based Administrators who have successfully performed as an administrator a minimum of three (3) consecutive
        years in an accredited school/district, in a like position, may be
        recommended for career status following:
        1. Completion of a minimum one year (1) of provisional service;
        2. Successful fulfillment of the criteria outlined in Policy—
          400.32—Evaluation of Administrative Personnel;
        3. Submission by the administrator’s supervisor for provisional
          status exception; and Approval by the Director of Human
          Resources or designee, and the Assistant Superintendent,
          Business Administrator, or Superintendent. 
      6. An administrator’s provisional status may be extended an additional one (1) or two (2) years at the recommendation of the administrator’s supervisor and approval from the Director of Human Resources or designee, and the Assistant Superintendent, Business Administrator, or Superintendent.
        1. Circumstances under which an administrator’s provisional status may be extended include:
          1. concerns on a performance evaluation; or
          2. 收到父母,学区雇员,学生或社区成员的投诉或关注的表达,从而使员工的职业素养,表现或性格变得不确定;
          3. 在学区或特定课程中减少学生入学率;
          4. 特定服务或程序的中断或大量减少;要么
          5. 预算问题。
      7. Provisional administrators are not entitled to employment beyond the end of the term of the present contract.
      8. Nonrenewal or Nonrenewal and Reassignment:
        1. Prior to issuing a notice of nonrenewal, the direct supervisor
          should communicate and document areas of concern to
          provide an opportunity for a provisional administrator to
          remediate concerns. A supervisor may document areas of
          concern through means that include but are not limited to:
          verbal communication (followed by an e-mail); e-mail; memo
          of concern; or a written reprimand).
        2. A direct supervisor recommends an administrator for
          nonrenewal or nonrenewal and reassignment to the
          Supervisor’s Assistance Team (SAT) for a review and
          determination of the nonrenewal or nonrenewal and reassignment. SAT is a team of administrators who assist
          supervisors with problems associated with staff remediation
          and discipline.
          1. The SAT team will be comprised of the Director of
            Human Resources or designee, appropriate
            administrative personnel based on the position subject
            to review (e.g., assistant principal, principal, districtbased administrator). The Assistant Superintendent, the
            Business Administrator, and the Superintendent may be
            included in SAT meetings for the nonrenewal or
            nonrenewal and reassignment of Director-level
        3. Should job performance and or conduct concerns arise in a
          substantially different position during a provisional period, the
          administrator will be non-renewed from their current position
          and may be reassigned by the District to an open position,
          similar to a position where career status was previously
          achieved within the District and at the rate of pay of the
          reassigned position, and may be returned to provisional status
          in the reassigned position.
        4. A provisional administrator has no right to grieve or appeal the
          District’s determination when a nonrenewal or nonrenewal and
          reassignment are made by the District (See, Policy 400.42-
          Termination of Employment (Administrative Personnel).
  2. 临时服务
    1. Full or half-time provisional administrators who work fifty (50) percent or more of the required contract days in a year shall receive one (1) year of provisional service credit.
    2. 必须连续提供所需的临时就业年限,但以下情况除外:
      1. Administrators taking approved leave, prior to obtaining career educator status, will receive credit for the provisional time served provided the administrator returns to work at the conclusion of the leave.








已修改 – 3.26.2024.  Policy – 400.34 – Provisional Status Administrative Personnel was updated to benefit career administrators working for the District and to clarify nonrenewal or nonrenewal and reassignment procedures for administrators. 

The policy revision includes:
Designated provisional status time periods for CSD current administrators who have
achieved career status and are then placed in a substantially different position:
 – Assistant Principal to Principal two (2) years;
 – Principal to District Administrator, one (1) year;
 – Principal/District Administrator to Director, one (1) year; or
 – Director to Assistant Superintendent, one (1) year.
Provisional Status Exceptions for School-Based and District-Based Administrators
 – Completion of a minimum one year (1) of provisional service;
 – Successful fulfillment of the criteria outlined in Policy—400.32—Evaluation of
Administrative Personnel;
 – Submission by the administrator’s supervisor for provisional status exception; and
– Approval by the Director of Human Resources or designee, and the Assistant
Superintendent, Business Administrator, or Superintendent.
 Nonrenewal or Nonrenewal and Reassignment Procedures
 – A supervisor should communicate and document areas of concern
 – Recommendation to Supervisor’s Assistance Team
 – Should job performance and or conduct concerns arise in a substantially different position during a provisional period, the administrator will be non-renewed from their current position and may be reassigned by the District to an open position, similar to a position where career status was previously achieved within the District and at the rate of pay of the reassigned position, and may be returned to provisional status in the reassigned position.
 – A provisional administrator has no right to grieve or appeal the District’s
determination when a nonrenewal or nonrenewal and reassignment are made by
the District.  

已修改 – 2017 年 13 月 6 日。政策 – 400.34 – 临时状态行政人员被修改为 在员工主管推荐并经人力资源总监批准时,允许行政员工的临时身份例外。  

已通过 – 2012 年 5 月 29 日。


此在线演示文稿是Canyons学区当前采用的政策手册的电子表示形式。它不反映正在进行的更新活动。官方权威手册可在位于桑迪东300 600号桑迪(South East East)的9361 South 300的总监办公室中查阅。


Alta View基本

如果制作一部关于超级教师的电影,露西·张伯伦将是主角的主要候选人。对于她在 Alta View 小学的幼儿园学生来说幸运的是,她已经在为他们提供支持的角色中茁壮成长。父母感谢她是“超级老师”。她也被描述为“了不起的同事”。无论学生是在课堂上还是在生病时在家中需要帮助,露西都在帮助他们学习、克服恐惧、感到重要和被关心。据家长们说,露西是许多孩子从讨厌学校变成喜欢学校的原因。她散发出耐心、甜蜜、正能量和对有特殊需要的学生的爱的方式受到赞赏和钦佩。一位家长指出:“我的两个孩子都希望她能永远成为他们的老师。”另一位补充说:“她对待每个学生都像对待他们的学习一样,他们的感受是她的首要任务。”超级老师,真的!






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