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Getting Involved

SCC School Safety Plan

School Community Councils are recommending bodies to the administration on items being studied by the Canyons Board of Education. Recommendations related to these domains, including school access and safety, may be directed to the Board of Education as appropriate. Each Council, upon review of the School Safety and Digital Citizenship Report, will be asked to share their thoughts and priorities with the District administration via an online form to be filled out and submitted by the principal. These reports will assist the District in spotting trends, setting future priorities and deciding where to direct future resources. Pictured below is a sample of the form to guide you in discussing and providing feedback.

The Utah Legislature, through HB213, has asked School Community Councils to “engage” with school administrators in addressing school safety and digital citizenship. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the safety protocols encapsulated in the School Safety and Digital Citizenship report and join us on this mission to Think Safe toward maintaining schools that are welcoming, secure, and prepared.

  • Discuss highlights and points of interest from the District School Safety Report (Spanish)
  • Review concerns, plans, and progress from last year
  • Discuss new or continuing safety concerns specific to your school
  • Identify a “#1 safety concern” and other primary concerns (if any)
  • Create an “action plan” for addressing safety concerns 
  • Decide how you may best share safety and digital citizenship resources with parents. Consider the role of the community council to provide options and resources without being prescriptive and compulsory. This may include newsletters and other communications, back to school nights, parent conferences, carnivals, and other school events.
  • Ensure that students use their unique login with their unique password.
  • Ensure that student-created web pages are made through the supported CSDDOCS.
  • During your discussions, if you have questions that cannot be answered in your School Community Council meetings, please contact Susan Edwards, Canyons Public Engagement Coordinator, 801-826-5184 or and she will direct you to the right resource to answer your questions for the next School Community Council meeting.

The SCC will share their thoughts and priorities via an online form to be filled out and submitted by the school principal on CSD Dashboard. For your convenience, a copy of the form that you will submit electronically is available below under the heading “Safety Report Template”.

  • The SCC should occasionally refer back to the school safety plan and action items in order to track progress and determine follow-up steps.
  • In last SCC meeting of the year, SCC should review action items from school safety plan (submitted in December).  District will also update the SCC on any action or planned action. Principal will submit an update to the plan through CSD Dashboard.

School Principal: _______________________

SCC Chairman: _______________________

Date the discussion(s) took place: _______________________

Who, besides the SCC members, participated (did you invite the SRO, school counselor, psychologist or district personnel?):

Did you feel the information presented in the District School Community Council School Safety Report was helpful?

What, if any, school safety items did your SCC discuss that were not in the report?

Your SCC has been asked to determine the #1 safety concern at your school after reading the report and discuss-ing safety topics at your school. What has your SCC determined to be the #1 safety concern for your school?

What additional items did you identify as primary concerns, if any?

Does your SCC have an action plan to help address the concerns?

SCC Digital Citizenship

The school safety and digital citizenship reports will be submitted to the district and Canyons Board of Education. We will use the reports to see trends, concerns and where future efforts might be focused. The District will evaluate if there are areas in which we can be of assistance or offer support. If so, we will contact your SCC and principal to discuss.

District Filtering & Systems: Does the SCC feel it has received enough information to determine if the filtering systems and supervision practices are appropriate?

  • Identify Action plan for filtering/systems, if needed:

Does the SCC feel it has received enough information about the school’s educational efforts to instill in students a desire to be good digital citizens?

  • Identify Action plan for filtering/systems, if needed:

Does the SCC believe the school has a viable plan to present important Internet Safety and Digital Citizenship information to parents in the community?

  • Identify Action plan for parent education, if needed:

Student Education: Enter the date of your faculty training on Digital Citizenship: ______________

  • Enter a short description of your faculty training:

How will every student in your building be provided with digital citizenship instruction during
the school year?
Parent Education: Enter the date of your first community outreach: ____________________________

  • Enter a short description of your first community outreach activity/opportunity:

Enter the date of your second community outreach:__________________________________________

  • Enter a short description of your second community outreach activity/opportunity:

Additional Topics for Discussion:

  • Computers and Devices in the School for Student Use (Field Tech)- Identify the devices and main uses (Office applications, research, presentations, CAD, Graphic Design, Curricular apps, etc.)
  • Apple Computers – iMac, Mac Mini, or MacBook Pro stationary or mobile labs-
  • Windows Computers – Windows based stationary or mobile labs-
  • iPads – Classroom deployment or mobile carts-
  • Chromebooks – Classroom deployment or mobile carts –
    Management (Admin or Ed Tech Coach)- Are you using LanSchool or other management tools for devices or labs?
  • Supervision (Admin) – What training has been given or is being planned to help teachers know how to best su-pervise students online and what to do if they become aware of inappropriate use?
  • Digital Citizenship Plan (Admin)- How does your school manage rotation through the elementary lab or through the media center? What topics are addressed with each grade level? What other teachers cover Online Safety topics? Have you held any schoolwide training (white-ribbon activities, assemblies)?
  • Parent Resources and Information (Admin and Dig Cit Coord)- What information has been shared with parents about online safety at school? What resources for home online safety has been shared?
  • Policies (Admin)- What are your policies for students bringing devices from home including computers, tablets, and phones?
  • Decision Making (Admin) – How does the school balance access and safety appropriate for the grade levels at your school?
  • Guiding Principles (Admin) – What does the administration see as important opportunities for our students related to constructive, proactive technology use? What does the administration see as the greatest threats for your students?

SCC School Safety Plan

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here

Lucie Chamberlain

Alta View Elementary

If a movie about super teachers were ever made, Lucie Chamberlain would be a prime candidate for a leading role. Fortunately for her kindergarten students at Alta View Elementary, she already thrives in a supporting role for them. Parents thank her for being a “super teacher.” She is also described as an “amazing colleague.” Whether students need help in the classroom or from home while sick, Lucie goes above and beyond to help them learn, overcome fears, and feel important and cared for. Lucie is the reason a number of kids went from hating school to loving it, according to parents. The way she exudes patience, sweetness, positive energy, and love for her students with special needs melts is appreciated and admired. One parent noted: “Both my kids wish she could be their teacher forever.” Another added:  “She treats every student like their learning and their feelings are her priority.” Super teacher, indeed!

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