








Now Accepting
UFA Scholarships

'Utah Fits All' In Canyons

Now Accepting

'Utah Fits All'

In Canyons

UFA Scholarships

‘Utah Fits All’ in Canyons District

Join the Growing Number of Students Who Supplement Their Learning With Canyons

Canyons School District is now accepting “Utah Fits All” Scholarships from students in the sixth through 12th grades who are interested in taking advantage of the District’s menu of core classes, electives, and extracurricular activities. CSD schools — with their championship sports teams and award-winning arts, science and technology programs — have long been a resource for privately and homeschooled students who are looking to enrich their learning. Complete this interest form to learn more!

Taking advantage of Utah Fits All enrollment opportunities in Canyons is easy:

  1. Choose a course from CSD’s middle or high school course catalogs
  2. Call the counseling office at the school you’re interested in attending to see if they offer the course and have room in the class
  3. Enroll with the counselor and pay the invoiced fees through the Class Wallet app



How are Utah Fits All Scholarship holders admitted to courses?

Enrollment is granted for individual classes if space is available. Contact the counseling office at your CSD school of choice to see what courses still have openings. If your first choice of school doesn’t have openings for a particular class, contact CSD’s Admissions Office for assistance in finding a comparable course at another CSD school. The Admissions Office can be reached at 801-826-5031.

How many CSD courses can UFA Scholarship students take?

Per state law, there are limits to the number of courses UFA scholarship students can take through a public school any given year before reaching full-time status. If a voucher student enrolls in the equivalent of 50 percent of a school’s schedule, they will forfeit their scholarship. The 50 percent threshold varies based on the school and the school’s schedule. At a school where there are five class periods in a day, Utah Fits All students can take up to two courses. At a school with eight periods in the day, scholarships can be used to enroll in up to three courses. For more information, contact the counseling office at your school of choice.

What courses and activities are offered?

All courses offered in Canyons District middle and high schools are listed in the District’s course catalogs. While everything listed in these catalogs is taught in at least one CSD school, you’ll need to call the counseling office at your school of choice to see what they are currently offering. All of CSD’s traditional high schools have Utah High School Activities Association-sanctioned sports and activities. You can find the full list on UHSAA’s website.

What are the rules for participating in a high school sports team or program?

Privately-schooled students are eligible to participate in Utah High School Activities Association-sanctioned sports and activities at any high school as long it’s their first year of entry and the sport isn’t offered at their private school. Homeschooled students are also eligible to participate at any school their first year of entry. For UHSAA’s eligibility guidelines, see their 2024-2025 Handbook. Some sports and activities require tryouts and some are connected to an actual class period, in which case the student will have to 1) pay to enroll in the course, 2) cover the entry fee, and 3) pay any associated fees (for uniforms, equipment, etc.).

Can I dual enroll in Canyons and reserve my voucher money for activities?

Once a family receives Utah Fits All Scholarship, or voucher, funding, they are no longer eligible to dual enroll in a school. This is because dual enrollees are funded through the state’s Weighted Pupil Unit (WPU), the state funding formula for public education. If a scholarship holder were to draw on the WPU while also receiving voucher funding, that would amount to a double-dipping of taxpayer funds. Canyons has purposely kept the admission fee and other participation fees (for jerseys, uniforms, equipment, etc.) affordable so voucher students can easily afford to enroll in some classes and participate in sports, the arts, and other activities.

How will I receive confirmation of my enrollment and pay using my voucher funds?

Confirmation of enrollment will come through your school of choice. Payments can be made through the Class Wallet app.

Do elementary schools accept voucher payments?

At this time, Canyons District is approved to serve scholarship holders in the sixth through 12th grades. Based on demand and other factors, we may consider at a future date adding elementary schools to the list of approved Utah Fits All providers.

More Questions?

For more information, please fill out this interest form or contact CSD’s Admissions Office at 801-826-5031.


Alta View基本

如果制作一部关于超级教师的电影,露西·张伯伦将是主角的主要候选人。对于她在 Alta View 小学的幼儿园学生来说幸运的是,她已经在为他们提供支持的角色中茁壮成长。父母感谢她是“超级老师”。她也被描述为“了不起的同事”。无论学生是在课堂上还是在生病时在家中需要帮助,露西都在帮助他们学习、克服恐惧、感到重要和被关心。据家长们说,露西是许多孩子从讨厌学校变成喜欢学校的原因。她散发出耐心、甜蜜、正能量和对有特殊需要的学生的爱的方式受到赞赏和钦佩。一位家长指出:“我的两个孩子都希望她能永远成为他们的老师。”另一位补充说:“她对待每个学生都像对待他们的学习一样,他们的感受是她的首要任务。”超级老师,真的!





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