







Board Summary, June 18, 2024

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Canyons Budget Hearing

The tentative $548 million budget for the 2024-2025 school year includes funding for employee salary increases, class-size maintenance, additional elementary teacher planning time, 32 hours of paid professional development time for teachers, and three days of additional training for Special Education teachers. The tentative budget, approved by the Canyons Board of Education, includes an increase to the certified tax rate to keep pace with inflation and cover growing operational expenses. The proposed increase would result in an estimated $93 annual increase on the average-priced home in Canyons, which is valued at $703,200. The District will hold a 6 p.m. public hearing on the proposed change to the certified tax rate on Aug. 6 at the Canyons District Office, 9361 S. 300 East. Business Administrator Leon Wilcox said the tentative budget would keep CSD teacher salaries among the highest in the state. He noted that starting teacher pay in CSD has increased 23 percent since 2019-2020, the last time CSD held a truth-in-taxation hearing to recoup inflation. In addition, among the capital facility projects included in the tentative budget are improvement efforts at Jordan, Hillcrest, and Corner Canyon high schools and Eastmont Middle.  The budget also covers the cost of new and renovated buildings that were funded through general obligation and lease-revenue bonds. The entire tentative budget can be accessed on the District website. The Board of Education also adopted a final 2023-2024 budget for revenues and expenditures.


A life-skills and character-trait curriculum created by Canyons District experts, tested in CSD classrooms, and vetted by Canyons parents will be implemented districtwide this fall. The Board of Education voted unanimously to adopt Thrive Time, which was developed to satisfy the state law requiring schools to use a social-emotional learning curriculum. The program includes weekly lessons on conflict resolution, anger management, goal setting, community support, respect, and resilience, said Student Wellness Services Director Dr. Brian McGill. Transparency, evidence-based practices, and community engagement drove the creation of Thrive Time, he said. At any time during the process, parents could review the curriculum and provide immediate input, Dr. McGill said. Input for improvement also was solicited from teachers and students during the targeted field test of the lessons, Dr. McGill said, who added that parents still can continue to provide input. The result is a curriculum focused on critical competencies that support students to be successful in school and life. Thrive Time is not a comprehensive wellness program, therapy or behavioral treatment, or an attempt to tell students what to think or believe. 


Canyons’ Community Education program may be revamped into a camp-and-clinic format to attract more participation. Diamond Ridge Principal Amy Boettger, who oversees the program, says enrollment in Community Education offerings has slipped since the COVID-19 pandemic. Eighteen percent of classes in 2022-2023 were cancelled for lack of interest. This year, Boettger said, 10 percent were cancelled because of sluggish enrollment. Fewer than 1,000 participants registered for classes this year, she said. Under the proposed format, if a teacher wants to offer a class for adults or children, they could complete and submit a District approval form to provide the camp or clinic. The Board will continue to evaluate the Community Education program, which costs the District $75,000 a year to operate. 


Members of the Board of Education suggested educational and operational issues to study. The aim is to streamline and improve CSD practices. Topics included concerns related to the Elementary Report Card; actions that could be taken to reduce incidents of discrimination and harassment; the pros and cons of providing honor class options in middle schools; possibly expanding the Utah Fits All Scholarship services to elementary students; and additional student participation and input on CSD practices.

USBA Discussion

The Board of Education discussed whether CSD should continue its relationship with the Utah School Boards Association.


Policies governing student conduct and the District’s disciplinary process; nondiscrimination; and student participation in approved activities are being considered by the Board of Education. The updates include the proposed implementation of a review panel to evaluate whether internal investigations into allegations of discrimination and harassment involving both students and employees have been handled appropriately and according to law and District policy. According to the proposed policy, which was presented by Assistant Legal Counsel Jeff Christensen, the review panel would include a director-level employee, a representative from CSD’s legal services, and CSD’s Assistant Superintendent. The proposed revisions also address how CSD, which has been approved to be a Utah Fits All Scholarship educational provider, will welcome students who receive a state voucher to educational programs. The suggested policy outlines the cost of courses and extracurricular activities for voucher students.


以下赞助人在赞助人评论期间向董事会发表了讲话。可以在 BoardDocs 上访问顾客评论的录音。

  • Allie Evers
  • Karen Allen


The Board of Education approved the Consent Agenda, including the minutes for the June 4, 2024 meeting of the Canyons Board of Education; hire and termination reports; student overnight travel requests; purchasing bids; May financial reports; the sale of property; the sale of the CTEC student-built home to a CTEC teacher; approval of an MOU with CEA and CESPA on high-deductible insurance plan regulation changes; Silver Mesa Elementary LAND Trust and TSSP amendments; and the annual Fraud Risk Assessment required by the Office of State Auditor. 


威尔科克斯先生 said he attended the Utah School Safety Conference last week with a delegation from CSD. The event, organized by the Utah State Office of Education, was held at Riverton High.


凯伦·佩德森女士 reported on attending Davis District’s Leadership and Dignity Symposium. 

阿曼达·奥克斯女士 noted the discussion surrounding the USBA Delegate’s Assembly, recalled the highlights of the Davis symposium, and thanked CSD employees for their commitment to students.  She memorialized the memory of former Alta High teacher Don Ward, who recently passed away.

Andrew Edtl 先生 wished the community a happy Juneteenth. CSD observed the federally recognized holiday on Monday. He looks forward to the Fourth of July holiday when the country celebrates America’s freedoms. 

南希·廷吉夫人 said Summer Recess is a valuable time for employees to rest and recharge for the coming school year. She appreciates the work of all schools. 

Holly Neibaur女士 thanked Richard “Mr. Richard” Moore, the Assistant Facility Manager at Willow Springs, for his work at the elementary. He’s been moved to another school. She also said the new principals in her area—Willow Springs Elementary’s’ Anne Hansen and Corner Canyon High’s Dina Kohler—had successful first years as principals.



Alta View基本

如果制作一部关于超级教师的电影,露西·张伯伦将是主角的主要候选人。对于她在 Alta View 小学的幼儿园学生来说幸运的是,她已经在为他们提供支持的角色中茁壮成长。父母感谢她是“超级老师”。她也被描述为“了不起的同事”。无论学生是在课堂上还是在生病时在家中需要帮助,露西都在帮助他们学习、克服恐惧、感到重要和被关心。据家长们说,露西是许多孩子从讨厌学校变成喜欢学校的原因。她散发出耐心、甜蜜、正能量和对有特殊需要的学生的爱的方式受到赞赏和钦佩。一位家长指出:“我的两个孩子都希望她能永远成为他们的老师。”另一位补充说:“她对待每个学生都像对待他们的学习一样,他们的感受是她的首要任务。”超级老师,真的!





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