








600 - 教学政策


政策 600.06 – 学校图书馆资料的选择和重新考虑




  1. 教育委员会重视公共教育系统,该系统致力于为学生提供高质量的教育,并帮助所有年龄段的学习者为有意义的生活机会做好准备。 Canyons 教育委员会的使命是让每个学生都能为大学和职业做好准备。为实现这些目标,教育委员会在选择和批准用于学校教授犹他州核心标准的教学材料时遵守所有适用的法律和规则(参见, 政策—600.02—教材). 
  2. 教育委员会还认识到学校图书馆计划在支持学生教学和让学生为大学和职业做好准备方面的价值。参与学校图书馆计划支持连贯和多样化的教学计划,并有机会培养学生对课堂以外的不同观点、种族和文化背景的认识。教育委员会鼓励学生团体的发展,使其能够权衡不同的观点并得出明智的结论。访问和使用学校图书馆资料鼓励个别学生教育和自选休闲阅读。由于这些原因,教育委员会的政策是确保每个学生都有平等的机会和机会参与学校图书馆计划。
  3. 教育委员会承认学校董事会在管理学校事务和为学校图书馆选择图书馆资料方面拥有广泛的自由裁量权。教育委员会遵守宪法和第一修正案的原则,不允许在学校图书馆压制思想。同样,董事会承认学生不会在校门口放弃第一修正案的言论或表达权,学校图书馆为学生提供了一个地方和机会,让他们可以继续自由行使其知识自由和阅读、查询、学习的权利和评估,在学校课堂之外。同时,教育委员会对这样一个现实很敏感,即学校图书馆与公共图书馆和教室的区别在于其在教学计划中的独特作用,因为它主要支持未成年人的公平获取信息和教育.学校图书馆一般在上课时间开放,但不为公众服务。学校图书馆计划是学校传播公共教育和社区价值观的使命的一个组成部分。在平衡这些责任时,教育委员会尊重宪法的法律原则,并承认社区价值观在维持学校图书馆计划作为学区教育系统的一部分方面的重要性。 
  4. 董事会将制定管理此政策的法规的责任委托给地区行政部门,但须经董事会审查和批准。



定义 - 600.06-1

  1. 适龄:适龄是指通常适合相同年龄或社会、情感和认知发展水平的学生。在选择图书馆资料时,必须考虑暴力、性、语言和非法物质的背景和流行情况,以及学习社区的社会和文化因素。
  2. Challenger of Library Materials: a parent/legal guardian of an active student attending the school where the library material can be accessed.
  3. Challenger of Sensitive Material:  an individual that submits a sensitive material review. A challenger may be an employee of the District, student of the District, parent of a student of the District, or a member of the Board of Education.
  4. Classroom Instructional Materials:  materials intended for use by all CSD educators in all schools as the primary source of information for teaching the Utah Core Standards in a given course. Classroom instructional materials will include districtwide primary curriculum materials, supplemental materials, intervention materials, or teacher-selected materials.  (参见政策—600.02—教学材料).
  5. 取消选择:根据选定的标准从库中系统地删除(即除草)资源。
  6. District Administrator:  a principal, a director-level employee or above (i.e., Student Services, Instructional Supports, School Performance), the Superintendent, or designee.
  7. District Appeal Committee: includes the Director of Instructional Supports or designee, a member of School Performance, a teacher librarian representing the school level from which the challenge comes, the District Library Specialist, and three parent/legal guardians from the feeder system. The District Appeal Committee will be established according to need.
  8. District Library Specialist: a licensed employee hired by the District to support school libraries and the work of teacher librarians and media instructional technicians in the District who periodically reports to the Board of Education on the status of libraries in the District.
  9. 图书馆资料:所有书籍、小册子、杂志、音频/视频资料、软件、电子资料、订阅、在线访问或其他信息可供学生在学校图书馆内或通过学校图书馆自行选择和自愿访问。
  10. 图书馆工作人员:在 CSD 学校图书馆工作的教师图书馆员、媒体教学技术人员和媒体助理员工。  
  11. 媒体助理(二级):ESP 员工媒体助理,在教师图书馆员的指导下在学校图书馆执行各种服务。 
  12. 媒体教学技术员(初级):在分配给图书馆的校长和地区图书馆专家的监督下工作的 ESP 员工。 
  13. The Miller Test: Constitutional test for obscenity as developed in the Supreme Court case Miller v. California, 413 U.S. 1973 as codified in Utah Code 76-10-1203 (a)(b) and (c). A material or performance is pornographic if:
    1. (a) The average person, applying contemporary community standards, finds that, taken as a whole, it appeals to prurient interest in sex;
    2. (b) It is patently offensive in the description or depiction of nudity, sexual conduct, sexual excitement, sadomasochistic abuse, or excretion; and
    3. (c) Taken as a whole it does not have serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value.
  14. Objective Sensitive Material: instructional material that constitutes pornographic or indecent material, as that term is defined in Section 76-10-1235, under the non-discretionary standards described in Subsection 76-10-1227 (1)(a)(i),(ii) or (iii).
  15. Objective Sensitive Material Panel: a panel of three individuals responsible to engage in a review of instructional material using the objective sensitive material standards. The panel may consult with Legal Services and will include:
    1. District Library Media Specialist or designee;
    2. Director of Instructional Supports or designee; and
    3. A School Performance Director.
  16. School Committee: a school committee shall include a school administrator, a licensed teacher, a teacher librarian or the District Library Specialist for media instructional technician/assistants, two parent/legal guardian representatives, and a student representative where appropriate, at the discretion of the school administrator.  A School Committee will be established according to need.
    1. A challenger of library materials shall not serve on the School Committee.
  17. 学校图书馆计划:图书馆工作人员根据州和国家标准提供信息文学教学并促进个人阅读兴趣和安全媒体参与的教学目标、活动、设施、材料和设备。
  18. 学校环境:指公立学校的教室、学校图书馆或学校财产。学校环境包括公立学校以外的组织或个人或组织进行的以下活动,如果公立学校或学区赞助该活动:
    1. 大会;
    2. 客座讲座;
    3. 现场演示;或者
    4. 一个事件。
  19. Self-Selection of Library Materials: The principle that an individual student is responsible for selection of library materials in conjunction with the parent/legal guardian.
  20. Sensitive Material: means an instructional material that constitutes objective sensitive material or subjective sensitive material.  
    1. Sensitive material does not include instructional material that the district selected under 犹他州代码 53G-10-402; for a concurrent enrollment course that contains sensitive material and for which a parent receives notice from the course provider of the material before enrollment of the parent’s child and give the parent’s consent by enrolling the parent’s child; for medical courses; for family and consumer courses; or for another course the state board exempts in board rule. 
  21. Subjective Sensitive Material: instructional material that constitutes pornographic or indecent material, as that term is defined in Section 76-10-1235, under the following factor-balancing standards:
    1. material that is harmful to minors under Section 76-10-1201; 
    2. material that is pornographic under Section 76-10-1203; or 
    3. material that includes certain fondling or other erotic touching under Subsection 76-10-1227 (1)(a)(iv).   
  22. 图书管理员教师:拥有图书馆学硕士学位或认可的持牌雇员,被指派在学校任教。教师图书管理员可以领导学校图书馆计划,并管理资料收藏。    
  23. Restricted Pending Review:  means the status of a title in the District library collection that is not currently available to students.  
    1. A title is placed on restricted pending review based on an allegation that the challenged instructional material constitutes sensitive material. The title is removed from the any school setting that provides student access to the challenged material until the District completes the objective sensitive material review of the challenged material.  
  24. Unsuccessful Sensitive Material Challenge: means an allegation that a given instructional material constitutes sensitive material that the District concludes to be erroneous, either on direct review (i.e., objective sensitive material review and subjective sensitive material review) or on appeal to the Board, resulting in the retention of the given instructional material. 



图书馆资料的选择;有关图书馆购置和收藏的信息 - 600.06-2


  1. 所选材料应支持学生、教职员工和家庭的核心标准和兴趣,同时考虑到不同的兴趣、文化观点、年龄水平、能力水平、学习方式以及社会和情感发展水平。材料应鼓励对信息性和娱乐性阅读、观看或聆听的欣赏。
  2. 所有购买或捐赠的图书馆材料的选择应基于选择材料的学生的情感发展、能力水平、学习方式和智力发展的年龄适当性,并结合以下五个或更多标准:
    1. 总体目的和教育意义
    2. 对核心标准的贡献和相关性
    3. 教师、家长和学生要求
    4. 事实内容是准确的(例如,可靠、可验证和可信)。
    5. 及时性和/或永久性
    6. 在标准专业选择来源或专业人士中找到的好评、推荐和/或奖项提名人
    7. 有助于平衡的观点
    8. 潜在的吸引力和兴趣
    9. 学生休闲阅读需求
    10. 艺术品质与文风
    11. 作者、制作人、出版商的声誉和意义
    12. 州、地区或社区的独特性、多样性和/或遗产
    13. 支持多语种学生
    14. 对特殊需要学生的支持
    15. 支持高级学习者和参加大学学分课程的学生(例如,先修课程和同时入学)。
    16. 整体作品的优点。
  3. The selection of library materials at the school level is under the direction of the teacher librarian (secondary) and the District Library Specialist and Elementary library Coordinator in conjunction with library instructional technicians (elementary), and the school principal, staff, and others as appropriate.  In making selections for materials, input from standard professional selection sources is considered (See, Section 2 above).


  1. 有关学校图书馆馆藏的信息可通过在线公共访问目录从各个学校的网站获得。



图书馆资料自选 - 600.06-3


  1. 图书馆资料可自行选择。图书馆工作人员或其他学校工作人员可以协助推荐图书馆资料。
    1. 阅读清单可从许多来源获得,不一定得到图书管理员、学校管理人员或学区人员的认可。
    2. 阅读、聆听和查看图书馆资料的责任在于个别学生及其父母/法定监护人。
    3. 图书馆工作人员可以咨询学生及其家长/法定监护人以查找合适的资料。工作人员不对最终选择负责。  
  2. 学生可以对来自在线公共访问目录的特定标题进行保留(即,保留标题以供阅读)。
  3. 如果家长/法定监护人希望限制对特定标题的访问,则家长/法定人数可以向学校图书馆工作人员提出书面请求。 



取消选择图书馆资料 - 600.06-4

  1. 取消选择对于保持当前的、相关的、最新的图书馆馆藏至关重要。
  2. 图书馆专业人员负责定期审查馆藏,以确定应删除或更换哪些资料(即取消选择)。
  3. 取消材料选择的标准可能包括但不限于:
    1. 身体状况不佳;
    2. 被更新的信息取代或包含不再需要支持课程的主题; 
    3. 年龄适宜性;
    4. 鼓励刻板印象或偏见;
    5. objective sensitive material, 
    6. subjective sensitive material;
    7. 很少使用;或者
    8. 提供错误、不准确或过时的信息。
  4.  Deselected materials are subject to the District’s procedures for surplused items.  



Challenge of Library Materials for Reasons for Other Than Sensitive Materials - 600.06-5

A parent/legal guardian of an active student attending the school where the library materials can be accessed may challenge the inclusion of materials with non-sensitive materials content through the Challenge of Library Materials process as an initial step (见,表 1).此过程不适用于任课教师使用的主要教学材料。这些材料由教育委员会的采用程序管理(见, 政策 600.02—教学材料). 

*Please Note:  A Sensitive Materials/Review Challenge is addresses in Admin. Reg. 600.07 


  1. 挑战者必须向可以访问图书馆资料的学校校长提交一份完整的图书馆资料复议申请表。  
  2. 收到填妥的表格后,校长将通知教学支持主任或指定人员,并召开学校委员会会议介绍该请求。
  3. 有问题的材料可能会在挑战过程中继续使用。
  4. 学校图书馆工作人员将为学校委员会成员提供对有争议的材料的访问权限,以及从专业评论来源发表的对材料的评论。学校委员会成员将被指派阅读、查看或收听全部材料以及所提供的评论。
  5. 学校将采取合理措施保护质疑审查过程和学校委员会成员(即姓名和其他个人身份信息)的机密性。  
  6. 在有时间审查材料和评论后,学校委员会将审议这些问题并做出决定。 
  7. 决定由多数票决定。学校委员会将决定是将该资料保留在学校图书馆中,还是从学校图书馆中取消选择该资料。  
  8. 学校委员会的决定将转交给地区图书馆专家。如果多数决定取消选择学校图书馆的图书馆资料,则取消选择的标题将转发给地区级挑战。
  9. 提交学校级别挑战的人将在十 (10) 个学校日历日内收到提交通知的收据。提交的收据将包括确定在不超过六十 (60) 个教学日的合理时间内完成挑战的估计时间表。
  10. 学校委员会的决定将在合理时间内以书面形式通知挑战者,不超过做出决定后的十 (10) 个工作日。
  11. 学生的家长/法定监护人每学年只能进行两 (2) 次挑战。
  12. The same material cannot be challenged for at least five (5) years.



District Level Appeal - 600.06-6


  1. 挑战者应提交书面 区级申诉表 在收到学校委员会的决定后十 (10) 个教学日内,将学校委员会的决定副本连同一份交给教学支持主任。
  2. 有问题的材料可能会在学区级上诉期间继续使用。
  3. The Director of Instructional Supports or designee will convene the District Appeal Committee and provide them with access to the challenged material as well as published reviews of the material from professional review sources.
  4. The District Appeal Committee members will read, view, or listen to the material in its entirety as well as the reviews.
  5. 学区将采取合理措施保护学区质疑审查流程和学区委员会成员(即姓名和其他个人身份信息)的机密性。  
  6. After being afforded time to review the material, the District Appeal Committee will reconvene to decide whether to retain the material in the District library collection, or de-select the materials from the District library collection.  A determination is made by a majority vote.
  7. 提交学区级质疑申诉将在十 (10) 个校历日内收到提交通知的回执。提交的收据将包括在不超过四十五 (45) 个教学日的合理时间内完成学区级上诉确定的预计时间表。
  8. The District Appeal Committee will render a written determination to the challenger within ten (10) calendar days of reaching a decision.
  9. Following the District Appeal Committee determination there is no further administrative action.



Sensitive Material Review/Challenge - 600.06-7

  1. The following individuals may initiate a sensitive material review/challenge:An employee of the District;
    1. A student enrolled in the District;
    2. A parent/legal guardian of a student; or
    3. A member of the Board of Education.
  2. An individual who has made three (3) unsuccessful sensitive material review/challenges during a given academic year, may not initiate a sensitive material review/challenge during the remainder of the given academic year.
  3. The requesting individual will submit a Sensitive Material Review/Challenge Form to the District, which will be forwarded to the District’s Library Media Specialist.
  4. Pursuant to State law, upon receipt of a Sensitive Material Review/Challenge Form, the District Library Media Specialist will make a determination if the allegation presents a plausible claim that the challenged library material constitutes sensitive material and will forward the allegation to the Objective Sensitive Panel for a sensitive material review.
    1. The District Library Media Specialist will facilitate removal of the challenged material from any school setting that provides student access until the District completes the objective sensitive materials review.
    2. The material will appear as restricted pending review in the District’s online public access catalog (OPAC). 
  5. A sensitive material review will include:
    1. an Objective Sensitive Material Review by an Objective Sensitive Material Panel; and
    2. only if the Objective Sensitive Material Panel determines it does not constitute objective sensitive material, a Subjective Sensitive Material Review by a District Appeal Committee.
  6. Objective Sensitive Material Review: An Objective Sensitive Material Panel will engage in a review and determination under the non-discretionary standards as described in Utah Code 76-10-1227 (1)(a)(i)(ii), or (iii).
    1. If the panel determines a title constitutes Objective Sensitive Material as described in Utah Code 76-10-1227:
      1. The District is not required to engage in a review under the subjective sensitive material standard, but the panel may also review under the prongs of The Miller-Test.
      2. The title constituting Objective Sensitive Material will be reported to the State Board of Education;
      3. The title will be inaccessible to students in any school setting and the title will be restricted pending review pending an appeal to the Board or action by USBE.
    2. An objective sensitive material review will occur within ten (10) school days of submission of a Sensitive Material Review/Challenge Form.
  7. Subjective Sensitive Material Review: If the Objective Sensitive Material Panel determines a title does not constitute objective sensitive material, a District Appeal Committee will complete a Subjective Sensitive Material Review, which includes reflective members of the school community. During the Subjective Sensitive Material review, the title will be accessible only with parent consent.
    1. This review includes reading the entire title, and making a determination if the title contains pornographic or indecent material under the following factor-balancing standards: Material that is ”harmful to minors” in Utah Code 76-10-1201; or material that is pornographic under 76-10-1203; or material that include certain fondling or other erotic touching under 76-10-1227 (1)(a)(iv).
    2. If the review by a District Appeal Committee determines the title constitutes subjective sensitive material, the title will be inaccessible to students in the school setting, and the District will communicate to the State Board the District’s final determination regarding the Title. The title will be inaccessible to students in any school setting pending an appeal to the Board or action by USBE.
    3. If the Subjective Sensitive Material Review determines the title does not constitute Subjective Sensitive Material, the title will be retained in the District’s library collection.
  8. The sensitive material review will be conducted within forty-five (45) school days.
    1. A District Appeal Committee may request to the Superintendent or designee for a waiver of the forty-five (45) school day time-line if the number of requests for review/challenges exceeds the District Appeal Committee’s capacity.
  9. An individual (i.e., employee, student, parent/legal guardian of student and member for the Board) may appeal a District Appeal Committee’s decision regarding a sensitive material review to the Board.



Appeal to the Board - 600.06-8

  1. If an individual is not satisfied with a sensitive material review/challenge, regardless of whether the instructional material was removed or retained, may appeal to the School Board within fifteen (15) calendar days of a sensitive materials determination.
  2. Upon receipt of an appeal to the School Board, the Board will schedule a review of an appeal within 45 days.
    1. The individual submitting an appeal to the Board will provide a written statement offering a rationale for why a title should be removed or retained.
    2. The Board will be provided a copy of:
      1. the individual’s written statement;
      2. the Objective Sensitive Material Review from the Objective Sensitive Material Review Panel; and
      3. the Subjective Sensitive Material Review from the District Appeal Committee.
  3. The School Board shall vote in a Public Board meeting to decide the outcome of sensitive material review appeal, identifying:
    1. The Board’s rationale for the decision to remove or retain the title; and
    2. The Board’s determination on each component of the statutory and any additional policy standards the Board uses to reach the Board conclusion.
  4. The Board decision will be communicated to the State School Board.
    1. If the title is to be removed, it will be inaccessible to students in any school setting and the title will be deselected from the District’s library collection; and subject to the District’s surplus procedures for deselected books.



Sensitive Materials Threshold - 600.06-9

  1. Sensitive Materials Threshold: Pursuant to state Law, (H.B. 29, 2024), the requirement to remove a given instructional material from student access statewide applies if the following number local education agencies (LEAs) makes a determination that given instructional constitutes objective sensitive material:
    1. At least three school districts; or
    2. At least two school district and five charter schools,
  2. Pursuant to state law, if the above threshold is met, the state school board (USBE) shall aggregate allegations and LEA determinations; and no later than 10 days after the day on which the threshold occurs, communicate to all LEAS to remove the relevant challenged instructional material.
  3. Pursuant to state law, upon receipt of communication from the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) that a given instructional material constitutes objective sensitive material by at least three school districts, or at least two school districts and five charter schools, the District will remove the given instructional material from student access in accordance with state law and hold pending further action by USBE.
  4. If the above sensitive material threshold is met for a given instructional material, in additional to making the communication above to remove the given instructional material, the state board may:
    1. Place the material on the agenda of a public board meeting within 60 days after the day on which the state board (USBE) makes a communication to LEAs;
    2. At the specified state board meeting, vote to overturn the application of the requirement to remove a given material from student access statewide.
    3. If the state board (USBE) votes to overturn the application of the statewide removal, the statewide removal no longer applies. If a statewide mandate no longer applies, an LEA may choose to return the given material to student access.
      1. Canyons School District has determined to not give deference to sensitive material reviews conducted by other educational entities, and will return the given instructional material to student access in the District’s Library collection.


峡谷学区在 2021-2022 学年之前没有正式请求重新考虑图书馆资料。   



已修改 – 6.4.2024.  Policy – 600.06 Selection and Reconsideration of Library Material was revised pursuant to H.B. 29 (2024).  The policy adjustments include:   

  • Statutory definition for Challenger of Sensitive Materials: student; parent of a student; employee; or member of the Board of Education
  • Statutory definitions for Sensitive Material; Objective Sensitive Material; Subjective Sensitive Material; and Unsuccessful Sensitive Material Challenge
  • Procedural definitions: Objective Sensitive Material Panel; The Miller Test; Restricted Pending Review
  • Challenge for reasons other than Sensitive Materials
  • Sensitive Materials Review/Challenge Procedures
  • Appeal to the Board
  • Sensitive Materials Threshold and Utah State Board of Education (USBE)

已修改 – 2022 年 13 月 12 日。政策 - 600.06 - 图书馆资料的选择和重新考虑通过以下方式进行了修订:  

  • 新标题:学校图书馆资料的选择与再思考
  • 临时限制访问和永久限制访问的新定义,所有定义均按字母顺序排列。
  • 标题审查过程被修改并重新命名为“敏感材料审查”。新流程包括根据犹他州法典 76-10-1227 对“描述非法性行为或不道德行为的描述”进行初步筛选,以及全面的敏感材料审查,其中包括阅读整个标题,以及分析“根据犹他州法典 76-10-1201 和犹他州法典 76-10-1203 对未成年人有害”或“色情”。
    • 如果发现标题包含基于犹他州代码 76-10-1227 的材料,则可能会取消选择或暂时限制访问,需要父母/法定监护人许可才能访问,等待全面审查。此初步预筛选将在十 (10) 个教学日内进行。  
    • 家长/法定监护人每年只能在可以访问图书馆资料的学校主动请求十 (10) 次敏感资料审查。
  • 可以在没有审查的情况下发起对图书馆资料的质疑。但是,挑战过程将在完成完整的敏感材料审查后开始。 
  • 解决挑战的学校委员会将决定是将资料保留在学校图书馆中,还是从学校图书馆中取消选择资料。
  • 挑战时间线已修改为不超过六十 (60) 个上学日,并且家长/法定监护人每学年只能进行两 (2) 次挑战。
  • 调整了学区级别的上诉,允许学区委员会保留学区图书馆馆藏中的资料,永久限制(需要家长/法定监护人许可访问)或取消选择图书馆馆藏中的资料。
  • 地区行政人员或董事会成员的地区级审查仅限于两 (2) 项主动请求。 

已修改 – 2022 年 17 月 5 日。政策 – 600.06 – 学校图书馆资料选择和审查已更新为 包括 HB 374 学校敏感材料 (2022) 中敏感材料和学校环境的法定定义。具体而言,术语敏感材料已添加到图书馆材料政策的取消选择标准中。还添加了语言以保护审查委员会成员的机密性。一种 从日历日到学校日历日进行了细微调整,以考虑到在夏季月份学校或学区员工可能因合同时间和预定假期而无法上班的情况下,图书馆材料的审查请求可能会延长。 

已修改 – 1.4.2022。政策 – 600.06 – 修订了学校图书馆材料选择和审查以添加董事会政策语言,承认并遵守学校图书馆的宪法和第一修正案原则以及学生阅读和知识自由的权利与未成年人的指导和教育以及社区价值观相平衡。选择图书馆资料的其他标准已添加到政策中,并概述了审查流程,包括学校级别审查、学区级别审查、学校和学区级别挑战。   

已修改 – 2020 年 19 月 5 日。政策 - 600.06 - 学校图书馆资料选择和审查更新的语言 审查委员会,以及图书馆采购和维护的新程序 集合。政策更新还包括在个别学校和学区挑战图书馆资料的程序。 

已通过 – 10.18.2005.


此在线演示文稿是Canyons学区当前采用的政策手册的电子表示形式。它不反映正在进行的更新活动。官方权威手册可在位于桑迪东300 600号桑迪(South East East)的9361 South 300的总监办公室中查阅。


Alta View基本

如果制作一部关于超级教师的电影,露西·张伯伦将是主角的主要候选人。对于她在 Alta View 小学的幼儿园学生来说幸运的是,她已经在为他们提供支持的角色中茁壮成长。父母感谢她是“超级老师”。她也被描述为“了不起的同事”。无论学生是在课堂上还是在生病时在家中需要帮助,露西都在帮助他们学习、克服恐惧、感到重要和被关心。据家长们说,露西是许多孩子从讨厌学校变成喜欢学校的原因。她散发出耐心、甜蜜、正能量和对有特殊需要的学生的爱的方式受到赞赏和钦佩。一位家长指出:“我的两个孩子都希望她能永远成为他们的老师。”另一位补充说:“她对待每个学生都像对待他们的学习一样,他们的感受是她的首要任务。”超级老师,真的!






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