
Family Connections

Getting Involved





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Getting Involved

Web Manager Portal


Canyons District’s family of websites are the source of truth, or anchor behind our brand, and a living record of the District and its schools.

Thank you for taking on the role and responsibility as your school or department web manager.    ……….

The Expectations

  • Maintain compliance with Canyons School District Web Policies and the Canyons School
    District Style Guide.
  • Update homepage blog at least twice weekly with high quality content that is
    consistent with the District’s overarching goals and values.
  • Attend at least one training session: Introduction to WordPress, and a
    Supplemental Training on subjects ranging from ADA compliance to social media
    marketing. Other trainings will be open to any and all interested.
  • Complete the Canvas training course for Web Managers including several brief tests that
    demonstrate an understanding of best practices for maintaining the school website.
  • Publish districtwide news, infographics, videos, and other messaging as directed by the
    Office of Public Communications.
    Ensure that the on-site calendar, bell schedules, student handbooks, and all other site
    content is kept up-to-date.
  • Work with Canyons District’s Web Developer to promptly troubleshoot and resolve
    technical issues.
  • Post at least twice weekly to official social media channels (Facebook & Twitter), or
    coordinate with administration to post timely updates. Posts might include links to blog
    posts with a short summary or other applicable content.
  • Respond regularly and professionally to questions or comments on posted social media