Schools are encouraged to adopt bylaws. A school would do this to clarify certain areas that go beyond basic Rules or Order & Procedure and may be used in conjunction with these Rules or may be in place of the Rules.
Bylaws Suggested Outline:
(for suggestion purposes only, the SCC should decide what they wish to include):
- Official name of organization
- A reference to the governing laws for SCCs:
- Utah Code
- Utah State Board of Education Rule
- Canyons Board of Education Policy
- Standing Rules – this is the section that would replace the Rules of Order & Procedure
- Elections
- Set total number of available seats
- Attendance
- How meetings will run/Robert’s Rules
- Define a quorum
- Expected meeting schedule for the year
- Roles:
- chair and vice chair
- Other
- Secretary
- Counselor
- Others: ex-officio which would be non-voting
- May not close meetings
- How to establish sub-committees and the guidelines they function under
- Guests and how they would bring topics of concern to the SCC
- Agendas
- Elections
- Membership:
- Follow law and then add a maximum. If no maximum added then everyone who wishes may serve on the SCC.
- Attendance expectations
- Replacing a member
- Term of Chair (if desired, if not term would be yearly)
- Election:
- Many have chosen to include alternates, which will be appointed if a vacancy becomes available.
- Should attendance for alternates be included?
- Conflicts of interest
- Recodification
- Open meetings law
- Canyons policy vs state law and rule
- Standing Rules (in place of rules of order and procedure)
- Elections
- Set total number of available seats
- Attendance
- How meetings will run
- Define a quorum
- Meeting schedule
- Roles:
- Chair and Vice-chair
- Others; elected or ex-officio
- May not close meetings
- Subcommittees
- Roberts Rules
- Guests/agendas/how to address the SCC
- Elections
- Date SCC last amended
- In bylaws, if not already:
- 1 week prior to a meeting, must post on website
- A notice of the meeting, time, and place;
- An agenda for the meeting; and
- The minutes of the previous meeting (this one is not in many of the bylaws
- Date SCC last amended