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Getting Involved

SCC Digital Citizenship

Resources and information about Digital Citizenship and the role of the School Community Council. 

During a fall SCC meeting, the administration will share the Digital Citizenship Report with the SCC. This plan includes how the school will provide student technology education, parent technology education and information about our district’s filtering and networks support system. At the conclusion of the discussion, the SCC will be asked:

  • Does the SCC feel it has received enough information to determine if the filtering systems and supervision practices are appropriate? 
  • Does the SCC feel it has received  enough information about the school’s educational effort to instill a student’s desire to be a good digital citizen?
  • Does the SCC believe the school has a viable plan to present internet citizenship and safety information to the parents in the community?

If the SCC has not received adequate information to support the school’s digital citizenship efforts, the council should produce a recommended action plan.  Upon completion of the review by the SCC the Principal, SCC Chair and DigCit Building representative will submit the school digital citizenship plan through CSD Dashboard.

Common Sense Media

Common Sense Media provides quality information to support families in developing digital citizenship skills at home

Thrive Time Curriculum

The Thrive Time curriculum is  used in K-8 and provides a digital citizenship lesson in each unit

District SCC Website

This links to the district SCC page and provides more information on the SCC roles and responsibilities

Digital Citizenship Report Timeline

This document details the deadlines and preparations steps for the digital citizenship report.

SCC Digital Citizenship