Home Instruction for special education students pursuant to an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) guidelines.
Home Instruction is a special education placement on the LRE continuum.
Home and Hospital Instruction is available to all students during a term of illness, injury, other extenuating circumstances regardless of their disability.
Determination of Home Instruction:
- Home instruction may be necessary for a student with a disability who is unable to attend school for medical or psychological reasons.
- Determination to place a student with a disability on home instruction is made by the IEP team.
- Parent/Legal Guardian preference in considered, but not the determining factor.
- The fact that a parent/legal guardian submits a letter from a physician or other provider stating that a student requires home instruction does not preclude the IEP team from considering a less restrictive setting.
- Special Education Director or designee must be notified.
- Home instruction is not appropriate for students with disabilities whose needs can be met in a less restrictive setting.
Amount and Scope of Home Instruction:
- The amount of home instruction provided must be based on a student’s unique needs.
- Consider any physical or mental factors that may impeded the student’s instruction when determining scheduling and duration of homebound services.
- The nature of a student’s disability may limit availability for instruction.
- Be sure to consider and provide related services.
- Students with disabilities receiving home instruction have the right to participate in district-sponsored activities to the extent that they are able to do so.
Other Home Instruction Information:
- Ensure the IEP clearly details all of the services and accommodations (i.e., type, timing, and frequency) the student will receive.
- Monitor student progress.
- Work closely with parents and instructional personnel to determine if and when adjustments should be made.
- Anticipate the student’s return to school at the end of placement by making necessary modifications to the IEP to address transition issues, provision of needed medical services, and other accommodations.
- Return may be gradual, with a combination of continued home instruction services and slow reintegration into classroom.
- Ensure all student’s teachers are aware of student’s planned return and are prepared to implement the IEP.
This online presentation is an electronic representation of the Canyons School District’s currently adopted policy manual. It does not reflect updating activities in progress. The official, authoritative manual is available for inspection in the office of the Superintendent located at 9361 South 300 East Sandy, UT 84070.