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Getting Involved

Policy 500.24 – Student Educational Travel



Board Policy

  1. The Board of Education recognizes student participation in properly planned, well-managed, and fully supervised educational activities requiring travel, such as field trips, conferences, workshops, and overnight trips, provide meaningful educational experiences for students and are a vital component of the District’s curriculum.
  2. Within funding limitations, it is the policy of the Board to assure all schools have an equal opportunity to receive bus service for educational field trips.
  3. Student overnight travel and or activities should be carefully designed to minimize disruptions to the basic education program, involve parents/legal guardians in the planning, and safeguard students from undue pressure to participate.
  4. All student overnight travel requires Board approval, and the approval request must detail the educational purpose of each trip or activity.
  5. District and school personnel are prohibited from sponsoring or promoting personal and commercial trips at school, or in any place where they are acting in the scope of their district or school responsibilities.
  6. The Board authorizes the Superintendent and the District Administration to develop administrative regulations consistent with this policy, subject to review and approval by the Board.



Definitions - 500.24-1

  1. Educational field trip: means any off-campus activity which meets a curriculum or extracurricular need and serves a specific educational purpose.
  2. Travel Gross Expense Cap:  The maximum dollar amount that may be spent per student for overnight travel as approved in the Board Approved Fee Schedule.  
  3. Tier-Two (2) Travel Gross Expense Cap Rule:  Each eligible high school group or organization may travel up to the full amount of the travel gross expense cap per student for one (1) year.  In the subsequent school year, the student overnight travel cost per student for the high school group or organization must not exceed one-half (1/2) of the travel gross expense cap (e.g., if the travel gross expense cap is $1500.00 in year one, then the Two-Tier (2) Travel Gross Expense Cap must not exceed $750.00).  The Tier-Two (2) Travel Gross Expense Cap Rule is applicable once a high school group or organization student overnight travel cost exceeds 50% of the travel gross expense cap.
  4. Overnight travel: means travel associated with an educational field trip extending beyond one (1) day.  Overnight travel requires approval by the Board of Education.
  5. UHSAA”: means the Utah High School Activities Association.



Field Trip Authorization - 500.24-2

  1. Field trip authorization
    1. Field trips of less than one (1) day’s duration shall be coordinated and authorized by the school principal who is responsible to assure that adequate funding is available through an appropriate funding source. In elementary schools, field trips outside of Salt Lake, Utah and Davis Counties must be approved by a School Performance Officer.
    2. District consultants, coordinators, and teacher specialists may be assigned to coordinate field trip activities sponsored at the District level.
  2. A Field Trip Planning Guide shall be completed and approved by the school principal for each proposed field trip. The following information shall be provided by the teacher(s) or adviser(s) requesting the field trip:
    1. A description of the field trip including the purpose of the trip, place of destination, class or sponsoring organization, and number of students involved.
    2. An outline of the field trip curriculum including instruction prior to the event, during transit, at the point of destination, and evaluation or follow-up activities after the event.
  3. All field trips must adhere to established policies and regulations governing student safety, including use of an authorized means of transportation which meets all District and State requirements for transporting students, parent permission for student participation, and an adequate number of qualified adult supervisors who have passed a District clearance check.
  4. Bus service
    1. Principals must apply to the District Transportation Department for bus service for field trips a minimum of two weeks in advance. The Request for Transportation Service form provided by the District Office should be used and the form signed by both the principal and the Director of Transportation.
    2. District buses are generally available to provide field trip service beginning 15 minutes after the latest school starting time and ending 30 minutes prior to the earliest school closing time.  Use of district buses for field trips is subject to availability of buses and drivers.   
    3. Requests for bus service are considered on a first-come, first-served basis. Special authorization may be obtained from Superintenident or designee in hardship or special needs circumstances.
    4. District buses are not authorized to travel in hazardous terrain including unimproved or unmaintained roads.
    5. Travel requests to local area Canyons must be approved by Superintendent or his/her designee.
  5. When the District does not provide transportation in connection with a school-related activity or event, the following will apply:
    1. Each student desiring to participate in such an activity or event must submit an “Assumption of Risk” form signed by the student and the student’s parent or guardian which acknowledges that no transportation is being provided by the District and that the student’s participation is conditioned on the student arranging for his or her own transportation to events or competitions associated with the activity and practices.  The student may not be a member of the particular team or organization, nor participate in the activity, unless a completed “Assumption of Risk” form is on file.



Activity Disclosure Statements - 500.24-3

  1. An activity disclosure statement must be available to parents/legal guardians of students in grades nine through twelve (9-12) who are trying out or signing up for any team, group, or program that will require the student to miss normal class time or has activities that will take place outside regular school time, including contests, games, performances, events or other activities.
  2. Activity disclosure statements shall be disseminated to students desiring involvement in the specific activity and their parents or legal guardians.
  3. Activity disclosures shall include the following information:
    1. the specific name of the team, group, or activity;
    2. the maximum number of students involved;
    3. whether or not tryouts are used to select students, specifying date and time requirements for tryouts, if applicable;
    4. beginning and ending dates of the activity;
    5. a tentative schedule of the events, performances, games, or other activities with dates, times, and places specified if available;
    6. if applicable, designation of any nonseason events or activities, including an indication of the status, required, expected, suggested, or optional, with the dates, times, and places specified;
    7. fees associated with the activity;
    8. the name of the school employee responsible for the activity; and
    9. any additional information considered important for the students and parents to know. (See, U.C.A. §53G-4-409).



Overnight Travel - 500.24-4

  1. All overnight travel requires Board approval.
    1. Preapproval overnight travel paperwork should be submitted at least 45 days and no more than 180 days prior to travel.
      1. Overnight travel requests requiring advance financial commitment beyond 180 days, may be brought forward as a Principal Appeal, with estimated financial projections.
  2. All overnight travel:
    1. shall have a maximum of five calendar (5) days, and no experience shall cause a student to miss more than two (2) days of school; and
    2. shall include a specific educational purpose.
  3. Each high school shall be limited to twenty (20) overnight travel experiences per school year.  Prior to the beginning of each school year, each high school will submit a list of eligible groups for travel.  Non-curricular clubs are not eligible for student overnight travel. 
  4. Travel Gross Expense Cap:  The maximum dollar amount that may be spent per student for overnight travel as approved in the Board Approved Fee Schedule.  
  5. Tier-Two (2) Travel Gross Expense Cap Rule:  Each eligible high school group or organization may travel up to the full amount of the travel gross expense cap per student for one (1) year.  In the subsequent school year, the student overnight travel cost per student for the high school group or organization must not exceed one-half (1/2) of the travel gross expense cap (e.g., if the travel gross expense cap is $1500.00 in year one, then the Two-Tier (2) Travel Gross Expense Cap must not exceed $750.00). The Tier-Two (2) Travel Gross Expense Cap Rule is applicable once a high school group or organization student overnight travel cost exceeds 50% of the travel gross expense cap.
  6. Each high school group or organization shall be limited to one (1) overnight travel activity per school year.
    1. national competition exception: the Board authorizes an exception to the tier two travel gross expense cap rule for groups or organizations that qualify for a national competition after qualification from within an in-state chapter organization
      1. National competitions are exempt from the 45 day preliminary travel request deadline.
      2. Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSO)’s are an exception to the twenty (20) overnight travel experiences per year. CTSO’s may be granted exceptions on overnight travel criteria and fee caps based on National Competition schedules and fees.
    2. region competition exception: the Board authorizes an exception to the twenty (20)  overnight travel experiences per year and the 45 day preliminary travel request deadline for region competitions that require student overnight travel.  The school or District will pay the travel expenses for region competition student overnight travel.  Region competition student overnight travel may receive pre-approval from the District Administration and subsequent ratification by the Board.
    3. multi-school/District exception: the Board authorizes a multi school/District travel exception from the twenty (20) overnight travel experiences per year, and the tier two gross expense cap, for two or more schools joining together with up to 20 students per school for a sporting, artistic, or other related event.
    4. Summer travel exception: A high school group or organization may travel for one (1) additional overnight trip in a school year for a summer camp consistent with cost outlined in the Board approved fee schedule.
    5. Principal Appeal:
      1. The principal of the school may appeal for an exception to the overnight travel criteria to a three-person review panel designated by the Superintendent.  The members of the review/appeal shall not have prior participation in the matter being reviewed. The appeal criteria is outlined in Exhibit-1-Student Overnight Travel Appeal Criteria.
      2. If the review panel supports the principal’s appeal, the panel will forward the recommendation to the Board of Education for consideration. If an appeal is denied, there is no further action.
    6. Middle school and elementary school students do not engage in overnight travel, unless an individual student or group of students that qualified for a national level competition supported by the District (e.g. history fair, science fair, spelling bee, etc).
      1. The principal of the school will provide details of the competition, including the students traveling, associated fees, and competition costs to the Superintendent for review. The Superintendent will notify the Board of Education for approval.
      2. Elementary and middle school students participating in approved competitions requiring overnight travel must be accompanied by a parent.
  7. No high school group or organization may travel outside the forty-eight (48) contiguous United States.
  8. Overnight travel may be part of the educational program for high school students when the travel is for an activity sponsored by the UHSAA, a state or nationally affiliated educational organization, or an approved high school program.
    1. Schools shall abide by the regulations governing intrastate competitions outlined in the Utah High School Activities Association bylaws.
  9. All overnight travel is optional and non-participation shall not affect a student’s grades or educational standing, or team membership.
  10. Canyons District schools shall not sponsor overnight travel for post-graduate students such as graduation trips, music tours, etc.
  11. Students participating in overnight travel will be allowed and required to make up assigned work missed during travel.
  12. Student participating in overnight travel are subject to CSD student conduct and discipline, hazing, bullying, and nondiscrimination policies.
    1. A student who participates in dangerous or disruptive conduct or illegal behavior after signing up for overnight travel and prior to leaving may be removed from an overnight travel trip, even after payment deadlines, at the expense of the parent/legal guardian.
    2. A student who engages in dangerous or disruptive conduct or illegal behavior on an overnight travel trip may be sent home by school administration at the expense of the parent/legal guardian.



Financial Cost/Fees and Supervision - 500.24-5

  1. All overnight travel trips shall be required to submit a post overnight travel verified cost expenditure form signed by the principal.
  2. Student overnight travel may be conducted when financial costs as governed by the Board-approved fee schedule are assumed by the participating group, students, and or parents.
  3. Expenditures should not place an undue burden on families to provide travel funds, and travel costs are subject to fee waivers.
  4. All overnight travel opportunities shall have a gross expense cap set forth in the Board Approved Fee Schedule, including any fundraising.
    1. The cost of substitutes for advisers who are accompanying traveling students will be paid by the school.
    2. Student body general funds may not be used to pay costs related to student travel.
    3. All student costs associated with the trip must be itemized in detail by listing exact costs per student:
      1. travel, housing, meals, registration fees, insurance, and including all other scheduled costs.
      2. The total anticipated cost per student must be shown on the application form. The percentage of the total student cost that may be earned through fund raising efforts must also be listed.
    4. When, in the sole judgment of the Administration or the Board of Education, in consultation with the school and the participating students and patrons, travel is suspended due to safety or other consideration beyond the control of any or all involved, Canyons School District, the Board of Education, school employees and agents shall have no obligation and shall be held harmless with respect to refund of any expenditures.
      1. Participants should not expect refunds for cancellations either individually or as a group.
      2. It is the local school’s responsibility to make this explicit to participants during the required parent meetings and prior to the commitment of funds, and require the parents to sign a statement of their understanding.
  5. Supervision must be provided at all times at a ratio of 1 adult to 10 students for overnight and educational travel.At least one adult chaperone must be of the same gender as the students participating.
  6. All adult chaperones must:
    1. Complete a BCI criminal background check; and
    2. Be at least 21 years of age.
      1. Any additional adult(s) accompanying student overnight travel not functioning as a chaperone may not be alone or supervise students without a BCI criminal background check.



Preliminary Travel Proposal - 500.24-6

  1. A preliminary travel proposal outlining a desired overnight travel experience will be submitted to the School Performance Director for Board consideration prior to any discussion or meetings with parents and at least 45 days and no more than 180 days prior to the proposed trip. The preliminary travel proposal for Board approval shall include:
    1. The name of the group requesting permission to travel.
    2. The objectives of the trip, including valid and complete documentation of the educational outcomes.
    3. The proposed destination, mode of travel, and number of students involved.
    4. The number of school days missed. (May not exceed two).
    5. The estimated total student cost of the trip including percentage of fund raising used to fund the trip per student.
    6. Specific and clearly defined reasons why the educational objectives cannot be met at another location closer to home.
    7. The principal’s signature of approval.  (Cannot be a designee).



Parent/Guardian Meeting - 500.24-7

  1. A parent/guardian meeting must be held in conjunction with student travel requests.
    1. This meeting with parents will be held to discuss all costs and the itinerary associated with the proposed trip for the parents of potential student participants. A parent survey may be utilized if a parent(s) is unable to attend the meeting.
    2. In this meeting parents will be informed, by a school administrator or the adviser in writing, of the proposed travel itinerary, anticipated cost per student, fund raising efforts, and the potential for non-refunds or expenditures when trips are cancelled.
      1. If 75 percent of the students parent’s or legal guardian’s support the plan, a parent signature form will be kept on file at the school.   A checklist will be submitted to the Board.
      2. If the plan is not supported by 75 percent of the parents, all proposals for the trip will be abandoned. All necessary forms will be provided and completed at this meeting.
  2. A notarized statement granting the advisor permission to seek medical treatment for a student, in the event of an emergency, must be provided at the parent meeting or prior to the commencement of the trip.
  3. After Board approval of the initial travel proposal, the complete overnight travel request form shall be submitted to the School Performance Director.  The request form shall also include complete documentation and summary of results of a required parent meeting as outlined above.



Transportation, Travel Requirements, and Insurance Coverage - 500.24-8

  1. Students are not allowed to drive when participating in overnight travel.
  2. Parents or legal guardians wishing to transport their own children, with the approval of the administration and/or the team coach/adviser, will not be under the jurisdiction of Canyons School District and sign an Assumption of Risk Form.
  3. Air transportation shall be by commercial carrier. No private aircraft may be used for student travel.
  4. Ground transportation guidelines are as follows:
    1. First priority must be given to District/School Bus Transportation;
    2. Second priority must be given to Commercial Carriers licensed to operate in Utah and in other states for ground transportation and upon arrival at destination.  Appropriate ground transportation insurance must be in place.
    3. Third priority may be the use of rental vehicles. Criteria for using rental vehicles is as follows:
      1. Vehicles (rental or otherwise) used for local ground transportation shall adhere to State Risk Management guidelines and state law to not exceed 11 passenger capacity vehicles, including the driver. (See, Utah Code 53-8-211.5 (1) which states, “an education entity may not use a vehicle with seating capacity of 11 or more, including the driver, for the transportation of its students unless the vehicle meets federal school bus safety standards.  See, 49 U.S.C. Sec. 30101, et seq.).
      2. Fifteen passenger vans are strictly prohibited for any student travel according to the above statutory provisions. 
      3. A request for use of rental vehicles must be included in the student overnight travel submission. A rental vehicle request is limited to two (2) rental vehicles and must include a ground transportation cost analysis (i.e., rental vehicle versus Commercial Carrier) and proof of current driver safety training completion.
        1. Ground transportation via rented vehicle (i.e., Enterprise) must be operated by an administrator or employee, within the 425 miles radius for overnight travel.
        2. Drivers must also show proof of a valid driver’s license and be at least 25 years of age, and may have no more than 70 points on their driving record and may have no reckless driving or drug/alcohol related violations within the previous three years.
        3. Ground Transportation Drivers must complete State Risk Management’s Defensive Driving and Large Passenger Van Trainings.
      4. Drivers without a commercial driver’s license issued by the State of Utah must adhere to State Risk management Safety Rules as follows:
        1. Every passenger must be properly seat-belted at all times.
        2. Before beginning any trip, drivers of vehicles shall take sufficient time to familiarize themselves with all operational controls, i.e., head lights, fog lights, windshield washer and wipers, cruise control, emergency lights, etc.,
        3. The use of cell-phones and other electronic devices is prohibited.
        4. Distractions, such as eating, drinking, and other non-driving activities must be avoided;
        5. Baggage cargo should be stored in front of the rear wheels;
        6. No baggage should be placed on the roof of the vehicle.
        7. Never operate a vehicle when impaired by alcohol, illegal drugs, prescription drugs or non-prescription drugs;
        8. Never engage the cruise control on slick roads;
        9. Total driving time must not exceed 12 hours in a 24 hour-period;
        10. Never exceed the posted speed limit and reduce speed appropriately for weather conditions and other hazards;
        11. During longer trips, take a break every two hours and rotate drivers whenever possible;
        12. Never drive between 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m., unless you are returning to home base the return time will not exceed one (1) hour; and
        13. Always adhere to applicable state and local laws, rules, and regulations.
  1. Canyons District buses may be used in the following circumstances:
    1. The travel is to be within the state; or
    2. The request must approved by the Director of Transportation or and the request for services is submitted at least one month in advance.
  1. Evidence of Insurance coverage in addition to that provided by Utah State Risk Management shall be provided by the student organization from one of the following:
    1. The tour provider (vendor)
    2. A commercial group insurance carrier
    3. CHIPS insurance, sold to individual students through the school at reasonable cost
    4. Additional coverage from Utah State Risk Management
    5. These costs shall be shared by the trip participants on an equal basis.  A student shall show proof of family health insurance coverage.  This proof must be on file with the school adviser and provided to the school administration.



Travel Report/Accounting - 500.24-9

  1. Each group or organization that engages in an overnight travel experience will provide a travel report and accounting to the Office of School Performance. The report shall include the educational outcomes and actual travel expenditures.  





Document History

Language Insertion Revision – 8.6.2024.  Pursuant to a motion at the July 9, 2024 meeting, the Board requested the following review/appeal language to the policy and all other applicable policies in the District’s Policy Manual: “the members of the review/appeal panel shall not have prior participation in the matter being reviewed.”
Revised – 11.1.2022.  Policy – 500.24 – Student Education Travel is updated to revised criteria for student overnight travel.  Specifically the policy update:    

-Expands the window for student overnight travel applications to 180 days in advance.

– Increases the number of student overnight travel trips per high school from 15 to 20.

-Prior to the beginning of each school year, each high school will submit a list of eligible groups for travel.

-Clarifies that non-curricular clubs or groups may not engage in student overnight travel.

-Eliminates the 425 mile radius every other year rule.

-Establishes a Tier-Two (2) Travel Gross Expense Cap Rule:  Each eligible high school group or organization may travel up to the full amount of the travel gross expense cap per student for one (1) year. In the subsequent school year, the student overnight travel cost per student for the high school group or organization must not exceed one-half (1/2) of the travel gross expense cap (e.g., if the travel gross expense cap is $1500.00 in year one, then the Tier-Two Travel Gross Expense Cap must not exceed $750.00). The Tier-Two Travel Gross Expense Cap Rule is applicable once a high school group or organization student overnight travel cost exceeds 50% of the travel gross expense cap.

– Modifies the multi-school exception for student overnight travel from three to two schools and the increases the number of students per school from 10 to 20.

Revised – 4.19.2022.  Policy – 500.24 – Student Educational Travel was updated to adjust the gross cap fee expense for student overnight travel from $1250.00 to $1500.00 consistent with the 2022-2023 Fee Schedule.  An exception was added to the student overnight travel provisions for region competition student overnight travel: (1) region competition requiring overnight travel would not count against a school’s fifteen (15) overnight travel experiences per year; (2) region competition travel would not be required to submit to the 45 day preliminary travel approval; and (3) the school or District will pay for region competition student overnight travel expenses.  
Revised – 10.19.2021.  Policy – 500.24 – Student Educational Travel was revised to update student overnight travel ground transportation priorities and offer alternative travel through rental vehicles.  The option for use of rental vehicles is limited to two (2) rental vehicles and outlines safety and travel provisions (11 passenger vehicles or less) including driver safety requirements and State Risk protocols.  
Revised – 5.7.2019.  Policy – 500.24 – Student Education Travel was revised to require overnight travel submissions be submitted at least 45 days prior
to travel and no more than 150 days in advance. Travel requests beyond 150 days, requiring advanced financial commitment, may be brought forward as a Principal Appeal.  An exception to the policy was added to allow for summer travel, to allow an organization to participate in one (1) additional overnight trip during a school year (i.e., a summer camp), provided the summer trip cost is consistent with the Board Approved Fee Schedule.

Revised – 3.5.2019.  Policy – 500.24 – Student Education Travel was revised as a result of legislation regarding Student Fees and a corresponding work of the Utah Legislative Auditor General with a Performance Audit of Secondary Schools, and work of a School Fee Task Force.  The Student Travel Policy was revised to include provisions regarding school educational travel, specifically to reduce fees, including:

– adding extra-curricular to the definition for educational field trip;

– adding an application time-frame for pre-approval overnight travel applications (at least 45 days and no more than 120 days prior to travel);

– a narrowing of the national competition exception for national academic competitions;

– the addition of a Principal Appeal for overnight travel criteria;

– the principal of the school may appeal for an exception to the overnight travel criteria to a three-person review panel designated by the Superintendent.

– If the review panel supports the principal’s appeal, the panel will forward the recommendation to the Board of Education for consideration. If an appeal is denied, there is no further action; 

– student participating in overnight travel are subject to District student conduct and discipline policies; 

– reducing the number of students to ten (10) for s multi-school exception; 

– removing the term costs and substituting fees;

Adopted – 9.5.2006.


This online presentation is an electronic representation of the Canyons School District’s currently adopted policy manual. It does not reflect updating activities in progress. The official, authoritative manual is available for inspection in the office of the Superintendent located at 9361 South 300 East Sandy, UT 84070.