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Policy 500.23 – Extra-curricular Activities and Student Participation



Board Policy

  1. The Board of Education supports, sponsors, and encourages school extra-curricular activities and student participation as a means for students to develop qualities outlined in the “Portrait of a Canyons Scholar”:  Innovator, Critical Thinker, Resilient Learner, Impactful Citizen; and Collaborator. The Board also recognizes extra-curricular activities offer an opportunity for students to engage in practical life-situations, build self-confidence, promote sportsmanship, learn leadership skills, and hard work.
  2. The Board of Education supports extra-curricular activities that provide opportunities for students to compete and engage in safe competition while prioritizing students’ ability to maintain balance in their academic studies and participation in extra-curricular activities. For activities sanctioned and administered by the Utah High School Activities Association (UHSAA) and offered by the District, CSD will follow UHSAA rules.     
  3. The Board expects Coaches and Extra-Curricular Advisors to act as role models, supervise students, and not engage in unprofessional conduct or criminal behavior with students that violates the employee-student professional boundaries, while on school sponsored activities or at any time associated with a school team or students.
  4. The Board of Education is committed to protecting student religious and moral beliefs regarding athletic uniforms.
  5. The Board authorizes the Superintendent and District Administration to establish administrative regulations consistent with this policy, subject to review and approval by the Board. 



Definitions - 500.23-1

  1. “Extra-curricular Activity”:
    1. means an activity, a course, or a program that:
      1. Is not directly related to delivering instruction.
      2. is not a curricular activity or a co-curricular activity; and
      3. is provided, sponsored, or supported by an LEA.
      4. “Extra-curricular activity” does not include a non-curricular club, or the club’s activities, as defined in Utah Code Section 53G-7-701
  2. Coaches/Extra-Curricular Advisors:  An individual who accepts a temporary at will assignment and receives compensation to supervise an extra-curricular activity.  The individual agrees to be subject to an Extra-curricular Agreement regarding conduct and expectations and complete all assigned duties, to maintain high professional standards, and act as a role model for students/patrons of the community, to follow directives of their supervisor (s), and to adhere all school Board policies. 
  3. Volunteer:  An individual that accepts a temporary at will volunteer assignment to supervise an extra-curricular activity without compensation. The individual agrees to be subject to an Extra-curricular Agreement regarding conduct and expectations and are required to complete all assigned duties, to maintain high professional standards, and act as a role model for students/patrons of the community, to follow directives of their supervisor (s), and to adhere to all school Board policies.     



Coaches and Extra-curicular Advisors - 500.23-2

Please Note:  Coaches and Extra-curricular Advisors includes Volunteers Coaches and Advisors.

  1. Coaches and Extra-curricular Advisors shall supervise student participants at all times while on school-sponsored activities:
    1. on the field, court, or other competition or performance sites, during practices and workouts;
    2. in seating areas, in eating establishments, in lodging facilities; and while traveling.
    3. Coaches and Extra-curricular Advisors do not supervise individual students in areas where there is an individual reasonable expectation of privacy (i.e., a restroom or changing room).
  2. Coaches and/or Extra-curricular Advisors shall be an exemplary role model and may not use alcoholic beverages, tobacco, electronic cigarettes, controlled substances, or participate in other illegal activity while on school-sponsored activities.
  3. Coaches and/or Extra-curricular Advisors will meet with students at the beginning of the school year to review policies and expectations.
  4. Coaches and/or Extra-curricular Advisors agree to adhere to the following policies and guidelines:
    1. Nondiscrimination and Hazing/Bullying: Coaches and/or Extra-curricular Advisors shall not engage in, allow, and/or promote discrimination, harassment, and hazing/bullying. All Coaches and/or Extra-curricular Advisors have a duty to immediately report all allegations or suspicions of discrimination, harassment, and hazing/bullying to their school’s administration (Policy-500.01-Nondiscrimination; Policy 500.02 – Student Conduct Disciplinary Process).
    2. Personal Conduct: Coaches and/or Extra-curricular Advisors are role models and must maintain high professional standards of ethical conduct (Policy 400.01-Employee Conduct and Professionalism; Utah Public Officers and Employees’ Ethics Act). 
    3. Supervision: Coaches and/or Extra-curricular Advisors shall supervise students at all times while participating in school-sponsored activities, including, but not limited to, on the field, court, or other competitions, during practices or workouts, in seating areas, eating establishments, in lodging facilities, and while traveling (Policy 500.24 – Student Educational TravelPolicy 500.23–Extra-curricular Activities and Student Participation).
    4. Language: Coaches and/or Extra-curricular Advisors shall not engage in and/or promote the use of demeaning or profane language (Policy 500.09 – Speech and Manners; Policy 400.01 – Employee Conduct and Professionalism).
    5. Financial Management: Coaches and/or Extra-curricular Advisors shall adhere to all financial policies, guidelines and practices of the District, e.g., CSD Accounting Manual, Master Fee Schedules, Extra-Curricular purchases (P-Cards). 
    6. Drug Fee Workplace: Coaches and/or Extra-curricular Advisors shall maintain a drug free work environment and report to the school administration any suspected drug, alcohol, e-cigarette, and/or tobacco related concerns for investigation (Policy 400.03 – Drug Free WorkplacePolicy 500.02 – Student Conduct and Disciplinary Process). 
    7. Clear Background: Coaches and/or Extra-curricular Advisors shall maintain a cleared background check and report any arrest, citation, or charge(s) for any matters involving an alleged sex, drug, or alcohol offense or an offense against a person (e.g., assault, domestic violence, protective order), or felony offense against property within 48 hours to the Director of Human Resources (Policy 400.04 – Criminal Background Checks). 



Protecting Student Religious Beliefs and Uniforms - 500.23-3

  1. An association (e.g., UHSAA) or educational organization (e.g., school team) that requires a student to wear a uniform for participation in an activity may not prohibit the student from:
    1. wearing religious clothing with the uniform; or
    2. wearing clothing under, or with, but not substantially covering, the uniform to, consistent with the student’s religious or moral beliefs, cover or conceal parts of the student’s body that are not covered or concealed by the uniform.
  2. A student has the right to, while participating in a school-related activity or an association or educational organization sponsors or regulates using school facilities, wear clothing as described in 1 above.
    1. The prohibition described in (1) and the right described in (2) apply regardless of whether the student wears, or is required to wear, a uniform while participating in the activity.
  3. If an association or educational organization places requirements on religious clothing or other clothing described in (1) or (2), other than the material, style, or color of the uniform itself, the association or organization shall provide the clothing at the association’s or educational organization’s expense; and may not impose a requirement in relation to the clothing, including the material color, style, or manner of wearing the clothing, that violates the student’s religious or moral beliefs. 



Participation in Extra-curricular Activities (private, home, charter, and on-line students) - 500.23-4

Participation in Extracurricular Activities (private, home, charter, and on-line students)

  1. A private school student may only participate in an extra-curricular activity at a
    public school that is not offered by the student’s private school.
  2. If a private school student, home school student, charter school student, or online student desires to participate in UHSAA activities, they must comply with UHSAA rules.  
  3. A private school student, home school student, charter school student, or online student may participate in extra-curricular activities if the student meets the initial enrollment requirements for public school, or entry requirements for participation and pays the associated fees or receives a fee waiver. 
  4. Students who have been awarded a Utah Fits All Scholarship award and desire to participate in public school courses will be required to pay for courses and/or activities in Canyons School District and a participation fee and associated costs for participation in any extra-curricular activities in accordance with the following UFA Disclosure Statement (Exhibit-1).



Extra-curricular Activity Concerns/Complaints - 500.23-5

  1. Step (1) One – Informal Discussion with Coach/Extra-curricular Advisor
    1. If a student or student’s parent or legal guardian has a concern/complaint a student or student’s parent/legal guardian is encouraged to resolve the problem through an informal discussion with the coach or extra-curricular/advisor.
    2. If this is not satisfactory, the student or student’s parent or legal guardian may proceed to Step 2.
  2. Step (2) Two – Informal Discussion with School Administrator/Principal
    1. If a student or student’s parent or legal guardian continues to have a concern, the student or student’s parent/legal guardian is encouraged to resolve the problem with an informal discussion with a school administrator.
    2. If this is not satisfactory, the parent or legal guardian may file a written complaint with the school administrator to investigate the concern or complaint at Step (3).
  3. Step (3) Three – Written Complaint/School Investigation
    1. Upon receipt of a written complaint (See, CSD Basic Complaint Form) a school administrator will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within 48 hours and conduct an investigation consistent with District Policies and procedures (See, Policy 400.02/500.01-Nondiscrimination).
      1. A principal may consult during the investigation with Director of High Schools, or the District’s Legal Services.
    2. The school principal shall conclude the investigation and report findings to the complainant, within 10 working days, following a receipt of the complaint. If circumstances require additional time, the principal will communicate with the complainant.
      1. Issues of student discipline will be referred to the District’s District Case Management Team, See Policy 500.02-Student Conduct and Disciplinary Process.
      2. Issues regarding a coach, volunteer, or employee will be referred to the principal’s immediate supervisor and/or Human Resources.   
    3. If a complaint concerns the principal or administrator at the school, the written complaint must be submitted to the principal’s immediate supervisor (i.e., The Office of School Performance) and/or Human Resources for review.
      1. The principal’s immediate supervisor and/or Human Resources will review the complaint and the school’s previous investigation to determine if further investigation is required and may address the concerns through the SAT Process and other District policies.
    4. If the parent/legal guardian is dissatisfied with the investigation, they may file an appeal with Legal Services.
  4. Step (4) District Appeal Panel:
    1. Upon receipt of an appeal, Legal Services will assemble a three-person District Appeal Panel that includes a Director-Level Employee of the District, Legal Services, and the Assistant Superintendent. The members of the appeal panel shall not have prior participation in the investigation of the matter being reviewed. The District Appeal Panel has the following options after reviewing the appeal:
      1. uphold the determination of the investigation;
      2. request additional information or further investigation;
      3. reverse the determination of the investigation; or
      4. recommend additional sanctions or remedial measures.
        1. Student discipline issues will be referred to the District Case Management Team (DCMT) consistent with Policy-500.02-Student Conduct and Disciplinary Process.
        2. Employee issues will be referred to the immediate supervisor and/or Human Resources to be addressed by other District policies.
    2. The District Appeal Panel will issue its decision within five (5) school days of receiving the appeal.
    3. The decision of the District Appeal Panel is the final administrative action in the matter.




Document History

Adopted. – 9.17.2024.  


This online presentation is an electronic representation of the Canyons School District’s currently adopted policy manual. It does not reflect updating activities in progress. The official, authoritative manual is available for inspection in the office of the Superintendent located at 9361 South 300 East Sandy, UT 84070.