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Getting Involved

Policy 500.20 – Student Clubs



Board Policy

  1. The Board of Education recognizes participation in curricular and non-curricular clubs enrich educational and social development experiences for students.   At the same time, the Board of Education values and supports the opportunity student clubs provide to reinforce values of the school community, build student body unity, encourage citizenship, and render service in the school community. To that end, the Board of Education will require as part of a club’s application a statement of how the club will promote student body unity, encourage citizenship, and offer service in the school community.
  2. The Board of Education maintains a limited open forum for secondary students grades 9-12, who choose to organize or participate in clubs either school sponsored and related to the curriculum, or student-run and not curriculum related.
  3. In accordance with federal law, the Board of Education also recognizes it is unlawful for any public secondary school receiving Federal financial assistance and which has a limited open forum to deny equal access or a fair opportunity, or discriminate against, any students wish to conduct a meeting within that limited open forum on the basis of religious, political, philosophical, or other content on the speech at such meetings. A student’s participation in a particular club may not be denied based upon the student’s race, national origin, religion, color, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability.
  4. The Board of Education also recognizes the need to provide guidance to schools regarding authorization of student curricular and non-curricular clubs as outlined in federal and state law.   
  5. The Board authorizes the Superintendent and the District Administration to develop administrative regulations consistent with this policy, subject to review and approval by the Board.



Limited Open Forum; Reservation of Right to Close Forum - 500.20-1

  1. Limited Open Forum: Canyons School District maintains a “limited open forum” for school clubs at the secondary level for grades 9-12.   A school has a limited open forum whenever the school grants an offering to or an opportunity for one or more non-curriculum related clubs to meet on school premises during non-instructional time.
  2. Reservation of Right to Close Forum: The Board of Education reserves the right to create at any time a “closed forum” by refusing to allow all non-curriculum related clubs to use school property or to define or restrict the rights of all student clubs relative to access to facilities as long as such rules apply to all non-curriculum related clubs.



Limited Open Forum; Reservation of Right to Close Forum - 500.20-2

For purposes of this policy, the following definitions apply:

  1. “Closed Forum”: means the school district allows only curriculum related clubs. 
  2. “Club”: means any student organization that meets during non-instructional time.
  3. “Curricular club”: means a club for which:
    1. the subject matter is taught or will soon be taught in a regular course;
    2. the subject matter concerns the body of courses as a whole;
    3. participation is required for a particular course; or
    4. participation results in academic credit.
  4. “Instructional time”: means time during which a school is responsible for a student and the student is required or expected to be actively engaged in a learning activity.
  5. “Limited Open Forum”: A forum created by the school district for student expression within the constraints of freedom of speech by students, provided the conduct does not unreasonably interfere with the ability of school to maintain order and discipline or violate concepts of civility or propriety appropriate to a school setting.
  6. “Non-curricular club”: a student initiated group that may be authorized and allowed school facilities use during non-instructional time in grades 9-12 by the school and governing board in accordance with this policy. A non-curricular club’s meetings, ideas, and activities are not sponsored or endorsed in any way by a school governing board, the school, or by school or school district employees.
  7. “Non-instructional time”: means time set aside by a school before instructional time begins or after instructional time ends, including discretionary time.
  8. “Monitor”:  A school faculty member approved by the school administration to supervise a religious club.
    1. A monitor may not participate in the activities of the religious club, except to perform a supervisory role.  Approval of a faculty monitor does not constitute school sponsorship of the club.
  9. “Sponsor”:   A school faculty member approved on an annual basis by the school administration to organize and direct the purposes and activities of a curricular club. 
  10. “Supervisor”:  A school faculty member approved by the school administration to supervise authorized curricular clubs.  Approval of a faculty supervisor does not constitute sponsorship of the club. 



Application and Club Authorization; Revocation - 500.20-3

  1. Club Application and Authorization: An applicant seeking authorization of a club must submit an application between May 1 and October 1 for review and approval.
  2. Application for a club must include: (See, Exhibit 1)
    1. A recommended club name;
    2. A statement of the club’s purpose, goals, and activities, including how the club will promote student body unity, encourage citizenship, and offer service to the school community;
    3. A statement of the club categorization;
    4. Proposed meeting times, dates, and places, including proposed use of school facilities;
    5. A list of proposed minimum membership, seven (7) members;
    6. A restriction that a student may not participate in or attend club meetings unless student has provided written permission from parent or legal guardian.
    7. A statement that the club will apply with Policy—500.20, the Utah Students Clubs Act, and all other applicable laws, rules, and policies; and
    8. A budget showing the amount and source of any funding provided to the club and its proposed use.
    9. In the event a proposed club requires prospective members to try-out, an outline of the club’s tryout criteria must be included.
  3. Club Name Approval: A school may provide for approval of a non-curricular club name separate from the application for authorization of a club.
    1. An applicant shall submit the club name for approval.
    2. The club’s name shall reasonably reflect the club’s purpose, goals, and activities; and be a name that would not interfere the school’s ability to: 1) maintain order and discipline; 2) protect student and faculty safety, 3) conduct the school’s education program; and 4) ensure compliance with all applicable laws, rules, and policies.
  4. Authorization Standard:
    1. A school shall limit or deny authorization or school facilities use to a club or require changes prior to granting authorization or school facilities use should the school determine it is necessary to:
      1. protect the physical, emotional, psychological, or moral well-being of students and faculty;
      2. maintain order and discipline on school premises;
      3. prevent a material and substantial interference with the orderly conduct of a school’s educational activities.
      4. protect the right of parents and students; 
      5. maintain the boundaries of socially appropriate behavior; or ensure compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and policies;  or  
    2. If a club’s proposed charter and proposed activities or advisors in club related activities would as a substantial, material, or significant part of their conduct or means of expression:
      1. encourage criminal or delinquent conduct;
      2. promote bigotry;
      3. involve human sexuality; or
      4. involve any effort to engage in or conduct mental health therapy, counseling, or psychological services for which a license would be required under state law.
    3. A school may limit or deny authorization to clubs who existence is in part to solicit or recruit membership in private or national organizations whose purposes are not consistent or incompatible with the educational purpose of secondary schools or statements of policy approved by the Board of Education.



Appeals for Denial, Suspension, Termination - 500.20-4

  1. Limit or Denial of Club Authorization: If a school or school governing board limits or denies authorization to a club, the school or school governing board shall provide, in writing, to the applicant the factual and legal basis for limitation or denial.
  2. Denial, Suspension, Termination: If a club is denied, suspended, or terminated, a club, or a student desirous of participating or speaking, has 10 school days from the date of denial, suspension, or termination to file a written appeal to a designee authorized by the school governing board.
    1. The designee shall issue a determination within a reasonable amount of time from receipt of appeal.   The decision is final and constitutes all administrative remedies unless time is extended by agreement of all parties.



Violations, Investigations, School Responses; Revocation - 500.20-5

Violation, Investigation, and School Responses:

  1. A school shall investigate any report or allegation that an authorized curricular or non-curricular club is (1) participating in activities beyond the scope of its application, or in violation of applicable law, rule, or policy.
  2. After a meeting with the faculty sponsor, faculty supervisor, or faculty monitor, and the students involved, and the person making the allegation, if a violation is substantiated, the principal or principal’s designee may:
    1. Allow the application to be modified to include the activities if they are in compliance with law and policies;
    2. Instruct the faculty sponsor, supervisor or monitor not to allow similar violations in the future;
    3. Suspend the club’s authorization pending further corrective action as determined by the school principal or principal’s designee; or
    4. Terminate the club’s authorization.
  3. Any limitation on expression, practice, or conduct of any student, advisor, or guest in a meeting or a curricular or non-curricular club, or a limitation on school facilities use, shall be by the least restrictive means necessary to satisfy the school’s interest.
  4. A club that has been terminated in accordance with 2.4 (above) may not reapply for authorization until the following school year.


  1. A club found to have been in violation of provisions of the application or to have been in engaged in conduct which violates the Utah Student Clubs Act or other applicable laws or policies, may be subjected to revocation or other disciplinary action consistent with school policies.
  2. Local secondary schools shall notify clubs of intent to pursue disciplinary action.
  3. Hearing to review disciplinary action: The principal or principal’s designee shall in writing issue a determination with reasons for disciplinary action taken against a club.



Faculty Oversight; Participation, Parental Consent, Club Use of School Facilities - 500.20-6

  1. Faculty Oversight:  A school shall approve a faculty sponsor, supervisor, or monitor for each authorized curricular or non-curricular club to provide oversight and ensure the methods of expression, practices, or other conduct of students do not unreasonably interfere with the ability to: 1) maintain order and discipline; 2) protect the safety of students and teachers and property; 3) conduct the education program; and 4) ensure compliance with applicable laws and policies.
    1. No faculty supervisor or monitor shall be in attendance at any meeting off of school premises unless prior written approval has been obtained from the principal or principal’s designee.   
  2. Participation: To participate in a school club, the student must be currently registered and enrolled at the school.   Persons who are not either registered, enrolled students, or school personnel shall not be allowed access to clubs to direct, conduct, control, or regularly attend meetings.   All guests must be registered with the school office.  
  3. Parental Consent: A school shall require written parental or guardian consent for student participation in all curricular and non-curricular clubs at school.
  4. Use of School Facilities by Clubs:
    1. The principal or principal’s designee shall determine and assign school facilities for curricular and non-curricular club consistent with the needs of the school.
      1. An administrator may give priority to curricular clubs over non-curricular clubs.
      2. A school may provide financial and other support to curricular clubs.     
    2. Non-curricular Clubs
      1. A preference or priority shall not be given among non-curricular clubs.
      2. A school shall establish the non-instructional times which non-curricular clubs may meet;
      3. A school may establish the places where noncurricular clubs may meet;
      4. A school shall only provide the space for noncurricular clubs meetings;
        1. Non-curricular clubs requesting use of school facilities other than the space provided for club meetings will be charged a rental fee in accordance with the District’s rental fee schedule; and
        2. Non-curricular club activities conducted off school property are not recognized as school or District sponsored activities and are not covered by District insurance. 
      5. The principal or principal’s designee shall determine what access all student groups will be given to the school newspaper, bulletin boards, and public address system and the time, place and manner of student group meetings, provided that all clubs of a given status shall be given equal access. 
    3.  No student group shall be permitted to engage in or conduct group therapy, counseling, or other psychological services of the type provided by licensed professionals.



Document History

Revised. – 5.4.2021.  Policy – 500.20 – Student Clubs was revised to align definitions in statute for terms monitor, sponsor, and supervisor.  Additional updates include: 

  • The Board Policy language was updated to reflect values of equity, equal access, and to establish a limited open forum for students which wish to conduct a meeting or club.
  • The Board Policy language was also updated to reflect the Board’s support of the values of school community, building student body unity, encourage citizenship, and render service in the community.
  • Each club will be required to submit a statement as part of their application how the club will promote these values. § Additional language was added to the authorization standard for evaluating club applications.
  • Non-curricular clubs requesting use of school facilities other than the space provided for club meetings will be charged a rental fee in accordance with the District’s rental fee schedule.
  • Non-curricular club activities conducted off school property are not recognized as school or District sponsored activities and are not covered by District insurance. 

Adopted. – 6.18.2013.   


This online presentation is an electronic representation of the Canyons School District’s currently adopted policy manual. It does not reflect updating activities in progress. The official, authoritative manual is available for inspection in the office of the Superintendent located at 9361 South 300 East Sandy, UT 84070.