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Policy 300.03 – School Wellness



Board Policy

  1. The Board of Education is committed to a school environment that enhances student learning and encourages lifelong wellness by promoting nutrition education, physical activity, and other school-based activities as part of the educational experience.  The intent of this policy is to assist schools to evaluate, establish, and maintain healthy environments, and to provide transparency to the public on key areas that affect the nutrition environment in each school.   As an integral part of promoting student wellness, Canyons School District is committed to compliance with federal and state laws and local requirements for Child Nutrition standards and programs, including the adherence to student health, food safety and security guidelines.
  2. The Board authorizes the Superintendent and District Administration to develop administrative regulations consistent with this policy, subject to review and approval by the Board.



District Wellness Committee and Implementation and Evaluation - 300.03-1

  1. The Superintendent or his/her designee will appoint a District Wellness Committee.
    1. The District Wellness Committee shall include parents, students, the Director of Nutrition Services, teachers, District nurses, educational support staff (ESP) employees, a designee of the School Board, school administrators, and the public.
      1. The Director of Nutrition Services is responsible for compliance oversight.
    2. The District Wellness Committee is delegated authority to regularly monitor the overall effectiveness of the School Wellness policy, meet wellness requirements through incentives and goals, conduct and publish annual reviews and assessments of the wellness policy, and recommend policy or procedural modifications that will positively impact student wellness.
    3. The District Wellness Committee will meet at least two (2) times per year. The Committee may schedule additional meetings as needed.
    4. The District’s Wellness policy will be published on the District’s website and made available to the public.  
  2. School Implementation and Evaluation
    1. The District Wellness Committee is responsible to provide a summary report to the Superintendent or designee about the goals of the wellness committee prior to the end of each school year.
    2. One or more persons, designated by the school’s principal, with input from the District’s Wellness Committee, shall evaluate the school’s compliance with the District’s School Wellness policy.



Vending Machines - 300.03-2

  1. All agreements for vending machines will be in a written contract and approved by the Board of Education.
  2. Schools shall follow accepted accounting procedures, including accepted uses of vending machine income, periodic reports of vending machine receipts and expenditures as outlined in the District’s Accounting Manual.



Nutrition Education and Guidelines; Standards for Selling Food Outside of the Reimbursable Meals - 300.03-3

  1. Child nutrition programs shall be accessible to all students and comply with federal, state, and local requirements.
    1. Schools shall include strategies to increase participation in school meals program including, but not limited to:
    2. Schools shall ensure adequate time to eat: After obtaining food, student will have at least 20 minutes to each lunch.
    3. Free drinking water will be made available through the school day. Student will be made aware of the availability of water during meals. 
  2. Sequential and interdisciplinary nutrition education shall be provided and promoted.
    1. Each school will see the USBE core standards for health are taught in grades K-12.
    2. Nutrition education shall be encouraged in other content areas, in the home, and the community.
  3. Nutrition guidelines for all foods on campus:
    1. All foods made available on campus will adhere to food safety and security guidelines.
    2. In order to promote student health and reduce childhood obesity, and pursuant to the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 and the Smart Snack Rule, the District shall abide by nutrition guidelines for all foods and beverages made available to students on campus during the school day as outlined in Policy—Exhibit—1—Smart Snack Campus Guidelines and Memo
    3. The District prohibits the marketing to students on the school campus of any food or beverages that do not comply with or exceed the USDA Smart Snicks in School nutrition standards
      1. Marketing must adhere to these standards during the school day which is defined as midnight to thirty (30) minutes after the end of day bell.



Physical Education and Physical Activity - 300.03-4

  1. Physical education will be provided and promoted as follows:
    1. Each school will teach the physical education core in grades K-12. Physical education will be encouraged through physical education activities in other content areas, in the home and the broader community.
    2. Each school shall meet state standards for physical education for elementary and secondary education.
    3. Physical education instructors shall be trained and certified according to state standards
    4. Schools are encouraged to implement a variety of physical activity courses aimed at improving student confidence, fitness levels, motor and self-management skills (e.g., circuit training, weight training, dance, yoga, etc.).
    5. In addition to PE and daily recess, elementary licensed staff and educational support professionals (ESPs) are encouraged to provide periodic opportunities for physical movement in the classroom. The district will maintain a list of resources for brain breaks, stretches and energizers.     
  2. Enrollment in secondary physical education courses will not exceed the number of students that space and equipment can safely accommodate.
  3. Equipment and supplies will be available to students to participate in structured physical activities.
  4. Administrators and teachers should refrain from using restriction from physical activity as a punishment.



Other School Based Activities - 300.03-5

  1. School activities shall be consistent with the nutrition guidelines outlined in this policy.
  2. District encourages its partners who run after-school programs to promote physical activity and the formation of healthy habits.
  3. These policy guidelines shall be considered when planning school-based activities (e.g., school events, field trips, dances, assemblies, etc.).


Exhibit—1—Smart Snack Campus Guidelines and Memo



Document History

Revised – 5.19.2020. – Policy – 300.03 was updated to add language that the “District prohibits marketing to students on the school campus of any food or beverages that do not comply with or exceed the USDA Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards.  (See, 7 CFR 210.31(c)(3)(iii)).   

Revised – 6.13.2017.   Policy-300.03 was updated to comply with federal regulations issued to schools participating in the National School Lunch Program. The new language delegates authority to the District Wellness Committee to meet requirements (e.g., goals for nutrition, physical activity, conduct assessments) and oversee evaluation of the local wellness policy.   

Adopted – 8.18.2015.   A local school wellness policy is required for each local educational agency that participates in the National School Lunch Program.

This online presentation is an electronic representation of the Canyons School District’s currently adopted policy manual. It does not reflect updating activities in progress. The official, authoritative manual is available for inspection in the office of the Superintendent located at 9361 South 300 East Sandy, UT 84070.