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Policy 300.11 – School Unpaid Meal Charges



Board Policy

  1. The Board of Education is committed to a school environment that enhances student learning and encourages parents/legal guardians to assist students to receive the nutrition needed to stay focused during the school day. As an integral part of this effort, the Board of Education is committed to participating in the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and School Breakfast Program (SBP).   Because all students in participating schools of the FNS, NSLP, and SBP child nutrition programs may receive reimbursable school meals, a school district must have a school unpaid meal charge policy for students participating in school meal programs.   See, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Memo Code: SP-46-2016.
  2. The Board of Education expects school administrators and school nutrition employees to treat students with dignity and respect to minimize the identification of children with insufficient funds to pay for school meals. The Board of Education acknowledges the need to maintain the financial integrity of school food service accounts.  School unpaid meal practices will be consistent and transparent.   Practices and procedures will be communicated to food professionals, school administrators, families, and students regarding reimbursable school meals.
  3. The Board authorizes the Superintendent and District Administration to develop administrative regulations consistent with this policy, subject to review and approval by the Board.



Definitions - 300.11-1

  1. Automated Meal Payment System: The District’s web-based system (e.g., PayPams) which allows parents to deposit funds into their students’ meal accounts.  
  2. Collection Efforts: Using a collection agency or other means in order to collect unpaid meal balances.
  3. Delinquent Account: A student’s meal fund account that does not have adequate funds to cover the meal charges.  
  4. Free Meal: A meal served to a student whose parents have qualified, based on federal standards, to have their child receive free meals.   A free meal, by definition, is served at no cost to the student. 
  5. Non-Program Foods: A meal or food component which does not meet the U.S. Department of Agriculture regulations and may not be claimed for payment from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.  Examples include adult meals, second meals, extra milk separate meal components, non-enrolled children meals, classroom snacks, school community events, etc.
  6. Parent: A student’s parent legal guardian, or person acting as the parent for school purposes.  
  7. Paid Meal: A meal served to a student whose parents have not qualified for free or reduced price meals.   The parent must pay the lunch price charged by the District.
  8. Reduced Price Meal: A meal served to a student whose parents have qualified, based on federal standards, to have their child receive a reduced priced meal.   The cost for a reduced price meal is $0.40 per lunch and $.0.30 per breakfast.
  9. Reimbursable Meal: A meal which meets the U.S. Department of Agriculture regulations and may be claimed for payment from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.



Meal Charge Policy Communication - 300.11-2

  1. The Superintendent or his/her designee is authorized to issue and communicate school meal charge directives and procedures to food professionals, school administrators, families, and students for compliance with requirements issued by the United States Department of Agriculture.
  2. Communication about school meals, free and reduced meals, and meal payments should be directed to a student’s parent (s). Employees are directed to not ask students for meal payments or ask them to remind parents to send money for their meal accounts.
  3. Discrimination Prohibited:
    1. No person shall, on the bases of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, reprisal, sexual orientation, or income, be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any child nutrition program or activity. 
    2. There will be no physical segregation of, nor any discrimination against, any student because of his or her inability to pay the full price of the meal or due to his or her eligibility for free and reduced price meals.
    3. The names of the students eligible to receive free and reduced price meals shall not be published, posted, or announced in any manner, and there shall be no overt identification of any such students by any means.
  4. No district employee may deny a meal benefit to any child as a disciplinary action.



School Meals; Free and Reduced Meals - 300.11-3

School Meals: 

  1. All reimbursable meals shall meet the minimum nutrition standards required by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National School Lunch and Breakfast Program and 2010 Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act regulations.
  2. This requirement does not apply to medically authorized special needs diets.
    1. The Nutrition Department will comply with the USDA’s disability requirements for modified diets when a student has a documented disability and the state-approved Medical Statement to Request Special Meals, Accommodations, and Milk Substitutions form has been completed.
    2. The Nutrition Department may comply with requests for non-disability medical conditions.
    3. Accommodations will be made on a case-by-case basis upon receipt of a completed request form.
    4. Parents should coordinate with the District nurse, Section 504 team leader, and the District’s dietician when making a request for special meals or accommodations.
  3. The District’s school lunch menus are available on the District website.
  4. The price for a paid meal shall comply with the federal Paid Lunch Equity guidelines and be approved by the Board.
  5. The price for non-program foods must be sufficient to cover the full cost of the food, labor, equipment and program operations in accordance with federal regulations.

Free and Reduced Meals

  1. Parents are encouraged to apply online for free and reduced priced meals. Applications are available in a variety of languages on the USDA website.   The school must provide paper applications for parents who do not have access to online forms.
  2. If the student’s family receives benefits from the Special Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), the Family Employment Program (FEP), or the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR), the household qualifies for meals at no charge. Once the school receives notice of the student’s or family’s eligibility based on participation in one of these programs, the family does not have to complete or submit a free and reduced price application. The Nutrition Department will communicate in writing with the parents that their students are eligible for free meals. If a parent or family qualifies under one of these programs and has not received such a letter before school starts, the parent should contact the Nutrition Department.
  3. The school may complete an application for free and reduced price meals on behalf of the parents if school personnel have knowledge of the family’s financial circumstances. 
  4. The Nutrition Department will notify the parents that an application has been completed on their behalf.
  5. Families can apply for free and reduced price meals at any time during the school year.
  6. Employees must maintain the confidentiality of the identities of participants in the free and reduced price program.



Payment; Serving Students with Insufficient, Delinquent, or Negative Account Balances - 300.11-4


  1. It is the parents’ responsibility to ensure that their child has money in his or her meal account.
  2. Meals will be paid for electronically using the District’s automated meal payment system online using a credit or debit card.  For payment assistance or other technical issues regarding student meal accounts, a parent or legal guardian may contact the school’s main office.  
  3. If a student qualifies for free meals, no payments are due for the reimbursable meal. However, payment will be required for reduced meals and additional food purchases beyond the reimbursable meal.

Serving Students with Delinquent, Insufficient or Negative Meal Account Balances:

  1. The Nutrition Department staff will exercise sensitivity and confidentiality in serving students with insufficient, delinquent, or negative meal accounts. No District employee will subject a student to embarrassment or ridicule based on the balance in his or her meal accounts.  
  2. If a student’s meal account is inadequate or delinquent to pay for a meal, the school will provide a full meal to the student, and parents will be notified that the school may use collection efforts to pay for the provided meals.
  3. For additional guidance please refer to Policy 300.11—Exhibit—1 (CSD Delinquent Account Meal Charge Procedures).



Document History

Revised – 9.6.2022.  Policy-300.11-School Unpaid Meal Charges was updated to indicate payment for school meal accounts will be paid electronically through credit or debit card online through Skyward, the student information system.  For payment assistance or other technical issues regarding student meal accounts, a parent/legal guardian may contact the school’s main office.   
Adopted – 6.13.2017.

This online presentation is an electronic representation of the Canyons School District’s currently adopted policy manual. It does not reflect updating activities in progress. The official, authoritative manual is available for inspection in the office of the Superintendent located at 9361 South 300 East Sandy, UT 84070.