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Getting Involved

Policy 300.01 – School Access



Board Policy

  1. The Board of Education is committed to school access for students, parents, and the broader community, subject to Federal and State law and accompanying regulations.  See, Policy—400.02/500.01—Nondiscrimination.  Specifically, the Board authorizes use of school buildings and grounds as civic centers as a limited public form to district residents for supervised recreational activities and meetings consistent with state law.  See, Utah Code §53G-7-209.  In accordance with Utah Code §53G-7-210 (1)(2), the Board shall manage, direct, and control the use of school buildings and grounds when used as civic centers. The Board shall charge a reasonable fee for the use of school facilities as civic centers so the District incurs no expense for that use.
  2. The Board also recognizes the need to maintain security at all school buildings and to operate each facility owned or utilized by the school district in a manner which will reasonably assure the safety of individuals participating in school district functions and activities. The Board retains the authority to close any school activity or facility or school bus to persons not specifically authorized by the Board or local principals.
  3. The Board authorizes the Superintendent and District Administration to establish administrative regulations for the proper security and access of school facilities consistent with this policy, subject to review and approval by the Board.



Parents of Students with Disabilities; IDEA - 300.01-1

  1. In accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) as amended in 2004, parents of students with disabilities are entitled to the same access as general education parents as well as the opportunity to participate in meetings with respect to the identification, evaluation, and educational placement of the child and the provision of a free and appropriate public education (20 USC §1415(b)(1); 34 CFR §300.501(a)). Beyond this parental participation, parents of students with disabilities have no entitlement to access school premises.



Civic Centers - 300.01-2

The Board shall charge a reasonable fee for the use of school facilities as civic centers so the District incurs no expense for that use.

  1. The Board authorizes the Administration to establish the facility rental guidelines, a fee schedule, and personnel necessary to manage the rental and use of school buildings and grounds for other than school purposes. The Board will review and approve the facility rental guidelines and fee schedule as needed. The Director of Facilities Services shall administer the rules and guidelines and see that all schools follow established procedures.



Parent and Visitor Access - 300.01-3

  1. Parents, guardians, relatives and acquaintances are invited and encouraged to enter schools to participate in specific activities, meetings and appointments with teachers, school staff, and the principal. 
  2. During school hours, a school will reasonably accommodate the request of a student’s parent to visit and observe any class their student attends, or access school premises for other reasonable accommodations, with authorization by the school principal.   
  3. Such authorization may be withdrawn without prior notice and a parent or guardian’s continued presence after authorization has been withdrawn will be considered school trespass.



Principal Responsibilities - 300.01-4

  1. In accordance with federal and state statutes and local ordinances, school principals are vested with authority to limit or control access to any school facility or activity. This includes the authority of the local school principal to take reasonable steps to prohibit the transport of contraband onto the school facility or to a school activity and to restrict or prohibit access by persons who are not specifically authorized or required by law to be present in school facilities, at school activities, and on school property.
  2. The principal is to have an understandable knowledge of the legal basis of this regulation so that he/she may properly interpret and enforce them.
  3. The principal shall inform his/her staff and students of the legal basis of this regulation.
  4. The principal shall have the right to utilize every effort in the protection of personnel and property. He/she may, as he/she deems necessary, secure assistance from an appropriate law enforcement agency.
  5. The local school principal retains the discretionary authority to restrict access of school visitors to only those portions of the school reasonably associated with the purpose of the visit. Permitted access to a portion of the school does not grant access to all areas in the school.



Use of School Property and Equipment - 300.01-5

  1. Community use of school property will be governed by the Civic Center statute (See, 300.01-2).
  2. Unless properly rented, private use of school property and equipment for personal monetary gain is prohibited.
  3. School and District equipment shall be operated only by authorized personnel for education-related purposes under the direction of the principal.
  4. Employees shall not produce personal materials using school or district equipment without express authorization from the principal or immediate supervisor.
    1. Authorized personal use of school equipment shall take place outside of regular contracts hours and employees shall pay for any materials at standard commercial rates.
  5. School and District equipment shall not be removed from the site where it is inventoried unless the item was specifically purchased for use at multiple off-campus locations.
  6. Transfer or loan of school equipment shall be authorized by the principal and approved by the school performance director and monitored on school inventories.
  7. Copying of school or District software programs for personal use is prohibited. (See, Policy 300.04—Copyright).   



Administrator Responsibilities - 300.01-6

Principals have the responsibility for building security and the issuing of keys/codes subject to the accompanying regulations:

  1. Master keys, card access keys, and security codes will be issued as follows:
    1. High School
      1. Appropriate keys/codes for each principal, athletic director, custodian, and additional personnel approved by the principal and the School Performance Director.
    2. Middle School
      1. Appropriate keys/codes for each principal and custodian.
    3. Elementary School
      1. Appropriate keys/codes for each principal, head secretary, custodian, and senior sweeper. If the school offers a breakfast program, or other local school concerns exist, the nutrition service manager shall also be issued keys/codes with the approval of the School Performance Director and Director of Facilities.
    4. Security personnel and Risk Management authorized by Alarm Response.
  2. No master keys, card access, or security codes shall be issued to or used by any individual other than those specified in item 1 above.



After-Hour Facility Access - 300.01-7

  1. Any access after hours requires prior arrangements with the principal. After hours is defined as that time when the custodian is not scheduled to be in the building. This applies to all alarmed buildings including portable classrooms. The principal or designee shall inform Alarm Response of all persons authorized to be in the building after hours. Alarm codes are not to be given to unauthorized employees.
  2. All elementary and middle school employees are to be out of the school by 8:00 p.m. and on weekends and holidays, except night custodial staff, unless prior arrangements are made with the principal and Alarm Response.
  3. All high school employees are to be out of the school by midnight or 12:00 a.m., except for night custodial staff, unless prior arrangements are made with the principal and Alarm Response.  

  4. Entry into the school before or after regular hours requires a clearance call to Alarm Response.

  5. Students are not to be issued keys/codes or allowed in a building without adult employee supervision.

  6. No keys/codes are to be issued to any member of a community, club or organization.

  7. Alarm Response shall be notified immediately if a school key is lost or stolen or if an unauthorized individual has obtained an access code.

  8. Employees who copy a key or disregard or fail to follow this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action or termination.





Document History

Revised – 8.17.2021.  Policy—300.01—School Access is updated to include language for use of school property and equipment and to align the provisions for parent and visitor access with the provisions of Utah Code for parental rights.  See, Utah Code §53G-6-803.  
Adopted – 8.18.2015

This online presentation is an electronic representation of the Canyons School District’s currently adopted policy manual. It does not reflect updating activities in progress. The official, authoritative manual is available for inspection in the office of the Superintendent located at 9361 South 300 East Sandy, UT 84070.