The Instructional Supports Department supports Canyons School District schools in implementing the District Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) Framework.
Support includes developing evidence-based instructional, curriculum, and assessment resources in all content areas; providing high-quality professional development to teachers, instructional coaches, and administrators; and, coaching targeted areas of improvement at designated schools.
https://instructionalmaterials.canyonsdistrict.orgYou can find all of the approved materials at the instructional materials database.
Canyons School District offers a gifted & talented magnet program called Supporting Advanced Learners Toward Achievement (SALTA). Click below for more information.
Please review the Elementary Curriculum Needs Flowchart to know who should be requesting materials and who to contact.
Canyons School District is committed to supporting all students.
For questions about testing and placement, community schools, family learning, McKinney-Vento, and translations, please contact the Federal and State Programs Department.
For support with classroom instruction and research-based strategies for differentiation, please contact the Multilingual Learners Team in the Instructional Support Department.
If you suspect that your child or a student in your class needs some additional support and may benefit from Special Education services, please reach out to the Special Education Department.
The Instructional Guides are digital and can be found on our website:
Phone: (801) 826-5045
Please call 801-826-5045 with any questions.
9361 S. 300 East
Sandy, Utah 84070