
Family Connections

Getting Involved





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Getting Involved

Your School, Your Voice • Speak Up, Stay Connected, and Get Involved with New Web Tool

It starts with a question. How do you register for school? Where is the neighborhood stop for the school bus? What time does school start? 

In Canyons District, we work hard to not only inform our community but to listen to suggestions, engage in dialogues, and respond to concerns. We view our patrons as valuable partners and allies. We believe in working together to help students succeed.

We also understand that in a school district the size of Canyons — 34,000 students and counting — it’s not always obvious who to call with questions, ideas, or concerns. So, we’re making it easier than ever to connect with us. 

Have a question about our curriculum or instructional practices? Want to share an opinion about a new program or policy? Hoping to express thanks to an employee for a job well done? There’s a new portal on Canyons District’s website where you can submit comments and questions from the comfort of your home or place of work. Just complete the form and a District representative will respond or connect you with the right person to address the issue at hand.

“Created by a vote of the people, Canyons has worked from our earliest days to nurture a strong culture of parental and community involvement,” said Canyons Superintendent Dr. Rick Robins. “As a community we rely upon and draw strength from one another, and we want to build on that momentum toward even greater engagement.” 

Canyons has a variety of ways to get timely, accurate information to families to inform their educational decision-making. Please see the infographic below for more on how Canyons connects with the community — and provides opportunities for meaningful exchanges. 

Most feedback starts with the teacher, especially regarding questions or concerns you have about your student or the classroom. As a next recourse, you can reach out to school and District administrators. And if you find you still need help, your next stop is with the Superintendent or your elected representative on the Canyons Board of Education. Don’t know which Board member represents your neighborhood? A map of Board member districts can be found at

There are plenty of other avenues for input, from attending PTA, School Community Council, Canyons Board of Education, and Town Hall meetings to subscribing to CSD’s Connect Canyons podcast

It’s your school and your voice. Whatever your level of interest or involvement, we’re here to listen and help.

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