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Open House: Community Input Wanted for Midvale-Area Boundary Study

Canyons School District invites the Midvale community to participate in a review of the attendance boundaries for Copperview, East Midvale, Midvale and Midvalley elementary schools.

The City of Midvale has grown and changed a lot since the inception of the District in 2009, and this will be the first boundary study for this area. A particular focus of this study will be to make room for the Jordan Bluffs development west of I-15, which is expected to increase enrollment by 150 to 200 students.

What changes are being proposed, and how soon could those changes take effect?

Three boundary-change ideas have been proposed as a starting point to jump-start the public input process, and four Open House events have been scheduled in January for community feedback.

To guide the discussion at these meetings, we’ve prepared a web portal, which has interactive maps that allow you to zoom in and out to more easily identify key landmarks. On the portal, you’ll also find an informational video. After reviewing this information, we welcome your feedback, ideas and questions.

Can’t make it to one of our meetings? Families and patrons can also offer input by submitting comments or questions via our online survey tool, or by emailing

The feedback received will inform final proposals, which are scheduled to be brought to the Board of Education for further consideration in February and April, 2022. Any boundary changes that are approved would take effect with the start of the 2023-2024 school year.

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