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CSD To Start Taking Space-Available Bus Permit Forms on Aug. 5

As the sun rises on Monday, Aug. 19 — the first day of school for the 2024-2025 school year — Canyons District neighborhoods will be dotted with scores of students walking with friends, riding bikes or scooters — or waiting with their new backpacks at the bus stop.  As part of the yearly back-to-school preparations, Canyons families are urged to check their bus eligibility and pick-up and drop-off times for the coming school year. 

Updated information regarding the CSD transportation services, including where bus stops will be located, will be available for parent review on Monday, July 29.  Click here to access our web portal for bus-route information

Nearly one-third of all CSD students rely on CSD school buses to get to school every day.  They qualify for the services based on how far away they live from their boundary school. 

Canyons District receives funding for busing provided to students enrolled in kindergarten through sixth grade who live at least 1 ½ miles from school and students enrolled in grades seven through 12 who live at least 2 miles from school.

This means that some middle school students who qualified for busing last year may not qualify again this year because they have advanced to the seventh grade and must live more than 2 miles away from the school to receive the services.

However, Canyons has created a “space available” permit program to help many students who do not qualify for busing services. Non-qualifying students may submit a request for transportation services so they can ride with their qualifying siblings or neighbors — if there is space on the bus. 

This year, CSD will begin accepting permit requests at 8 a.m. on Monday, Aug. 5 — the same day CSD opens its registration window for the 2024-2025 school year.  Click here to access the link to submit a request.

Families without computer or Internet access at home may use the computers placed in lobbies of schools for Back-to-School Online Registration.

Please submit the requests only if your child is not on the list of students who qualify under state guidelines for transportation to and from school on a CSD bus.

During the first few weeks of the school year, bus services will not be provided to non-qualifying students, even if they have submitted a space-available permit request. This time is needed to verify the number of students who, according to state law, are guaranteed a spot on the bus.  

Families will be notified about whether they have received a space-available bus permit by Sept. 6. The permits are granted on a first-come, first-served basis.  

Students who attend a school other than the one assigned to them by geographic boundary do not qualify to be considered for space-available permits. Questions?  Please send an email message to

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