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Choose Your Learning Path: Online Registration for School Starts July 27

Want your child to attend school in the fall?  Canyons is providing that option. Would you prefer to enroll your students in online classes?  We’ve got you. Want to guide your child’s learning at home — but still maintain the services available at the neighborhood school?  You can pick that option, too. 

Canyons District is providing options for families for fall 2020 as part of its COVID-19 Back-to-School Action Plan. Parents will be able to choose to enroll their children in either in-person classes or online classes during Online Registration, which starts July 27, 2020. 

During registration, families will be guided through a series of questions to assist them in making their choices. But, to help families prepare and discuss their options at home, here is a rundown of the different learning options available, and step-by-step description of the Online Registration process. We’ve also published a list of answers to Frequently Asked Questions on our COVID-19 information page.

Registering for School

NEW STUDENTS TO CANYONS: If your child is new to Canyons, and has never attended one of our schools, you will need to first create a Skyward Family Access account by completing the New Student Online Enrollment form. Your Skyward Family Access account is the gateway you’ll use this year, and every subsequent year, to register your children. Once you’ve created the account, simply please log in to Skyward and select New Student Enrollment to complete the Online Registration process for each child. 

RETURN STUDENTS: If your child has attended CSD in the past: You will use your Guardian Skyward Family Access ID and Password to begin the online-registration process. Once logged in to Skyward, simply follow the prompts and make personal identification updates as needed. When registering online, you will need to pay any school fees using a credit card. If you prefer to pay with cash, or qualify for a fee waiver, or need to schedule a payment plan with your school, please contact your child’s school directly. While registration for most students will be done online, some schools have scheduled times when you may still register in person if you prefer. Please contact your child’s school for more information and with any questions. For technical assistance or help logging in to Skyward, contact our Call Center at 801-826-5525.

CSD’S Learning Options Explained

As you complete the Online Registration process, you will be asked to choose one of three learning options: In-Person Instruction; Online Instruction; or At-Home, District-Supported, Parent-Guided Instruction. High school students  who choose the Online Instruction option will be asked if they also are interested in participating in any available In-Person electives. Here are the learning options explained:

IN-PERSON INSTRUCTION: Students will receive in-person instruction at their school, and their class schedules will be based on the preferred options they identified last year on their registration cards. Classes will be held on the academic calendar and bell schedule for the 2020-2021 school year. Students who attend class in-person also will have access to all available services regularly provided at Canyons District schools. Teachers will follow the District-approved curriculum and software as identified in CSD curriculum maps, and student achievement levels will regularly be measured using assessments already in use in CSD schools. Attendance will be recorded daily, but students who do not attend in person because of illness or other personal reasons will be able to keep pace by working with the teacher and accessing Canvas and other resources. Grading structures will return to normal. Students and employees will be required to wear face coverings. Families will be asked to monitor their children for symptoms of illness using the symptom checklist provided to all CSD families and take their children’s temperature each morning before the start of school. Schools and buses will be sanitized and disinfected throughout the day and in the evenings, in accordance with state and local health recommendations, and personnel will work with health authorities to investigate and respond to confirmed cases of COVID-19. To the extent possible, schools will maximize space in their buildings to facilitate physical distancing. Accommodations for students with disabilities/504, receiving Special Education or English Language Learning (ELL) services will be addressed on an individual basis through the 504, IEP or ELL process. 

ONLINE INSTRUCTION: Students will register with their school and receive online instruction from a Canyons District teacher. To maintain staffing levels, and so that teachers can prepare, students are expected to commit to online learning for at least one grading period. Students participating in the online-instruction option will follow the same curriculum maps as those in the in-person classes, which will help students move between formats and enable CSD to pivot quickly to online-learning-only if state government and health officials order another closure of Utah schools. Options for high school students may vary. Please see information below. Parents who enroll their children in the online option can expect virtual, synchronous learning opportunities. Teachers assigned to an online course also would have designated times for appointments with students. Elementary and middle school students who enroll in online core classes will be assigned a CSD teacher. Ninth- through 12th-grade students who enroll in the online program can earn core and limited elective credits through multiple CSD online offerings. Enrollment data gathered at the time of Online Registration will help Canyons schools make decision about additional options. Student-learning time will depend on individual students. Because these students are enrolled in a Canyons school, they would have access to counseling and other social-emotional supports, nutrition services, Special Education services, extracurriculars and other programs and initiatives, and they will receive regular communications from their school. Active participation will be used to determine attendance. Students will be provided a device to participate in online learning if needed. Special Education services will be delivered online by a Special Education teacher. Families selecting this option will be invited to attend an IEP meeting to determine appropriate Special Education services. Accommodations for students with disabilities/504 or who are receiving English Language Learning (ELL) services will be addressed on an individual basis through the 504 or ELL process. 

While our overarching plan addresses many issues, we realize it may not address all needs or expectations. As in any other school year, the District and school administrations will problem-solve unique situations as they arise with individual schools, students, families and employees.

Learning Option Comparison Charts

Click on a school level below to view a comparison chart for the available learning options.

At Home District-Supported, Parent-Guided Instruction

The District makes its curricular resources available to families who wish to keep their children attached to their school while directing their personalized learning at home. This puts parents in the teacher’s seat while giving them access to tools and software so they can create lesson plans and assignments to best meet their child’s educational needs. These students do not have interaction with a Canyons District teacher. But, because they are enrolled in a Canyons school, they have access to school counselors and other social-emotional supports, nutrition services, extracurriculars and other programs and initiatives. A list of resources provided these families can be found on the District’s Parent Connections portal.   These families will receive regular communications from the school, and because they may be learning at the same pace as their peers, would be able to switch to in-person instruction after one grading period. Special Education families selecting this option will be invited to attend an IEP meeting to determine appropriate Special Education services. Accommodations for students with disabilities/504 or who are receiving English Language Learning (ELL) services will be addressed on an individual basis through the 504 or ELL process.

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