Alta business students are seeking to changing the world around them one conversation at a time.
Led by student adviser Kim Batey, students in Alta’s FBLA and DECA have been proactive about addressing local and global social change by hosting weekly before-school breakfast meetings as part of a larger Diversity Awareness Initiative.
The roundtable meetings, which were led by the students, touched on race relations, stereotypes, ethnicity, gender and bullying. The format was simple: over breakfast in a room where it was safe to express opinions, students discussed these sensitive topics and how the awareness of such issues could lead to a more inclusive school and help the students as they make their way into college and, eventually, the global marketplace.
Teachers said that the conversations were raw, honest, intense and enlightening. The discussions also prompted some 40 students who don’t ordinarily run in the same circles to sit down across from each other and talk about personal and mature issues.
The final session, which was Tuesday, Dec. 17, 2013, focused on the topic of acceptance.
Alta’s Diversity Initiative culminates in a 6-9 p.m. Diversity Dinner on Friday, Jan. 10. The guests will share with tablemates their own backgrounds and thoughts about the topics shared by the students in the diversity-discussion breakfasts.
The event will be at the Lone Peak Indoor Pavilion, 10140 S. 700 East. The cost is $300 per table or $40 per plate.
RSVP at 801-826-5701 or