Your children are growing up.
To help start conversations about health, wellness and the maturation process, Canyons District has developed an informational program for fifth-grade students and their parents.
Fifth-grade boys and girls and their parents are invited to attend maturation presentations by professional presenters. The District encourages all parents and their children to attend these free events together so discussions can continue in the home.
The aim with this program, which supplants the fifth-grade maturation days that previously were held at each individual school, is to provide consistent, sensitive and approved maturation instruction districtwide.
Please plan to attend one of the maturation programs for fifth-grade boys and girls in Canyons District:
Maturation Program for Boys
Presenters: Brad Wilcox, Ph.D., and Jim Kelly
- Feb. 6 Butler Middle, 7530 S. 2700 East, 7-8 p.m.
- Feb. 11 Eastmont Middle, 10100 S. 1300 East, 7-8 p.m.
- Feb. 20 Mount Jordan Middle, 11150 S. 300 East, 7-8 p.m. (This presentation will be done by Jim Kelly)
Maturation Program for Girls
Presenter: Nancy Kelly
- Feb. 5 Eastmont, Middle, 10100 S. 1300 East, 7-8 p.m.
- Feb. 12 Butler Middle, 7530 S. 2700 East, 7-8 p.m.
- Feb. 18 Mount Jordan Middle, 11150 S. 300 East, 7-8 p.m