Dear Canyons District community,
The hot autumn afternoons we experienced in the first few days of school are distant memories now that wintry weather has returned to stay with us for a few months. For me, the first snowfall of the year also brought with it a reverent anticipation for the holidays of Thanksgiving and goodwill.
A phrase that has always inspired me is the inscription found on the Statue of Liberty: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” One of my greatest hopes I have for our district is that we will be a passionate provider of service to those who need help the most.
This holiday season, I invite you to join us in our efforts to raise money and collect donations for the Midvale overflow shelter of The Road Home. Last year, with the help of corporate sponsors, we raised about $7,000 in cash for the shelter. Our aim this year is to raise $10,000 for this worthy cause.
You can give in many ways: In the coming weeks, in-kind donations can be dropped off in boxes that will be at the Canyons Administration Building, 9150 S. 500 West, and Canyons Support Services Center, 9361 S. 300 East. While goods of all kinds are gladly accepted, the shelter especially needs blankets, pillows, hats, gloves, coats and toiletries. Donations will be collected in the boxes until Thursday, Dec. 20.
Cash donations can be given at the Office of the Canyons Education Foundation and the Office of Student Advocacy and Access. You can reach them by calling 801-826-5000.
I look forward to working with you for a very worthy cause.
Best wishes,
David S. Doty, J.D., Ph.D.