Canyons School District Invites Students to…
“Dream Big”
And Participate in an Essay/Creative Writing Contest
Dear Principals,
Canyons School District is inviting students grades 4 through 12 to participate in the “Dream Big” essay/creative writing contest. Winners will read their work at a special event to be held July 1, 2009 to mark Canyons’ first day as a fully operational school district.
All winning essays will be sealed in a Time Capsule, which will be on display at the
District Offices for the next year before final dedication.
Grades 4-6; Grades 7-9; Grades 10-12
Contest Rules:
Entries should be no more than 1,000 words and should be entirely the work of individual students. Entries will be judged on (1) how well they reflect the theme, “Dream Big,” (2) artistic excellence, and (3) clarity of ideas and thought.
One winner and two runners-up will be selected in each category by a panel of judges from the Canyons School District Office.
Students may explore the theme “Dream Big” in any writing format they wish. Their entries may reflect their own dreams, the dreams of others, or their dreams for the new school district.
Please submit entries to:
Canyons School District Office
Communications Department
2415 E. 7600 South
Cottonwood Heights, Utah 84121
The submission deadline is 5 p.m. Tuesday, May 26, 2009. All submissions will become the
property of the Canyons School District and will not be returned. The attached entry form must
accompany all submissions.