
Family Connections

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Getting Involved

Canvas for Students & Families

Canvas is a web-based learning management system, or LMS, used in the Canyons School District to help manage online and blended learning materials and communicate with families about student skill development and learning achievement. Canyons School District teachers apply the CSD Best Practices for Digital Teaching and Learning when creating learning experiences and opportunities for students in Canvas through the creation of content pages, assignments, discussions, interactive activities, and more. Through Canvas, teachers can provide individualized feedback to students, and cultivate and maintain constant communication with students and families.

Listed below are Canvas features commonly used by schools and teachers in Canyons School District. To learn more about how to access and use these features review the Discover Canvas Guide.

  • Announcements
  • Student Dashbaord
  • Calendar
  • Inbox (Messaging)
  • Modules
  • Gradebook & What If Grades
  • Assignments
  • Canvas Observer (aka how parents/guardians can access and view their student’s Canvas account and courses.)
Discover Canvas: CSD's online guide for students and families on how to access and use various Canvas features.

To access Canvas, students and families go to: Students log in using their CSD credentials. Parents/guardians must create a Canvas account by completing the account registration process before they will be able to set themselves up as a Canvas observer.

The complete Canvas guides for students and families can be accessed by visiting the Canvas Student Guide and Canvas Observer Guide located on the Canvas LMS Community.

Canvas for Students & Families