
Family Connections

Getting Involved





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Getting Involved

Building With Purpose
Canyons School District was created by a vote of the people, and we’ve kept the revolutionary vision of those voters at the heart of everything we do. Ensuring students have access to safe, welcoming, and modern school facilities was an early priority for the District. With the passage of two school improvement bonds, Canyons has undertaken an ambitious construction schedule to upgrade schools in every corner of the District. In 13 years, we’ve completed 27 projects. We’ve done it while maintaining our AAA bond rating and in keeping with our promise to residents of the five communities who, in 2007, voted to create Canyons and who continue to support us in building an achievement-oriented District of distinction.

Happening in Canyons

14 new schools
13 updated schools
18 natural lighting projects


Bengal Building
Brighton High Science Building
Hillcrest High Addition
Build Corner Canyon High
Seismic upgrades, Sandy Elementary
Rebuild Midvale Elementary
Remodel Albion Middle
Build Mount Jordan Middle

Rebuild Butler Middle
Rebuild Butler Elementary
Rebuild Alta View Elementary
Build Draper Park Middle
Rebuild Midvale Middle
Renovate Indian Hills Middle
Rebuild Brighton High
Rebuild Hillcrest High

Renovate Alta High
Rebuild Midvalley Elementary
Rebuild Peruvian Park Elementary
Build Glacier Hills Elementary
Rebuild Union Middle
Build classrooms at Corner Canyon
Six elementary office upgrades
18 natural lighting upgrades

Coming Next...

Build a West Draper Elementary School