We are so excited to have you join us for the Digital Teaching & Learning Summit on June 3rd & 4th, 2024. This event is held every year to help support our teachers in developing their technology skills and adding more ideas to their teaching toolbox.
Use this page to find registration information, FAQ’s and the sessions available to attend.
If you have any questions, please email katie.gebhardt@canyonsdistrict.org
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes! You will receive $250 per full day that you attend so it is possible to earn $500 total if you attend both days!
No, this is a optional professional development opportunity for teachers attend. You are not required to attend or make it up in any way.
This event will be held in-person at Hillcrest High School. You will not be able to attend virtually for a stipend or USBE credit. Session materials will be available on Canyons U after the event for you to view.
The teacher showcase is a new addition this year. We want to highlight awesome things that are happening with educational technology in your classrooms! To participate in the teacher showcase, teachers will complete a digital poster that will be displayed in the commons area throughout the DTL Summit. We have simplified the process to minimize the amount of prep for this session. Teachers will simply answer the prompts on the provided template and submit a short video explanation of their technology integration tip (3-10 minutes). A full list of prompts can be found on the Call for Presenters form. The DTL team will then print your poster and set it up at the DTL summit. Attendees will be able to view your poster and scan a QR code to view your video explanation. If you are interested in participating in the teacher showcase, please submit a brief proposal on the Call for Presenters form.
Attendees will be able to build their own custom schedule on Sched once it is finalized in mid-April. The tentative schedule for the day is: