If you have a life threatening emergency dial 911 immediately.
Canyons School District provides crisis prevention, preparedness, response and recovery through the PREPaRE model. This model strives to prevent, prepare for and respond to crisis events, crisis reactions and school crisis teams’ response to crisis exposure. Crisis event response are determined on the variables of predictability, consequence, duration, and intensity. This model is consistent with guidance and direction offered by the U.S. Departments of Education (2003) and Homeland Security(2004). It follows the cycles of crisis response: prevention and mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. (School Crisis and Prevention and Intervention, 2009)
Safe UT answers crisis calls, texts, and chats – about yourself or someone else – 24/7. These free services are confidential. Our counseling topics include:
- Depression, anxiety, or other mental health issue
- Suicide prevention
- Loss and grief
- Bullying and cyberbullying
- Drug and alcohol problems
- Self-harm
- Relationship difficulties
- Any life challenge
The SafeUT program was developed with funding from the Utah State Legislature in collaboration with University Neuropsychiatric Institute (UNI), the Utah State Office of Education, the Utah Office of the Attorney General, and the Utah Anti-Bullying Coalition.
If you or someone you know is suicidal call
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:
1-800-273-TALK (8255)
The Suicide Prevention Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.