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External Research

Conducting Research in Canyons School District 

The central focus of Canyons School District is student learning.  Limiting interruptions to instructional time is important and helps to support quality instruction and student learning.  While the Canyons School District (CSD) is committed to the advancement of educational research, the quantity of external research projects proposed to the District is larger than the District can accommodate. Additionally, several of the projects proposed are inconsistent with the District’s mission and/or do not appear to be grounded in a strong research design. Therefore, we have developed a formal process to review requests to conduct research in the District.  

Research is defined as the systematic collection of any data about students, parents, staff, or the school environment in Canyons School District for the purpose of developing descriptions, predictions, interventions, or explanations relating to various aspects of education. Examples of data collection instruments include, but are not limited to surveys, tests, interviews, and observations.

Observations and/or class visitations by university classes or students are not covered by the procedures for the review of external research when no data collection is involved. Approval for such visits must be obtained from the school principal. The initial contact regarding external research in Canyons School District should always be with Dr. Hal Sanderson Director of Research and Assessment (, rather than directly with school or district leadership.

The Canyons Research Review Committee reviews applications monthly from the middle August through early April.  The last date for new research applications is April 3rd.  The District reserves the right to extend that period should the need arise. However, research activities at the beginning/end of the school year and during periods of testing must be avoided.

All researchers need to plan on the review process taking four weeks.

Canyons Research Application – Revised July 2019

External Research