Professional Development Protocol
Below are resources to help support you plan and deliver effective professional development that prioritizes the experience of your participants over the content being delivered.
The purpose of the Protocol is to provide a district-wide framework of evidence-based best practices to design and deliver professional development. It is intended to increase engagement of the participants while focusing on content and best instructional practices. The professional development protocol is a fluid guide allowing for multiple contextualized presentation styles and individual creativity.
For help or questions about the PD protocol please contact a members of the PD Team
Leslie Allen
Justin Andersen
Scott Christensen
Bryn Cook
Angi Holden
Lesli Morris
Camille Cole
Allison Duncan
Claps, Cheers, Attention Getters
This folder contains Claps, Cheers, and Attention Getters to use in your PD
Brain Breaks
This folder contains Brain Break activites to use in your PD
Movement/ Engagement Activities
This folder contains movement/engagement activities to use in your PD
Get To Know You (Icebreakers)
This folder contains Get To Know You Activities (Icebreakers) to use in your PD
Lesson Plan
This is the CSD PD Lesson Plan Template
CSD PD Protocol
This is the CSD PD Protocol
Learning Task Notebook
This is the CSD PD Learning Task Notebook