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Dual Language Immersion

Providing a world of opportunities for Students

Why Immersion?

More than 60 years of research consistently documents the power of immersion programs to help students attain high levels of second language proficiency. No other type of instruction, short of living in a second-language environment, is as successful.

Young children especially thrive in this type of instructional environment. Interestingly, language immersion is also the least expensive way to deliver second-language instruction.

  • Perform at or above their non-immersion peers on standardized tests administered in English
  • Achieve high levels of functional proficiency in the immersion language, i.e. display fluency, confidence, and native-like levels of comprehension in immersion language
  • Achieve meta linguistic awareness
  • Attain greater cognitive flexibility and better nonverbal problem-solving abilities
  • Outperform monolinguals in the areas of divergent thinking, pattern recognition, and problem solving
  • Opens students to a rich world of media, history, literature and art
  • Helps student understand, navigate, and appreciate cultural differences
  • Helps students better understand their own culture
  • World language abilities are increasingly important to national security, delivery of health care, economic competitiveness and law enforcement in the United States.
  • Future high-level, high-paying jobs will require competence in more than one language.

Elementary Dual Immersion

The dual immersion program seeks to enroll students of varying backgrounds and all abilities.  However, it may not be a wise choice for children experiencing significant communication delays in their primary language. 

Applications are open to all students entering 1st grade.  Kindergarten is only available at Midvale Elementary for students living in the geographic boundaries designated for Midvale Elementary.  Applications for Midvale’s Dual Language Immersion program are handled through the school. 




Applications are accepted
Monday, Sept. 30 through Thursday, Nov. 21, 2024

Secondary Dual Immersion

Students can continue with the Dual Language Immersion program through high school where they can work to pass an Advanced Placement exam and take college-level courses for early college credit. 

Prior to 5th and 8th grade DLI students advancing to middle and high school, they must complete an Intent-to-Continue form to choose one of three options:

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Why us

Find Your Pathway

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Steps for the Future ​

9th grade students take DLI 5 in the target language. Students have the opportunity to take the AP exam at the end of DLI 5 in 9th grade. If a student passes the AP exam with a 3 or above, they are eligible for Bridge Courses in 10th, 11th, and 12th grade.

If you do not pass the AP exam with a 3 or above in 9th grade, you can enroll in a standard AP class in 10th grade.

DLI 5 is designed especially for 9th grade DLI students. The essential questions and projects of the course are unique to 9th grade DLI. This course, while separate from AP, is still aligned with AP themes and tasks and works to prepare students for success on the AP exam.

Credits awarded for passing the AP exam varies by university and college. Some universities and colleges award lower level elective credits for passing the AP exam. The number of credits also varies by AP score.  These credits generally do not count towards a major or minor in the language.

3000 level University courses co-taught with a High School teacher and University Professor on the high school campus. The Bridge Program offers advanced language university courses for high school students who have passed the Advanced Placement (AP) Language and Culture Exam, “bridging” the gap between completion of the exam and higher education. Students begin upper division university language course work in the high school setting, where each 3-credit college course extends over a full academic year of high school. This rigorous and supportive environment establishes a university and career pathway in two languages, and seeks to promote access to bilingual, biliterate, and bicultural citizenship in Utah.

Students who pass the AP exam in 9th grade with 3 or above are eligible for Bridge courses in 10th, 11th, and 12th, grade. If students take 3 Bridge courses, they could graduate with 9- 3000 level University credits that count towards a major or minor in the language. Most universities require 15-18 credits to earn a minor

Episode 38: What is Dual Language Immersion? Canyons Embarked on this Educational Experiment in 2009, and Here’s How it’s Going

It really is about learning about the language and culture that isn’t yours. It allowed us to get a better understanding of that (culture) and expand our perspective and it makes you more open-minded. I think that’s a very big benefit that I’ve experienced from doing the program — and to gain proficiency in another language.”

Ethan Christensen

CSD Dual Immersion graduate

What a magical gift it is to give a student the ability to learn another language and be multilingual. The students in the program have an opportunity to problem solve every day and I think that really develops their neural pathways in a way that’s quite unique. It helps kids learn how to think rather than what to think, which is really our goal.

Tracy Stacy

Lone Peak Elementary

Come Learn with Us

Elementary Parent Informational Meeting

Wednesday, October 9, 2024
6:30 – 8:00 p.m.

Canyons Center at the Canyons District Office
9361 S. 300 E. in Sandy.