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Getting Involved

2025 Virtual Benefit Fair

Welcome to Open Enrollment for 2025.  The enrollment window is Oct 28 – Nov 8.  All benefit-eligible employees, including newly hired employees who recently completed their initial enrollment, must complete the enrollment process between Oct. 30 and Nov. 8 at 5 p.m. This is your opportunity to consider your benefit needs for the 2025 Benefit Year (Jan 1, 2025 – Dec 31, 2025).

We keep the enrollment process as simple and as straightforward as possible.  The changes are detailed in the 2025 Information Letter.   You are encouraged to review the benefit materials found on this page, as well as contact the insurance carriers with your questions.  As we are making a limited number of changes for 2025 and using the same enrollment tool as previous years, we anticipate that the enrollment process should be quick and easy for most employees. If you do encounter a problem, please let us know, and we will work diligently to resolve it.   

Please be aware that the carrier’s sometimes make minor adjustments to coverage parameters from year to year.  Typically, these changes are to ensure operational efficiency and address ongoing developments in medial care standards.  You are encouraged to contact the carriers directly with any questions pertaining to coverage.  

Benefit Providers

Please view the following benefit guide for plan details and rates for the 2025 Benefit Year. When it is time to enroll you can follow the process outlined in the enrollment guide to complete the enrollment process.  



Phone Number:  1-800-765-7347


PEHP is the District’s health insurance administrator.   You can choose between two Plan Designs (Traditional & High Deductible), two Networks (Advantage and Summit), and whether you would like an In-Network only plan or the “Plus” plan with both in-network and out-of-network benefits.

Phone Number: 1-800-662-5850


The District provides two vision options administered by EMI Health.  

  • VSP Plus 10-100
  • VSP Plus 10-130

For prices and coverage please see the plan information book below.

TitleSizeHitsDate modifiedDownload
Canyons School District_VSP 10-130_2024238.46 KB34610-25-2023 DownloadPreview
Canyons School District_VSP 10-100_2024238.11 KB38410-25-2023 DownloadPreview

Phone Number: 1-800-662-5850


The District provides two vision options administered by EMI Health.  

  • Value Plan (Discount Plan
  • ADVANTAGE Copay Plan
  • Choice PPO Plan
  • Choice Indemnity Plan

For prices and coverage please see the plan information book below.

Phone Number: 1-866-451-3399


WEX provides administration on many of the ancillary benefits offered by the District.  They have created a Open Enrollment Tool Kit to help members through the process.  They have prepared the following  videos to help explain their services. These benefits include the following:

  • HSA (Health Savings Accounts): You must be enrolled in the District’s High Deductible Health plan to enroll in this benefit.  Funds are only accessible once they have been  contributed. Funds contributed to an HSA are portable and are never forfeited. Please see the HSA info pages below for more information on limits and an explanation on the District’s HSA contributions.
  • FSA (Flexible Spending Account): While similar to the HSA, there are some notable differences.  The full election amount is available on the first day of the benefit year. The election limit is lower than the HSA and funds must be used during the plan year and grace period or they will be forfeited. Claims must be substantiated with receipts.
  • Dependent Care FSA:  This option is a daycare reimbursement account.  You can elect this plan if you have children younger than 13 that are in daycare so that you can work.
  • LFSA (Limited FSA): This plan is a supplement to an HSA.  This plan operates like a regular FSA but is limited to Dental and Vision expenses only.  It is intended for those who want to maximize their HSA savings. The contribution limit has been set to $1,000. The funds must be used during the plan year and grace period or they will be forfeited.

We’ve established a new contract with Voya Financial. Voya will administer the District’s Life, Accident and Group Supplemental Policies.  These policies were previously administered by MetLife and Aflac.  Voya has agreed to grandfather all previous coverages.  In addition they are providing a true open enrollment for Voluntary Employee Life coverage which allows any employees who haven’t elected up to the guarantee issue amount of $ 200,000 to do so with out needing to go through the underwriting approval process. We anticipate minimal disruption resulting from this change.   We invite you to get to know Voya and the Benefits they provide 

Please see the information sheets below for more detailed information. 

Phone: 1-800-926-9619


Blomquist Hale administers the District’s Employee Assistance Program(EAP).  The EAP is a free and confidential counseling service for our employees and their families.  They can assist with a wide variety of issues that include:

  • Marital & Family Counseling
  • Stress, Anxiety or Depression
  • Personal & Emotional Challenges
  • Grief or Loss
  • Financial or Legal Problems
  • Substance Abuse
  • Addictions
  • Senior Care Planning

This benefit is provided to all Canyons School District employees regardless of position or employee class.  Enrollment is not required for this benefit.

Enrollment Assistance:  If you would like in person enrollment assistance we have two ways for you to receive assistance.   First, we will have two enrollment Workshops in the computer lab in the district offices.

Enrollment Workshop
Oct. 29
3-5:30 p.m.
CDO Computer Lab (room 252)

Enrollment Workshop
Nov. 6
3-5:30 p.m.
CDO Computer Lab (room 252)

In addition we will have a limited number of one-on-one appointments in the Insurance department.  If you would like to work with a member of the Insurance Department on completing your enrollment, click on the button below to schedule an appointment to work with a member of the Insurance Department. 

Proceed to Enrollment: If you are ready to enroll, click the button below and it will take you to the enrollment system.  


2025 Virtual Benefit Fair