
Family Connections

Getting Involved





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Getting Involved

Making a Difference Where It Matters Most

Thank you for volunteering! We look forward to working with you. The protection and security of our students and staff is our top priority. Please refer to the following information to understand how these policies help us continue to achieve our goal of safe schools and communities. 

  • Please allow up to 72 hours for your application to be processed
  • Applications for each school year will be accepted beginning July 1

Canyons School District has established procedures that adhere to Utah State law requiring school districts to screen prospective volunteers. All supervised volunteers in schools need to complete and submit a new Volunteer Application annually.

  • A Supervised Volunteer is:
    • Any adult (18 or older) who works directly, either individually or in small groups, with students in any capacity. This includes volunteering in a classroom, on a day field trip, interacting with or assisting students in any way (including participation in the Watch DOGS Program, SCC, PTA and Career Day presentations). This individual must always be in the line of sight of another adult and never alone with a student. All volunteers are under the supervision of an assigned District employee. A volunteer application must be submitted annually.  
  • An Unsupervised Volunteer is:
    • Any adult (18 or older) who travels or may work individually with students where they may not be in the line of site of other adults at all times. This includes, but is not limited to, overnight trips, some athletic volunteers, costume fittings, etc…) This volunteer must be fingerprinted in Human Resources with prior approval from the school principal. BCI fingerprint results are valid for three years.
    • All Unsupervised volunteers need to speak to their principals and ask for a recommendation to complete a BCI fingerprint check in the Canyons District HR Department. This should be completed at least one month prior to working with students.
  • A Visitor is:
    • Any individual that is only visiting the school and not volunteering does NOT need to complete and submit a volunteer application. This includes parents and extended family visiting Canyons District schools to observe a school event or guests dining in cafeterias. Also, any active or reserve duty military, active police or fire department, or current Canyons School District employees.
  • All volunteers, supervised or unsupervised, and all visitors must check in at the front school office every time.