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Midvale-Area Elementary School Boundary Study

Your Schools. Your Voice. Your Community.

Canyons School District invites the Midvale community to participate in a review of the attendance boundaries for the following elementary schools: Copperview, East Midvale, Midvale and Midvalley.

What is the public input process? What changes are being proposed, and how soon could those changes take effect? Here you’ll find answers to these questions, and more. Your feedback is important. Please take a moment to review the information found below, and share your thoughts. 

Why is a Boundary Study Needed?

The purpose of any boundary review is to balance enrollments across schools — in this case, across the four elementary schools of Copperview, East Midvale, Midvale and Midvalley. The City of Midvale has changed a lot since the inception of Canyons in 2009, and this will be the first boundary study proposed for this area. One of the larger housing developments being built west of I-15 (Jordan Bluffs) is projected to bring 150 to 200 additional students to the area over the next four to five years.

Boundary studies are opportunities to look at issues of over- or under-enrollment at schools as communities grow and to explore solutions for: 

  • accommodating new students.
  • maximizing the use of school buildings.
  • maintaining a balance of class sizes, funding and learning opportunities.
  • aligning school boundaries with neighborhoods, major roadways, and geographic features. 

What Changes are Being Proposed?

Three boundary-change ideas have been proposed as a starting point to jump-start the public input process. The proposals are summarized in this video and in the descriptions below, which are accompanied by interactive maps that allow you to zoom in and out to more easily identify key landmarks. After reviewing this information, we welcome your feedback, ideas and questions.

Option 1 Boundaries

Option 1

Under the first option, the Jordan Bluffs development would stay within Midvale Elementary School’s boundaries. Some of the northernmost neighborhoods served by Midvale would shift to East Midvale. Meanwhile, some of East Midvale’s southernmost neighborhoods would shift to Midvale. In addition, to ease space constraints at Copperview, Midvalley would inherit some of Copperview’s service area.

View Interactive Map >

Option 2 Boundaries

Option 2

The second option is the same as option No. 1, except Midvale Elementary would retain its northernmost neighborhoods.


View Interactive Map >

Option 3 Boundaries

Option 3

The third option matches the second option, except a smaller portion of East Midvale’s service area would transfer to Midvale.

View Interactive Map >

What is the Timeline and Process for Public Feedback?

In November 2020, Canyons District’s Long-Range Planning Committee proposed some boundary-change options to balance enrollments and maintain equity in academic opportunities across Midvale’s four elementary schools. Draft scenarios were presented to the Canyons Board of Education, marking the beginning of a sustained effort to gather community input.

The feedback received will inform final proposals, which would be brought to the Board of Education for further consideration in February and April, 2022. Any boundary changes that are approved would take effect with the start of the 2023-2024 school year.

So, what will the public input process look like? As a first step, we met with School Community Councils. We’ve also scheduled a series of public, Open House meetings in January where families are invited to provide input. Can’t make it to one of our meetings? Families and patrons can also offer input by submitting comments or questions via our online survey tool.

Join Us At One of These Open House Events

Copperview Elementary, 8449 S. Monroe St., Midvale

Thursday, Jan. 6

6-7 p.m.

Midvale Elementary, 7830 S. Chapel St., Midvale

Thursday, Feb. 3

6-7 p.m.

Midvalley Elementary, 217 E. 7800 South, Midvale

Thursday, Feb. 10

6-7 p.m.

East Midvale Elementary, 6990 S. 300 East, Midvale

Thursday, Feb. 17

6-7 p.m.