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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Board Approves Middle School Boundaries, Move of Crescent View

The Canyons Board of Education voted unanimously to realign middle school boundaries and rebuild Crescent View Middle School at a Draper location.

The new boundary plan, which was created using community input on recommendations presented to the Board in May 2011 by the Boundary Steering Committee, will better accommodate student enrollment and streamline school feeder patterns. The Board voted to:

 – Build a new Crescent View in Draper (the District owns property on 1300 East).

 – Create Crescent View’s boundary as south of 12300 South; projected enrollment would be about 1,250 students.

 – Align the boundaries of the new Corner Canyon High School to include all students living south of 12300 South.

 – Use the current Crescent View facility for other programs, to be determined in future Board discussions.

 – Extend Mount Jordan Middle School’s boundary to 12300 South; projected enrollment would be about 950 students.

 – Set the Indian Hills boundary to include all of Altara, Sunrise, and Lone Peak elementary boundaries; projected enrollment would be about 1,125 students.

 – Set boundaries resulting in the following projected, in-boundary enrollments: Albion, 763; Butler, 774; Eastmont, 825; Midvale, 853; and Union, 938.

The Board in the fall approved elementary boundaries to be implemented in the 2013-2014 school year. Click here to view the adjusted high school boundaries, also to be implemented in the 2013-2014 school year.

Board members said the new boundaries create cleaner school feeder systems, maintain options for parents to receive permits to attend schools of choice, and reflect input that thousands of patrons have sent in the past 18 months. They also said rebuilding Crescent View, already scheduled to be renovated with $18.5 million in bond money, in Draper brings the school closer to the school’s population center. Board members also expressed dismay with incivility expressed in some patron e-mail correspondences that took aim at Mount Jordan Middle School and the children enrolled there.

Supporters said the new boundaries illustrate that the Board has carefully considered public input. They said the boundaries benefit the District as a whole, keep neighborhoods together and rebuild a school where population growth is centered. Opponents said they represent hundreds of patrons districtwide, and asked the Board to postpone the vote until a cost-benefit analysis on middle school relocation could be done. They said rebuilding Crescent View elsewhere was not part of the bond, and that Mount Jordan would be more appropriate to rebuild in Draper.

To listen to the testimony, please visit http://www.boarddocs.com/ut/canyons/Board.nsf and click Agenda Item 6A.

Chargers Logo Unveiled for New Corner Canyon High School

The logo for the new Corner Canyon High School was unveiled in the Board Study Session. A logo selection committee of parents, District officials, and Principal Mary Bailey reviewed designs from three different graphic artists. The committee unanimously selected artist Joel Pilcher’s logo for its representation of excellence, strength, and determination. To view the Chargers logo and its various iterations, please visit http://www.boarddocs.com/ut/canyons/Board.nsf and click Agenda Item 1C.

Child Abuse Reporting Policy Proposed

The Board discussed a proposed policy that would set employee-to-student conduct parameters, develop clear reporting requirements for child abuse and neglect, and align District policy with state law. The proposed policy, formed by a Policy Task Force of District officials, teachers, principals, a coach and a police officer, would set standards for conduct rather than list prohibitions. It also brings together existing policies regarding employee conduct and professionalism. The proposed policy comes in the wake of revelations about sexual abuse of children in education institutions across the country, and would ensure schools can maintain a safe environment for learning. It also includes examples for conduct gleaned from court cases nationwide. To view the proposal, please visit http://www.boarddocs.com/ut/canyons/Board.nsf and click Agenda Item 1B.

Board Action

The Board approved the proposed student fee schedule, which brings Canyons’ student fees into closer alignment with neighboring school Districts. For more information, please visit http://www.boarddocs.com/ut/canyons/Board.nsf and click Agenda Item 6B. The Board also approved the Consent Agenda, which includes the Feb. 21 Minutes, Purchasing Bids, and revisions to the following policies: BOE HR and Personnel Review, and BOE Policy EBC Emergencies. The Board postponed a Closed Session for the purposes of discussing the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual; pending or reasonably imminent litigation; collective bargaining; and the purchase, exchange, or lease or real property.

Patron Comments

Resident Jared Pierce said a bond is not needed to rebuild Crescent View Middle School in Draper and said it would be more appropriate to rebuild Mount Jordan Middle School in Draper.

Resident Monica Ferdig said she wants to see a five-year building plan for the District, Board spending priorities, and data on revenues and expenditures and projected growth, and said the Board should use that plan to propose plans for buildings and boundaries. She also said she and others plan to revisit this matter in the future.

(To view the District’s Long-Range Capital Facilities Plan Update, please visit http://www.boarddocs.com/ut/canyons/Board.nsf, click “Meetings” and “2012,” and select the Jan. 17 Agenda, Item 2C).

Superintendent’s Report

Superintendent David Doty has continued meeting with faculties at each school and is about halfway through his 44 scheduled visits. He said he enjoyed meeting with teachers, administrators and staff at Jordan Valley School last week, and praised the professionals as some of the most committed and dedicated he has ever met. He said District administrators are receiving feedback on a draft elementary school schedule from faculties, and will present a proposal to the Board in the coming weeks. He praised community support for Brighton High at the 5A State Boys Basketball Championship. He noted the father of Albion Middle School Principal Joanne Ackerman had died, and would inform the Board about services.

CFO’s Report

Chief Financial Officer Keith Bradford noted tax refunds for residents in the former Granite School District who inappropriately were charged for Old Jordan Debt were mailed earlier in the day. The refunds are for tax years 2009, 2010 and 2011.

Board Reports

Mont Millerberg commended administrators and staff who put together the boundary proposal. He attended Hillcrest High parent-teacher conferences last week, and commended teachers for outstanding things they do for kids.

Vice President Sherril Taylor thanked the Administration for its work on the boundary proposal, and the Board for its work to keep children as its No. 1 focus.

Kim Horiuchi thanked Bradford for his work to mail the tax refund to eligible Cottonwood Heights residents. She commended the Brighton choral department and students’ performance of the Holocaust Cantata, a moving compilation of readings and songs based on interview transcripts and historical data gathered from the Holocaust.

Kevin Cromar announced he would not seek re-election in November. He said he greatly appreciated the opportunity to serve on the first Board of the Canyons School District, the first new school district created in Utah in 100 years. He also said he counted the name of the District, Middle School Intramurals, the Dan Jones & Associates survey on middle schools, and advanced geography offerings in middle schools among his accomplishments. He also cheered the 5A State Quarterfinals and Semifinals victories of the Brighton Boys Basketball Team. He commended Rep. Stephen Sandstrom, R-Orem, for carrying HB392, which would modify school district contributions for charter school students and require property tax notices to state the amount of tax revenues distributed to charter schools. He encouraged the Senate to pass the bill.

Paul McCarty thanked Horiuchi, Steve Wrigley, and Taylor for attending cottage and constituency meetings with him over the past two weeks. He said he appreciates the work of the staff, and patron comments on both sides of the issue to help the Board make the best decisions possible. He noted education is not finite, but in a state of constant change, and is glad to work in a District unafraid of necessary change.

President Tracy Scott Cowdell noted the Board is not afraid to address even the most challenging issues, such as school boundaries. He commended the Board and Dr. Doty on the work they’ve done in the past two difficult weeks. He wished Mr. Cromar well in the future.

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Lucie Chamberlain

Alta View Elementary

If a movie about super teachers were ever made, Lucie Chamberlain would be a prime candidate for a leading role. Fortunately for her kindergarten students at Alta View Elementary, she already thrives in a supporting role for them. Parents thank her for being a “super teacher.” She is also described as an “amazing colleague.” Whether students need help in the classroom or from home while sick, Lucie goes above and beyond to help them learn, overcome fears, and feel important and cared for. Lucie is the reason a number of kids went from hating school to loving it, according to parents. The way she exudes patience, sweetness, positive energy, and love for her students with special needs melts is appreciated and admired. One parent noted: “Both my kids wish she could be their teacher forever.” Another added:  “She treats every student like their learning and their feelings are her priority.” Super teacher, indeed!

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