Note: Recordings and documents for agenda items can be accessed via BoardDocs by clicking on the corresponding agenda items.
Snow Day Update, Scheduling of Make-Up Day
To make up for the instructional time lost due to Wednesday’s snow day, a make-up school day has been scheduled for Friday, Feb. 15. The date was chosen as a more prudent and less disruptive alternative to holding the make-up day on Presidents Day or during Spring Recess, the two options that are stipulated by the District’s Board-approved calendar guidelines. The Canyons Board of Education’s decision was done under a one-time suspension of those stipulations. The Feb. 6 snow day was the first in Canyons District’s history, and it happened late in the year, leaving the Board with a limited number of options with regard to scheduling a make-up day. Friday Feb. 15 was chosen as the best option for preserving quality instructional time. Holding the make-up day on President’s Day or during Spring Recess when many families have vacation and travel plans would likely have resulted in a spike in student absences and required the District to hire a good number of substitute teachers. An informal email poll of nearly 400 CSD teachers by Canyons Education Association President Erika Bradshaw found 96 percent favored holding the make-up day on Feb. 15. Though it was previously a no-school day for students, it is a contract day for school employees, which means they are already scheduled to be at work. Teachers will lose some of their paid professional development time that day, but the Board agreed to allow school administrators to work with their Building Leadership Teams to decide how to provide educators with some replacement time. All Canyons District schools will now hold school on Feb. 15 according to their normal Friday schedules. Buses will also be operating that day. Middle schools will still maintain a late-start and elementary schools will have an early-out schedule.