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Getting Involved





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Getting Involved

With Spring Come Busy School Schedules and Behind-the-Scenes Planning

The end of a school year is a whirlwind of exciting events, from award banquets and sports championships to field days, and art shows and performances. And to cap it all off, are the graduation ceremonies!

I have been fortunate to have attended a number of these. The Alta High Marching Band fundraiser and car show was wonderful! There were cool cars, awesome music by Alta Bands, clinics for the drumline, and good food. It was an excellent way to show the community what the Marching Band is all about!

Thirty friendly volunteers attended the luncheon hosted by the Willow Canyon PTA. The great food was matched only by the even better conversations. Our schools need to continue to recognize the importance of our PTA organization and the thousands of volunteer hours given to help support our students and teachers! It was hard without you during the pandemic.

Attending and being a member on various District committees is a vital way to help inform the conversations that help form future District needs. As a member of Long Range Planning, we discuss the populations of our schools, the cost of building maintenance, and how to provide programs to help improve instruction and building usage. In Health and Wellness, we are looking into the feasibility of providing a wellness center and possibly daycare for our employees in the future.

Thanks to fellow board member, Andrew Edtl, school board members were given the opportunity to see what the national guard can do for our graduates. It’s a great option the Guard offers to those wanting to serve their country close to home. We flew a refueling training mission in a KC135 to a C-17. This operation required the most incredible skill with both aircraft flying at exacting speeds and altitudes!

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