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Getting Involved





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Getting Involved

During the first weekend of March, several Canyons District high schools participated in the regional FIRST Robotics competition for what has been referred to as “The Ultimate Sport for the Mind.” Adhering to stringent rules, time and resources, teams of students face challenges to build and program industrial-size robots, and use that robot to overcome obstacles in alliance with other teams. These teams also fundraise to meet their goals, design a team “brand,” and work to advance respect and appreciation for STEM within the local community. I delighted at the chance to visit our Canyons teams during the competition and witness unbelievable dedication from these students. Some of the students from Alta High’s team gave me a riveting tour, and exuded enthusiasm. They shared story after story about how their robotics team allowed them to learn problem-solving and creativity, and what FIRST refers to as “coopertition,” a value that promotes kindness and gracious professionalism in the face of competition. The conclusion of the event brought particular honor to Alta’s team, which received the Engineering Inspiration Award, landing them a place at this year’s FIRST National Competition in Houston. The Hawks robotics team ended the month in similar fashion.  At the FIRST Idaho Regional Competition in Boise, held March 31-April 2, Alta took third place out of 48 teams and student Kassandra Holt received the Dean’s Award and teacher Ron Strohm, who has been instrumental in building up Alta’s robotics program, received the Woodie Flowers Award, a prestigious honor that is given to just one team advisor at each of the regional competitions. The award is reserved for those demonstrate top-tier teaching and communication skills in the art and science of engineering and design. Congratulations to all our teams and their coaches! You make me Canyons Proud.

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