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Every fall, it seems like the entire Canyons District clambers to get tickets to Hillcrest’s fall musical. The productions are full of show-stopping dance numbers, amazing vocal and instrumental performances, and Broadway-quality acting. It’s a well-known fact in our community that Hillcrest High’s theater department goes all out on the fall musical, and the auditorium is often sold out for the majority of the runs of the shows. However, in recent years, Hillcrest also has done major productions in the spring. Last year, audiences were taken to Narnia with “Prince Caspian,” and this year’s big spring play was “The Heart of Robin Hood,” a production that also has been performed by the Royal Shakespeare Company. If students were intimidated by the fact that the play has been tackled in the past by such serious professionals, you could not tell. The cast of 80 students was simply amazing, and we sat there in awe at the quality of the production. The set included rope-climbing and aerial silks for acrobats and also featured a string ensemble that played background music throughout the entire show.  I applaud the cast and the directors, especially Hillcrest’s Performing Arts Chair Josh Long, for bringing such amazing entertainment to the Canyons community.  I feel the need to express my appreciation for those who voted for the school-improvement bond proposal in 2017. Without the support of voters, we would not have been able to build a state-of-the-art auditorium at Hillcrest like the one we now have. One last thing:  I want to say “break a leg” to the Huskies who are headed to state theater competitions!  Recently, Hillcrest theater students won their eighth-consecutive region championship, and all 28 of Hillcrest’s entries qualified for the upcoming state drama competition.  If their performances at the state contest are anything like the ones I saw at “The Heart of Robin Hood,” then the judges will definitely be impressed.

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