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Board Meeting Summary, June 30, 2020

Note: Recordings and documents for agenda items can be accessed via BoardDocs by clicking on the corresponding agenda items.

Discussion of Approach to Equity

To the end of reaffirming Canyons’ commitment to ensuring equity in its schools and programs, Superintendent Dr. Rick Robins requested approval from the Board of Education to begin a review of the District’s curriculum and instructional practices, policies and procedures, student access to opportunities, and social-emotional programs and supports. “In this era of unrest, this is a time to listen more, learn more and do more,” Robins told the Board of Education. “If we have any chance of repairing the scars of injustice in our society while also supporting individual and collective healing, it will begin with the educational system.” Robins also noted this would mean the District must be vigilant in recognizing and removing barriers to student success. “If we can better understand each other’s lived experience, we are then in a position to foster an environment of respect. From this foundation, we can then take the necessary actions to increase safety, promote inclusion, and reduce injustice in order to set up our students with opportunities to thrive,” Dr. Robins said. “I am confident in our abilities to come together as a school community to understand each other and commit to find a way forward by making equity and justice a top priority in Canyons School District.” Board members agreed with Dr. Robins’ sentiments and indicated they would like a similar joint statement issued to the community.  This information will be posted on the District’s website and other channels of communication. The aim of the review, which would support Board discussions, is to increase safety, address injustices, and inspire inclusion in all CSD school communities. The Board agreed to form a steering committee to guide the review, suggest steps forward, and generate ideas for using the student voice in this effort.

COVID-19 Back-to-School Action Plan

An update to the proposed COVID-19 Back-to-School Action plan was presented to the Board of Education. The new version of the plan was created after receiving input from the CSD community and guidance from government, education, and health officials. The first draft of the back-to-school plan was posted on the District’s website and parent sentiment was gauged in a survey. The proposed operational blueprint corresponds with the red, orange, yellow or green color-coded levels of risk as identified by Utah Gov. Gary Herbert and a state coronavirus task force. School Performance Director Alice Peck told the Board that the proposed plan — the final version of which must be submitted to the Utah State Board of Education by Aug. 1 — is subject to change based on decisions by government and health officials. Peck also said District will not endorse split schedules at schools unless mandated by the county health department and based on recommendations by USBE and the American Academic of Pediatrics. Masks and shields will be provided to employees because they will be required to wear them when physical distancing is not possible. While the District would train students on the value of wearing masks, no disciplinary action would be taken for those who choose not to wear masks. The plan includes how information would be communicated to parents, students and employees; the cleaning protocols for facilities, equipment and buses; how volunteers can provide service; and the ongoing services for students who receive Special Education services. The proposed plan also addresses schedules, transportation, signage, physical distancing, nutrition services, sanitation, the provision of hand sanitizer, and reducing the touchpoints in the buildings, among many other topics.  The Board of Education will continue to work with the Administration on the plan. 

Special Session Update

Business Administrator Leon Wilcox discussed information stemming from the recent special session of the Utah Legislature. Despite the downturn in the economy as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, Utah legislators will provide a 1.8 percent increase to the Weighted Pupil Unit, the state funding mechanism for Utah schools.

Graduation Survey

The Board reviewed the results of a survey gauging whether just-graduated seniors plan to participate in traditional commencement exercises. Twelve percent of CSD new graduates responded to the survey. A little more than half of the respondents said they would attend the events, which were postponed due to the COVID-19 mass-gathering restrictions. However, the others who responded indicated they were satisfied with the “drive-through” graduations May 27-28 and did not plan to attend the ceremonies in August. Some respondents suggested schools hold a dinner dance when state and local government and health officials indicate it is safe to do so. The Board asked the Administration to work with principals on additional recommendations to celebrate the Class of 2020.  

Consent Agenda

The Board of Education approved the Consent Agenda, including minutes from the June 9, 2020 meeting of the Canyons Board of Education; hire and termination reports; and purchasing bids.

Policy Updates

The Board of Education approved updates to policies governing student conduct and discipline.

Patron Comments 

  • Hillcrest teacher Christine Cress commented on reported COVID-19 cases in the community and the challenges of being in a classroom in a pandemic.
  • Butler Middle Brittany Hawk commented on the challenges of holding school with COVID-19 restrictions.
  • Teacher Jennifer Seltzer urged the District to allow teachers more creative leeways while teaching during a pandemic.
  • Mount Jordan Middle teacher Abigail Vanier remarked on the District’s reopening plan and recommended the plan require students to wear masks.
  • Eastmont Middle teacher Charles Jacques expressed concern about moving forward with the current COVID-19 Back-to-School Action Plan.
  • Canyons Education Association President Erika Bradshaw also commented on the Back-to-School Action Plan. She asked the Board and Administration to take into consideration the employees who are worried about returning without a vaccine for COVID-19. 

Superintendent, Business Administrator Reports

Superintendent Dr. Rick Robins thanked the Board for their input on the proposed COVID-19 Back-to-School Action Plan. 

Business Administrator Leon Wilcox said the work of the Administrative team reminds him of the effort that was displayed during the launch of the District in July 1, 2009. 

Board of Education Reports

Mrs. Clareen Arnold thanked the staff and Administration for the work on the COVID-19 Back-to-School Action Plan.

Mr. Steve Wrigley thanked the staff for the work on the proposed back-to-school plan, saying it was “awe-inspiring.”

Mr. Mont Millerberg noted the passing of former Midvale Mayor JoAnn Seghini, whom he called a “great friend” of the Canyons District.

Mrs. Amanda Oaks thanked the Administration for its work on the back-to-school plan and mentioned the community response to the Draper wildfire, including Canyons’ work to open Draper Park Middle on Sunday night to shelter those evacuated from the Suncrest neighborhood.

President Tingey noted the passing of Dr. Seghini and reported on participating in Entrada Adult High School’s graduation. She expressed appreciation for the detailed discussions during the Board meeting and the dedication for building a solid back-to-school plan. 

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Lucie Chamberlain

Alta View Elementary

If a movie about super teachers were ever made, Lucie Chamberlain would be a prime candidate for a leading role. Fortunately for her kindergarten students at Alta View Elementary, she already thrives in a supporting role for them. Parents thank her for being a “super teacher.” She is also described as an “amazing colleague.” Whether students need help in the classroom or from home while sick, Lucie goes above and beyond to help them learn, overcome fears, and feel important and cared for. Lucie is the reason a number of kids went from hating school to loving it, according to parents. The way she exudes patience, sweetness, positive energy, and love for her students with special needs melts is appreciated and admired. One parent noted: “Both my kids wish she could be their teacher forever.” Another added:  “She treats every student like their learning and their feelings are her priority.” Super teacher, indeed!

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