The Copperview Recreation Center in Midvale has received an artistic makeover, courtesy of a group of Hillcrest art students and a project aimed at fostering community cohesion.
The students joined art teacher Michael Brzozowski to create a community-inspired mural at the Recreation Center during Fall Break Oct. 16-17, 2014. The mural incorporates the people of Midvale and the opportunities the recreation center provides to them. It includes slopes of the Midvale City logo, the likeness of Mayor Joann Seghini, and sports including wheelchair basketball and yoga, and the community skate park. At the mural’s center are golden rays of the sun, which shine equal light on all, regardless of income, background, or ability.
“I see this as the start of something bigger and better for the community, a sense of ownership and students’ desire to protect their community,” CSD Prevention and Intervention Coordinator Lizbeth Velazquez said. “It is getting a lot of positive attention, and we hope to be able to expand this opportunity for at-risk students in the future.”
The art project is aimed at replacing graffiti with art to prevent future vandalism. It is funded through the Midvale Advancement Program, which seeks to prevent gang activity. It is a partnership of several community agencies, including Canyons School District; the Boys & Girls Clubs South Valley; Copperview Recreation Center; Salt Lake Area Gang Project; Metro Gang Unit; Unified Police Midvale Precinct; Midvale City Mayor’s Office; Department of Workforce Services; Juvenile Justice Services; Salt Lake County; the Salt Lake County District Attorney’s Office; and 3rd District Juvenile Court.