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Board Meeting Summary Oct. 7, 2014

Facilities Committee Report

Superintendent Dr. Jim Briscoe reported on the recommendations of the Facilities Committee of school leaders and community representatives, created in August to examine ways to address portables and enrollment growth at Draper Park Middle School, Corner Canyon High School and Midvale Elementary.

Dr. Briscoe said the committee recommends putting bids together regarding possible construction of a classroom wing at Corner Canyon. He noted there are 16 portables at Corner Canyon and eight portables at Midvale Elementary to accommodate high enrollments. He said Corner Canyon, even without giving permits to out-of-boundary students, will be at full capacity well into the future. He CFO Leon Wilcox said the estimated cost of the wing is around $3.7 million. Wilcox and Dr. Briscoe said putting bids together regarding the possible wing would not commit the Board to future decisions. Dr. Briscoe also said the committee wants the Board to allow it to look at a longterm solution to boundaries, and should changes be made, that it give the public a year or two to plan. He also noted the committee met twice and pored over enrollment and capacity data, and is aware that all final decisions lie with the Board.

Board Member Tracy Scott Cowdell said the Board needs to slow down and look holistically at the many facilities needs in the districts before preparing bids for Corner Canyon. He said the Board needs to meet in Study Session and discuss creating clear instructions for the committee. Board Member Robert Green, who served on the Facilities Committee, said the Board should further study the idea and make deliberate decisions, and consider boundary changes as part of the discussion. He noted Title I schools in his area have 23 portables, nearly double Corner Canyon’s portables count. Board Member Chad Iverson, who also served on the Facilities Committee, recommended the committee include more representatives, look seriously at boundary changes between Alta and Corner Canyon, and keep examining boundaries every five years. He also expressed interest in looking holistically at District facility needs. Second Vice President Nancy Tingey thanked Dr. Briscoe for launching the facilities discussion, but said the Board needs more information and discussion. Board Member Kim Horiuchi expressed similar concerns and urged the committee documents be posted online to boost transparency.

Dr. Briscoe said the committee is aware of all facilities issues. He said if the Board is interested in bonding to address the remaining $400 million in building needs then the committee should be talking about that. Board President Sherril Taylor, who also served on the Facilities Committee, noted the committee has good intentions, and that he felt the members did represent a good cross-section of the District. He said Alta High enrollments were discussed by the committee, and noted Principal Brian McGill is considering a number of ideas to boost enrollment there.

Dr. Briscoe said the committee would not meet again until the Board gives a clear direction. Taylor said the Board will discuss the matter again in the next meeting, and urged patrons to contact their Board Members with their input.

To listen to the discussion, please visit BoardDocs and click Agenda Item 2A.

Midvale Middle Reconstruction Relocation Discussed

The Board discussed on first reading a resolution to temporarily relocate Midvale Middle School students and employees to the old Crescent View Middle School during Midvale’s reconstruction, beginning in summer 2015 . Midvale is scheduled to be rebuilt with bond money, with the new school opening in August 2017. The temporary relocation is supported by Midvale City representatives, Cowdell said. He also said the city noted property surrounding the campus could be discussed to improve ingress and egress. Dr. Briscoe said he’s been talking with the U. Medical School about possible interest of locating near there a medical facility to improve services to the community.

Board Member Robert Green requested having a late bus to ensure all students attend school in the event they are late for school. School Performance Director Mike Sirois said the principal has shared concerns that if students are late for a bus, they might not come to school at all.

To listen to the comments, please visit BoardDocs  and click Agenda Item 7D.

Student Advisory Board Empaneled

The Student Advisory Board was empaneled and introduced to the public. The 2014-2015 Student Advisory Board includes 10 high school students:

– Alta: Jake Kohler and Maddie Dismuke
– Brighton: David Warr and Carter Brown
– Corner Canyon: Brady Thayer and Coleman Broman
– Hillcrest: Allison Rimmasch and Antony Cheng
– Jordan: Kate Lesuer and Bronson Battaglia

“What you will bring to some of the discussions and decisions we make as a Board will be valuable,” Board 2nd Vice President Nancy Tingey told the students. “Thank you for getting involved … we will look to you for advice and counsel.”

Rebuilding of Alta View Elementary Discussed

The Board completed its second reading of the proposal to rebuild Alta View Elementary with money from the 2010 voter-approved bond, which identified an unnamed White City area school for rebuilding. CFO Leon Wilcox said the Alta View School Community Council is excited the Board is considering rebuilding the school, and that Edgemont and Bell View SCCs are somewhat disappointed but understanding of the reasoning, as Alta View’s condition is poorer than the other schools. Kim Horiuchi asked whether area school consolidation had been examined. Wilcox noted that the gully would affect school boundaries undesirably. Vice President Steve Wrigley noted that the school communities also like their schools and want to keep them open. Taylor said the issue will be brought back for a final vote Oct. 21.

To listen to the discussion, please visit BoardDocs and click Agenda Item 7A.

Board Action

The Board unanimously upheld the findings of the District Level Hearing committee in regard to the student appeal.
The Board approved the Consent Agenda, which includes the Sept. 16 Minutes; Purchasing Bids; LAND Trust Budget Amendments; and a Safety and Security Audit by State Risk Management.

The Board discussed on second reading the proposed cell tower at Corner Canyon High School, to be located near the football stadium at the recommendation of the School Community Council. The matter will be brought back for a vote Oct. 21.

The Board discussed on first reading a proposed easement to allow the building of a Boys & Girls Club adjacent to Sandy Elementary School. The easement will have minimal impact on the school grounds, as it is 450 square feet, or about half the size of an average school classroom.

The Board received a Policy Committee update. Tingey asked the Board if it wanted to look at replicating some model policies address hiring and firing processes of the superintendent and business administrator. Cowdell said the matter is covered in state law and a policy might tie the hands of future boards. Tingey also said the committee might have a way to separate anti-discrimination policy from student discipline policy.

Board President Sherril Taylor noted Board Member Robert Green was participating in the meeting via conference call. Green was home with his wife, helping to care for their newborn baby.

To listen to the discussions, please visit BoardDocs and click the corresponding agenda item.

Patron Comments

Brookwood teacher Susan Mathis said she wants Friday afternoon teacher planning reinstated because there isn’t enough planning time, and that the major changes in the past five years have taken a toll on teachers.

Corner Canyon student Kaitlyn Wampler asked the Board to consider changing the middle school schedule to ensure students have more time to participate in band and other electives and in turn, can support a strong band program in the high school.

Utah House Majority Whip Greg Hughes, R-Draper, said he is Wampler’s representative. She had brought her concerns to legislators, and he encouraged her to address them with the Board of Education. He said he shares some of the same concerns, but likes CSD’s emphasis on science, technology, engineering, arts and math in the middle school as well. He said he wants to support the district on best practices.

Cowdell praised Rep. Hughes’ leadership. He said Rep. Hughes is truly a friend to CSD and thanked him for his hard work.

Chad Heyborne said he is concerned about boundary issues for secondary schools in CSD, and noted Alta’s enrollment has dramatically diminished in the past year with the new boundaries.

Taylor said he is aware of the Alta issues, and noted they are being discussed by the Facilities Committee and that Principal McGill has some good ideas for moving forward.

To listen to the comments, please visit BoardDocs and click Agenda Item 5.

Board Reports

Cowdell encouraged Board Members to attend the Region 17 PTA’s Meet the Candidates Night Thursday from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Jordan High School. He thanked the PTA leaders for setting up the event, which he said drew about 200 attendees last election.

Wrigley said he attended the Sandy Titan Awards, and underscored the importance of collaborating with the business community. He gave a shout out to Peruvian Park Elementary, which is hosting a “Meet the SCC” meeting Wednesday evening. He said he’d like to see other SCCs look at doing the same.

Tingey thanked Dr. Briscoe for hosting the PTA and SCC leadership luncheon, and said it was a productive event and question-and-answer period. She thanked the Administration for putting together SCC trainings, scheduled for Oct. 8, 22 and 29, and encouraged SCC members and Board Members to attend.

Horiuchi attended the Brighton High Face to Faith class, which welcomed 12 guests of the U.S. State Department from countries including Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia, and Yemen. She said it was fascinating to watch them interact with students on matters of religion and culture, and said participants learned a lot from each other. She noted Brighton was among the nation’s first public schools to participate in Face to Faith, a program of the Tony Blair Faith Foundation. She also enjoyed the Brighton-Bingham football game, which resembled a rematch of the 2013 State Championship, and gave kudos to the Bengals.

Green said it’s been an eventful time at his home. He thanked the Board and Administration for the flowers sent after the baby’s birth, and the Board for allowing him to participate in the meeting via teleconference.

Taylor congratulated Green on his new family member. He thanked the audience for attending, and said that while issues before the Board can be complex, the Board is doing what it believes is best for students.

Closed Session

The Board met in Closed Session for the purpose of discussing the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual; the purchase, exchange or lease of real property; collective bargaining; and pending or reasonably imminent litigation.

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Lucie Chamberlain

Alta View Elementary

If a movie about super teachers were ever made, Lucie Chamberlain would be a prime candidate for a leading role. Fortunately for her kindergarten students at Alta View Elementary, she already thrives in a supporting role for them. Parents thank her for being a “super teacher.” She is also described as an “amazing colleague.” Whether students need help in the classroom or from home while sick, Lucie goes above and beyond to help them learn, overcome fears, and feel important and cared for. Lucie is the reason a number of kids went from hating school to loving it, according to parents. The way she exudes patience, sweetness, positive energy, and love for her students with special needs melts is appreciated and admired. One parent noted: “Both my kids wish she could be their teacher forever.” Another added:  “She treats every student like their learning and their feelings are her priority.” Super teacher, indeed!

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