Note: To listen to the Board’s discussion, please visit BoardDocs and select the agenda item of interest.
Bond Issuance Resolution
The Board of Education approved a resolution allowing the District to issue up to $60 million in bonds. When issued, the funds will go toward “acquiring land; acquiring, constructing, furnishing and equipping new school facilities; and renovating and improving existing facilities and to pay expenses reasonably incurred in connection with the acquisition and construction of said improvements and the authorization and issuance of the Bonds,” according to the resolution. The bond issuance is part of the $250 million general obligation bond that Canyons voters approved in 2010 to build new schools and renovate, improve or rebuild aging schools. The Board has previously authorized the issuance of $148 million of the voter-approved bond amount.
Future Bond Proposal Discussion
Board member Robert Green led a discussion on the establishment of a 5- to 10-year plan for upgrading facilities. Safety and academic and administrative needs should be taken into consideration while building this plan, he said. He suggested the Board start working on a plan this school year. He’d like to spend time gathering input and prioritizing any projects that could be funded by a potential new bond. Board member Chad Iverson warned the Board that a bond proposal would be a tough sell and wondered if it’s too early to start talking about another bond.
Academic Goals
Green urged the Board to begin discussing specific student achievement goals for the District. He would like to see the Board establish a percentage-increase target in science, mathematics, English and reading. Green also urged the Board to begin talking about setting a goal for the number of students who take and pass Advanced Placement exams. Iverson said that, with input from the Administration, the Board should set three to five academic goals that are attainable. Superintendent Rhode said she would continue discussing this issue with Board members and staff.
Grade Reconfiguration Update
Interim Superintendent Rhode updated the Board on the plans to reconfigure grades in Canyons District. Rhode told the Board the District had sent to parents and students transportation information. In the mailer, they were told whether they received bus service, and, if so, the bus number, location of the bus stop and the pick-up and drop-off times. She also said postcards had been mailed to families in Draper Park and Mount Jordan communities to alert them to their new locations. She said online registration was continuing smoothly, teachers’ books and equipment had been moved to their new schools and the Human Resources Department was completing the hiring for the upcoming year. As of Tuesday, there were only five secondary openings and six elementary openings.
First-Day of School Activities
Assistant Superintendent Kathryn McCarrie said the District had planned orientations Aug. 15-16 for students who are attending middle school and high school for the first time in the 2013-2014 school year. This year, sixth- and seventh-grade students in the middle schools and ninth- and 10th-grade students in the high schools will be new to their respective schools. This is a result of the District-wide grade reconfiguration, which is a key part of CSD’s Board of Education approved academic plan. Starting on Aug. 19, 2013, high schools will serve students in grades 9-12, middle schools will be home to grades 6-8, and elementary schools will educate grade K-5 students. Communications Officer Jeff Haney said that a Back-to-School Call Center already has started for patrons who have questions, and red carpet events being planned for the first day of school. Pencils with the Canyons District logo also will be given to some students as they arrive at school.
Athletic Compliance Update
Jamal Willis, the District’s new Coordinator of Athletic and Fundraising Raising Compliance, said his role will be to help schools remain compliant with the regulations of the Utah High School Activities Association. He said his office will provide training to athletic directors, coaches, and student athletes on applicable state and federal laws and District policies governing civil rights, bullying, harassment, discrimination, misconduct and hazing. Willis also told the Board he will work collaboratively with high school administrators, athletic directors, the Canyons Education Foundation and the Chief Financial Officer/Business Administrator to make sure high schools are complying with laws, rules, and policies regarding school-based and booster-club fundraising efforts. His office also will provide annual training to ensure ongoing compliance. The Board also urged Willis and McCarrie to look into making sure school logos aren’t being misused by private groups.
Construction Update
All projects that crews had been working for the upcoming school year have been completed or substantially completed in time for the start of school, said Facilities Director Rick Conger. Conger said the District has either received or expects to receive certificates of occupancy at Canyons’ new schools Corner Canyon High and Draper Park and Butler middle schools. Draper Park, however, won’t be completely finished by the time school starts. Work still needs to be completed on the auditorium, wood shop and playfields. Furthermore, the new parking lot at Butler, where the old building was built, won’t be ready until later this fall. Conger told the Board the additions at Brighton and Hillcrest high schools will be ready for the start of school on Aug. 19. Conger also updated the Board on the demolition of Mount Jordan, expected to start in September. Construction on the new Mount Jordan is slated to start in February or March 2014. Scheduled completion is June 1, 2015.
Anti-Discrimination Policy Update
Jeffrey K. Christensen, Policy and Research Coordinator, gave an update on the work done by the District’s Anti-Discrimination Policy Task Force, which was created last year to review District policies governing discrimination and harassment. The task force will continue its work in the coming school year. The Task Force will bring recommendations to the Board as they are completed.
Superintendent Search
Board member Kim Horiuchi discussed the progress made in finding a consultant to assist in the search for a new superintendent. The deadline for the request for proposals from consultants who have experience in conducting national searches has been extended two weeks. She said the Board still plans to name a search consultant in September and begin the public-input process on the characteristics the CSD community would like to see in a new leader. Throughout October meetings will be held to receive comments from parents, patrons, students and employees. The information gathered during this process will influence the job description, to be published in January 2014. The Board will then interview a pool of finalists. The Board plans to appoint the successful candidate at the first meeting in March. Dr. Ginger Rhode is acting as the Interim Superintendent. Dr. David Doty, Canyons’ first superintendent, resigned in April to become the leader of an education-reform firm.
Board Action
The Board approved the Consent Agenda, which includes the June 18 Minutes; Purchasing Bids; Board Hires and Terminations; June Financial Reports; a Home School Affidavit; the approval of a 700 East right-of-way memorandum; the purchase of two building lots for CTEC’s Home Building Program; and the adoption of a resolution allowing the District to issue $60 million in general obligation bonds. The Board also approved student overnight travel for Hillcrest’s Shakespeare team and Hillcrest’s music department. The Board also voted to modify the terms of a student appeal.
Superintendent’s Report
Dr. Rhode reported on the professional development that has been provided to teachers and administrators. In addition, she said more than 200 administrators attended the fourth annual Leadership Conference, where the featured presenter was Dr. Randy Sprick, director of Teaching Strategies, Inc. and lead consultant for Safe and Civil Schools. The focus of the day was Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports. She also updated the Board on the District’s efforts to provide short- and long-term housing in the community for foreign Dual-Immersion Language Program teachers. She thanked Susan Edwards, Community Engagement Coordinator, for her work finding community housing for the educators.
Board Reports
Green participated in the Healthy Lifestyles Day with District administrators, and said it was fun to socialize with the employees and enjoy a day of bowling. He and 2nd Vice President Nancy Tingey met with the science and math teams in the Evidence-Based Learning Department, and he said he’s excited for the progress the District is making in science, technology, engineering and math.
Kim Horiuchi entered the Butlerville Days parade and heard many people along the parade route thank the District for building the new Butler Middle School. She saw a lot of familiar faces in the Cottonwood Heights production of “The Music Man,” and reflected on the talent in the community, particularly the students. She’s looking forward to attending next week’s ribbon-cutting events at Corner Canyon High, Draper Park and Butler middle school. She thanked voters for approving the 2010 bond that is allowing the District to build and renovate schools.
Nancy Tingey, who reported on tours of the new Draper Park Middle and Corner Canyon High schools, thanked the administration for welcoming her at the Aug. 1-2 Leadership Conference. She also attended a conference about School Trust Lands that she found very instructive. Tingey reflected on the start of school, saying that it seemed like a “magical time” in the history of Canyons, with the opening of new schools, and the implementation of grade reconfiguration and new boundaries. She wished everyone a very happy and productive start to the school year.
Vice President Steve Wrigley enjoyed the Leadership Conference and appreciates the focus on behavior management. He said the new schools are aesthetically pleasing, conducive to learning, and energy efficient. Wrigley said Canyons communities are growing excited for the new schools.
Iverson expressed thanks for the back-to-school events, especially the Middle School Orientations, which his sixth-grade daughter will attend.
President Sherril Taylor thanked the administration and staff for their hard work preparing for the 2013-2014 school year.
Closed Session
The Board met in Closed Session for the purpose of discussing collective bargaining; the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual; and the purchase, exchange or lease of real property.